I Am Confused. Why Is Lindsay Lohan Under House Arrest For Doing Something Legal?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lindsay Lohan has to wear an ankle bracelet tracking device, like what happens when you are unbder house arrest, for drinking alcohol? :scratch: Lindsay has been a legal adult for at least three years now. Why would they make her wear the ankle bracelet for drinking alcohol?:scratch: I could understand if she were like 15, but she is well over the age of 21.
ya instead of going to jail like she effin should have as anyone else would, the judge decided to have her wear the anklet but thats not gonna work. I'm sure Lindsay Lohan would pull a 'Saw' and chop off her own ankle to party.
I will say it again..I feel for lyndsay..she is a very talented young woman. She has problems with drugs and alcohol that is obvious to all of us. She deserves to pay the price for violating her probation. However...she needs some stable people in her life that are going to help her clean herself up..she is on a path of self destruction..she doesn't realize that because SHE is the one with the problem. People cannot just give up on her and sit back and watch her kill herself with what she is doing. I dont know who in her life is willing to help her..but someone has to. Otherwise she is gonna end up just like the rest of these young talented stars...in a casket. Then they will all be sitting back saying,,,,I should of helped her. believe me that is what they do. So hopefully she will not become a victim to her disease.