Imagin Michael in the Die Hard Films LMAO


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok we all know that Mike is a pretty good actor but Imagin him in Die Hard :lol: oh man i can picture him saying " Yo hans whos bad" hans is the bad guy in Die Hard for those who don't know, i think it would be relly funny to see that
MJ :kickass2: would be much better than Bruise Willis
Bruise making moonwalk and trying to dance - it would be really funny to see that
This thread is being moved to the Music and the Madness. ThrillerMJ, if you could activate your PMs, I would appreciate it! Thanks!
That's a random thought. lol

In all seriousness though, I'd love to see MJ play a big role in a film. Not as himself and not in a musical type of thing. But a movie where he plays someone that's different to himself and he just has to act. No singing and dance because IMO a lot of singer/dancers who are in movies use their singing and dancing talents to cover up their lack of acting talent.
OMG I thought it said "imagine Michael DIE in the DIE HARD films" I was like... WTF o_O....... no that's cool I'd love to see
Ok we all know that Mike is a pretty good actor but Imagin him in Die Hard :lol: oh man i can picture him saying " Yo hans whos bad" hans is the bad guy in Die Hard for those who don't know, i think it would be relly funny to see that

LMAO!! I love this thread already!! :lol: :imbad:

Yippie kai ya mother f*cker! HEE HEE!! LOL

Too funny dude!! LMFAO!!

LOL instant blockbuster!

I would laugh my ass off so much AND I would think he was hot too *GOSH*

Couldn't agree more. :lol::lol:
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well maybe in 2 or 3 but the first one is a classic