Losing My (Organized) Religion


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Georgia, USA
The Atheist thread doesn't quite cover my current spiritual journey and neither does the Jesus Christ thread, so here it is: I'm not feeling the whole organized religion jive anymore, wondering if any of what was passed down through the decades, centuries, millenniums was just another form of mental/emotional/spiritual slavery.

I grew up in the Christian faith, both parents were Southern Baptists and that tradition is deep! It is an emotional worship, a rocking worship and very demonstrative, but light on the Word. As I got older (and on my own) I wanted to actually STUDY the bible and even venture into other religious views of god. A few of my Baptist relatives were appalled by this and felt I was opening myself to evil by turning from THE religion. My Jehovah's Witness relatives were happy about my journey and invited me to study with them. While they do offer a more in-depth study of the bible, the message that there is only one "true" religion (and theirs is it) is no different than the Baptists and every other denomination.

In short, what I'm realizing is maybe the connection between man and a creator/holy one/whatever is deeper and more free than any laundry list of religious rules and regulations set up by man. If I'm wrong and Hell is real, then I'll get that 'truth' when/if I get there. Frankly, I don't really buy that Heaven is real, either.
I think I personally killed the Jesus thread with my EXTREMELY long essay about this very thing. :blush: Its a bad habit lol

But loooooong story short, I've had a similar journey in recent weeks. I've even had a similar background. I definitely agree.

I can't judge and say the whole of religion itself is wrong or spiritual slavery, I think that it can be the right thing for individual people on their spiritual journey. For instance, I certainly do not regret the experiences I've had being involved in certain religious groups. Especially in college, we did some really great and loving things that I believe in. And fundamentally, a lot of religions got it right, the core message at least - which is really, love each other, love god, be one, be connected, seek your spiritual self. But the core message often gets lost in the shuffle of man-made interpretations and labels that we put on God. It gets lost in traditions, lost in over simplification of CONTEXT. And really lost in the details. That said, God's message can survive even that, and sometimes organized religion really can be a good thing for some people. I recognized that it is not for me anymore after having gone through that chapter in my life.

There are many people of course that feel this way. I love Steve McSwain's blog, he used to be a Christian Minister, now he "preaches" about breaking out of the mold of organized religion - but its not done in a way that alienates all religion. You know, what ever religion you choose to be, its only a preference, not the 'right' way. And he chooses to be a Christian, so I identify with his words the most. I read every single one of his blogs and I admit it has had a great impact on me, not really telling me much that I don't know, but affirming my own fundamental beliefs that I had long pushed under a rug.

I'm also reaching the tail end of reading "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle - pretty famous but AMAZING book that I'm just now getting to. It kinda stemmed from my my investigation into higher consciousness which I found is just a really fancy smancy way of saying 'means to get closer to God by yourself.' Steve McSwain quotes a lot from Tolle too. Its a pretty "WOW" thing to wrap my head around, but even if i don't quite 'get' all of it, it's got MANY great practical ways to tap into your spirit in the midst of a chaotic physical world. (Anyone who's read this book, I'd love to talk about it more!) Bottomline its all about love and acceptance. And if all religions get back down to those fundamental things they were founded on, then the world would be a better place.

And you know, even Michael Jackson had some interesting things to say about the subject (Dancing the Dream, which touches on a LOT of this stuff, to my surprise) - as I know he was taught quite a bit by Deepak (despite my grievances about him as a person). He's also a prominent figure in this group of teachers who advocate non-organized faith, and faith that coincides with science, and higher consciousness.

My brother is a Baha'i and I've talked to him about this journey I'm on, and learned more about his religion. I think if there's any religion that I'd probably get behind (other than Christianity), it is that one - because they believe that all religions have it right (and it kinda make sense because if you look at all spiritual doctrines, fundamentally they say a lot of the same things. The differences are in the details). They believe God sends down messengers for different cultures in different periods of humanity's development (hence New Testament/Old Testament) - so Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha, etc... and their own teacher who they believe is the "most recent" one, Bahá'u'lláh. So no one way is the right way for them, not even their way (though obviously they prefer their way because - as my brother explained it, its like using an old operating system. It still works, and you can do what you need to. But why use it when you can get an updated version? lol). But they encourage spirituality overall, and unity. Unity is their big thing.

I got to visit one of their temples, and not only is it one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, but it has symbols representing all faiths which I thought was really cool. I probably won't "join" - but its nice to be open to other ways of thinking.

So yeah! I definitely know what you mean, and I'm right in the middle of learning ways to kinda grasp my spirituality without organized religion.
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Have you tried Unitarian Univerasalism? I was brought up as an atheist but started questioning my beliefs a couple of yrs ago and am now a member of a Unitarian Church here in Scotland. It was actually a member on this board who introduced me to the idea of being a Unitarian.

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I appreciate the input and I found it interesting and informative. :) No, I'm not interesting in joining another sect, religion, organization. I am burnt out on dogma, about how some ways of expressing love/charity/compassion has to be tied to a spiritual "doctrine". I don't see how the way some one prays or believes has anything to do with caring for your fellow man, for those less fortunate, to show LOVE. Animals feel love and they don't go to a church, mosque, temple, what-have-you.

Also, the urge to convert people to the "truth" (according to whatever religious POV the believer is representing) has turned me off, too. How does anyone know which doctrine is truly god's? Which god? The Christian one? The Islamic one? The Jewish one? Anyone else's? The wars fought over religious entitlement and arrogance; "my god is bigger than your god", "we are the chosen ones", "death to the infidels" has caused more pain and destruction than the love they're supposed to spread.

Maybe I'm not losing my religion? I feel like I'm taking the blinders off on something I didn't really believe in the first place. :coffee:
I appreciate the input and I found it interesting and informative. :) No, I'm not interesting in joining another sect, religion, organization. I am burnt out on dogma, about how some ways of expressing love/charity/compassion has to be tied to a spiritual "doctrine". I don't see how the way some one prays or believes has anything to do with caring for your fellow man, for those less fortunate, to show LOVE. Animals feel love and they don't go to a church, mosque, temple, what-have-you.

Mm hm. I agree. I believe humanity was made to love and walk with god but we get lost thanks to our own devices. Everyone is capable of love and hearing God, its just about being able to listen. I think thats one benefit of doctrine and organized religion for some. Its a way for people to get their feet wet when it comes to spiritual things. Or some people find themselves more connected with God when they are fellowshipping with other people, and in that way they can learn more. But after that, there is nothign wrong with taking what you learn and moving on and going your own way, just like with anything in life.

Also, the urge to convert people to the "truth" (according to whatever religious POV the believer is representing) has turned me off, too. How does anyone know which doctrine is truly god's? Which god? The Christian one? The Islamic one? The Jewish one? Anyone else's? The wars fought over religious entitlement and arrogance; "my god is bigger than your god", "we are the chosen ones", "death to the infidels" has caused more pain and destruction than the love they're supposed to spread.

Yeah that was one of my biggest problems. It was the one thing that made me feel uncomfortable with the group I was a part of in college. I much rather help people find some kind of spiritual life, ANY kind, doesn't matter if it agrees with mine. God talks to everyone uniquely, so who am I to say how God will reach another person? As long as they tap into something, it has been my experience that the results are the same. There are loving, kind, wise people from all religions - all of which look to a higher power. And if I truly believe in a forgiving, all encompassing, unconditional loving god - then I believe that God will accept those people too. It makes no sense to me that He wouldn't. Just because they don't call Him by the same name or praise Him by the same customs? Really?
Maybe I'm not losing my religion? I feel like I'm taking the blinders off on something I didn't really believe in the first place. :coffee:

I think you're losing your religion and finding your spirituality, as I am. It's an awesome thing. And the bolded part is exactly how I feel. I think I said somewhere else that I'm...sorta going back to beliefs that I had as a child, that I abandoned when I was kinda pushed into the Baptist tradition. I felt if I believed what I truly believed, then I wouldn't be in favor of the eyes of God. I'm shaking that off now and truly walking by faith. What better way to do that but to shake off all preconceived notions of God, shake off all threats and ultimatums about going to Hell...and just trust in Him without religion? With out the safety net of it? That's courage - especially in the society we're in.
I´m not that religious but I´m not an atheist either.
for example in the pristine rainforest they are all dependent on each other-how did it happen?
if someone created the world why are some animals born as prey.
Why all this killing, to survive?

I think Gospel of Thomas is very interesting.

Jesus said, "If you say that the abode of the Gods is in the sky, the birds will arrive there before you. If you say it is in the sea, the fish will arrive there before you. Know that the heavenly realm is both inside you and outside you, and you will know that which is outside by that which is inside. When you have found the Light within yourselves, you will know as you are known. Then you will know that you are the children of the Living Parents and that your destiny is to be as they are. The person who knows not himself, is poor in Spirit, for he is his own poverty."

Jesus said, "The Way of the Prophets is a trail of tears. I have commissioned you to be prophets to this generation. Consequently, they will ridicule and revile you, saying all kinds of bad things about you. What? Don't you know that they have always rejected the prophets whom I have sent among them? Yes, I tell you the truth when I say that even those who follow the prophets do not understand them, for they speak of the things of the Spirit, which cannot be apprehended by the physical mind.
Jesus said, "Many of you think that I have come to establish peace in the physical realm. I will not bring peace, but dissension, fire, sword, and war. Families will be divided because of me; friends will stop associating with one another, nations will join in battle. Yes, those who would follow me must be willing to forsake everything, and to stand alone, if they would inherit the realm of my Parents."
Mary of Bethany asked him, "Will the thirst for knowledge ever be quenched?" Jesus said, "When once you have drunk from the spring of knowledge, you will return again and again, for each time your thirst is satisfied, a new thirst will grow, greater than the first. The more you drink, the greater will be your desire to drink, but in the intensity of your desire, you will be filled.

Jesus said, "This earth and the planets surrounding it will pass away, and everything will become new. Consider this: In the beginning, you were organized as one body, but when you became two, the illusion of separateness entered the physical plane. Now you are many, and this illusion abounds. Listen to what I'm saying! You must become a solitary person before me, if you want to dwell on the new planets and the new earth which I will create. Those who are enlightened will understand what I'm saying."

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, Simon, when I say that the heavenly realm is within you. Only when you have established the divine realm within, and overcome the demons of doubt and fear, will you discern the key to the establishment of the realm of the Eloheim on the physical plane."

Elizabeth asked him, "Master, why has woman been made unequal with man?"

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, Elizabeth, when I say that in the beginning the Eloheim created mortals male and female; they were one body, perfectly united and absolutely equal. Through the Fall came disparity, and under the Fall there must always be division and disharmony and inequity. Only when you are redeemed from the Fall will male and female cease to exist, for you will become a perfect whole, accomplishing a single work. Only then will the purposes of the Parents be accomplished in the renewal of the physical realm. It is for this reason that I make the female male, and the male female, so that you may be in the physical realm as the Parents are in the heavenly realm."

Elizabeth, Mary of Bethany ,Mary Magdaline asked questions and got answers from Jesus according to Thomas.It seems there were female disciples too.
Gospels in the bible are written by 4 men, with their interpretations.

Mary Magdaline could have been one of Jesus disciples but in the bible they portray her as a whore.
Oh wow MIST, those are awesome selections!! I have to study those gospels more carefully. As you can imagine, my eyes never touched them while under church circles.
Elizabeth asked him, "Master, how can a person purify his heart of the desire to do wrong?" Jesus said, "By thinking right thoughts, which lead to deeds of righteousness. The mind of the Child of Light will be filled with Light, the peaceable things of the heavenly realm. He who dwells on wrongness will dwell in wrongness. The person who is enlightened will understand what I am saying."

Simon the Patriot said to him, "Lord, we are surrounded by wrongness every moment of our lives. Why do you say that we need not dwell in wrongness?" Jesus said, "You hear my words, Simon, but you do not perceive their meaning. As a person thinks in his heart, so is he and so is the world in which he dwells. Every person creates his own world, according to that which he fears and that which he loves."

Simon Peter said, "There is so much wrong in the world; how can the world be made pure?" Jesus said, "Purify your own hearts, and the world will become pure."

I come to think of man in the mirror..

More about gospel of Thomas

They say we can´t be sure it´s based on Jesus sayings.
All I can say is that I think it´s thoughts of a very beautiful person.
I think you're losing your religion and finding your spirituality, as I am. It's an awesome thing. And the bolded part is exactly how I feel. I think I said somewhere else that I'm...sorta going back to beliefs that I had as a child, that I abandoned when I was kinda pushed into the Baptist tradition. I felt if I believed what I truly believed, then I wouldn't be in favor of the eyes of God. I'm shaking that off now and truly walking by faith. What better way to do that but to shake off all preconceived notions of God, shake off all threats and ultimatums about going to Hell...and just trust in Him without religion? With out the safety net of it? That's courage - especially in the society we're in.

:agree: That's it, the feeling that if I didn't fall in line and carry on that tradition, pick up my cross, I'd be betraying the "truth", denying god (and shaming the bible thumpers in my family/neighborhood/culture). My aunt that raised me after my parents died is the ONLY one in my family I told about my religious burnout and she was so understanding, didn't condemn me. Before she died (a year ago last week) she told me, "God knows your heart and that's all that matters. Trust in that and don't anyone tell you any different." I've been getting closer to telling the rest of the family that I'm breaking ranks since she died. I appreciate the feedback, because it does help.

Thank you
I personally see as another form of slavary not only being part of organized religions, sects, cults, but also having any deity. That's why I chose to free myself from gods and Catholicism 11 years ago. It's like a requirement FOR MANY to tie yourself into deities to be a good and ethical person and receive rewards for those actions, rather than doing good because it's the right thing without expecting anything in return. As long as you have morals, values and you conduct yourself as ethically as possible, you don't need any higher power to rely on. People can be spiritual and being perfectly in owe with the complexity of our universe and human kind.

I'm not saying you're wrong if you chose to believe in any god or goddess, you're free to do whatever on earth you want. I was stating it's wrong for myself. The two things that bothers me about people believing in a higher power is one, some dismiss all evidence even scientists have corroborated already (like the age of the earth, 4.5 billion years old and not 10,000, or the evolution) claiming with their holy book or with their clergy people they know the absolute truth because their god is all knowing and powerful. And two, the fact millions shield themselves into their gods and religions to justify their bad actions (note, I'm not saying all believers are bad, not the case.)
Snow yes, the reasons you mentioned is why I separated myself from organized religion. I think the man made construct of it can be enslaving, but God/the Source/ the spirit/ Being/Oneness with all things - however you want to call it, is free from that. At least thats what I believe. And if people reeeeally think about it instead of following the sheep of their respective religions, the idea of a higher power coincides just as much with science as the idea of there not being one. But religious leaders get so defensive and their EGOS get in the way, and they think that if their concepts, their 'versions' of God, or whatever labels they want to put on God is attacked then somehow that diminishes the power of God - which only reveals more about them than God him/herself. Science, I believes allows us to discover more about God. Because I believe - well at least now, that God is working in everything. In our bodies, in our cells, in the small molecules that make up all things - this chain reaction that keeps life going and to be connected with that is to be connected with God. And its not so much that this connection with God is required to be 'good' - i think its in our nature to be good. To help our fellow man. To love, etc. We aren't born in this world hateful (eh, MJ reference coming up! Hence why MJ saw god in children). Things get in the way of that fundamental truth. Things get in the way of our true selves, our true spirit. Religion can be one of those things - at least I believe.

But I think connection with God allows you too...I guess see more. To be aware of more. Not to be good but to be wise. That in itself gives you strength and centers you within a world that is constantly trying to distract you from that fundamental truth of who you are deep inside.
This is someone I have loved and respected and his music is amazing. He was a raggamuffin non traditionalist Christian and very wise IMO although he usually claimed to know nothing and said he just relied on the faithfulness of Jesus no matter what . You may relate

This is someone I have loved and respected and his music is amazing. He was a raggamuffin non traditionalist Christian and very wise IMO although he usually claimed to know nothing and said he just relied on the faithfulness of Jesus no matter what . You may relate

:chillin: I'm listening now. Thanks, qbee!
That Rich Mullins clip hit home in so many ways! I've always known that there are things greater than ourselves (humans), things we don't know about and things that are beyond science and technology. Spiritual connections are real, even though they can't really be explained or made to fit into a nice package like in organized religion.

Now this journey of mine isn't about denying the existence of a creator, a god (or gods). I'm not so arrogant as to proclaim that humans are the top of the food chain; I just don't think we know it all or are truly qualified to make such a bold statement. If we're the gods, then we're truly in a world of SHIT, because we most certainly don't treat each other or this planet right.
OH and another thing I just discovered is actually watching a science video by this guy named Vsauce (he's pretty famous, makes some awesome stuff about all kinds of scientific questions). Anyway in one of them he was talking about how pretty much all of our atoms get replaced every 7-10 years. So we literally are not the exact same person we were 7 years ago because really all of the micro organisms that make up our body really kind of just come together and hold our shape for a while and then go away (really abstract way of putting it I know lol).

So that kinda got me thinking...well I was already thinking about this for a bit, but...the idea that consciousness/a soul exists outside of the body. I've obviously always believed it but I've also kinda gave up on the idea that science could really attest to it in some way. You know I've always kept hearing that once the brain function stops, then consciousness stops. Or rather, consciousness does not exist outside of the brain.

HOWEVER, that video got me thinking....if our body replaces itself every 7 years, is there an explanation then of how memories are possible? I'm sure there's a simple explanation for that will bust my spiritual 'ah ha!' moment bubble lol...but it just struck me as interesting that all of the atoms in our bodies can replace each other overtime, and yet we are still ourselves. We can connect past information about our former selves without needing to have the original atoms that carried the info. Doesn't that suggest that something more/spiritual might be moving in us?
OH and another thing I just discovered is actually watching a science video by this guy named Vsauce (he's pretty famous, makes some awesome stuff about all kinds of scientific questions). Anyway in one of them he was talking about how pretty much all of our atoms get replaced every 7-10 years. So we literally are not the exact same person we were 7 years ago because really all of the micro organisms that make up our body really kind of just come together and hold our shape for a while and then go away (really abstract way of putting it I know lol).

So that kinda got me thinking...well I was already thinking about this for a bit, but...the idea that consciousness/a soul exists outside of the body. I've obviously always believed it but I've also kinda gave up on the idea that science could really attest to it in some way. You know I've always kept hearing that once the brain function stops, then consciousness stops. Or rather, consciousness does not exist outside of the brain.

HOWEVER, that video got me thinking....if our body replaces itself every 7 years, is there an explanation then of how memories are possible? I'm sure there's a simple explanation for that will bust my spiritual 'ah ha!' moment bubble lol...but it just struck me as interesting that all of the atoms in our bodies can replace each other overtime, and yet we are still ourselves. We can connect past information about our former selves without needing to have the original atoms that carried the info. Doesn't that suggest that something more/spiritual might be moving in us?

I LOVE this possibility and it makes sense, because our essence/who we are isn't merely physical. It reminds me of the scene in the first Matrix movie when Morpheus explains how death in the virtual world can affect them in the real world. Neo asked if they died in the Matrix would they also die in the real world and Morpheus' answer was deep (for me)! Morpheus told him, "the body cannot live without the mind". To me that meant our bodies are just vessels for our spiritual selves, our souls, our essence. Those atoms replenish our physical selves, so who we truly are has to be above and beyond that. The spirit doesn't need the body to live (imo) because it isn't physical.
I´m not sure how they did it but years ago I read about how patients who had died lost some weight that they couldn´t explain.
It must have been some kind of bed scale the patient was on.
It couldn´t be explained that patients lost feces and urine because nothing was removed.
I don´t remember how much weight they lost, I think it was just a little perhaps 20-30g.
Something left the body but noone could see it.

I don´t know if a study was made with several patients or if it was something they just happened to see with a few patients

I think this is interesting from gospel of Thomas

Jesus said: If the flesh has come into being because of the spirit, it is a marvel; but if the spirit
(has come into being) because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. But as for me, I marvel at this,
how this great wealth has settled in this poverty.
MIST;4038021 said:
I´m not sure how they did it but years ago I read about how patients who had died lost some weight that they couldn´t explain.
It must have been some kind of bed scale the patient was on.
It couldn´t be explained that patients lost feces and urine because nothing was removed.
I don´t remember how much weight they lost, I think it was just a little perhaps 20-30g.
Something left the body but noone could see it.

I don´t know if a study was made with several patients or if it was something they just happened to see with a few patients

I think this is interesting from gospel of Thomas

:agree: It can't be seen, but it can be felt. One of my aunts didn't leave her husband's side the entire time he was in hospice and when he died, she said she FELT him leave. She said the air in the room dropped a few degrees briefly.
Sheila, I recently read a wonderful book by CS Lewis. I don't know if you have read it, but if you haven't, I recommend it. It's called Mere Christianity. I enjoyed it very very much. CS Lewis has an amazing talent for making things simple and clear. It's comprised of a series of speeches he gave on the radio during WWII. It also touches on some of the aspects you have mentioned (is Christianity, or any one religion the right one? what does love and charity mean?). Perhaps it will bring you some clarity. :)
Things are going ok with the few relatives I've told about my views on organized religion and none of them have offered me books to read or tried to convince me that I was "misguided" by our Jehovah's Witnesses kinfolk, LMAO!

I actually feel relieved, as if a heavy load was taken off of my back. I don't know if there is an "other side" and no book, movie, psychic, etc. has delivered concrete evidence strong enough to convince me otherwise. I'm not going to live another day of my life preparing for or wondering about where I'll go after I die. "We'll get our rewards in the new world" is a phrase I've heard since I was knee high to a grasshopper. What I do know and what I do have is the here and NOW.
Bumping this up because I want to continue this as an ongoing thread! I really want to find more MJ fans that are "spiritually awakened" in this way - because a lot of this stuff is so new to me and I want to talk about it! haha

I just started practicing meditation, which is kind of new to me as this more open way of thinking about God as made me more apt to try different things spiritually. Not in any quest to find that ONE religion of course, but just to learn more for myself. I attempted to learn about the concept of chakras. So far I see the benefits of meditation. Clearing the mind, being more centered in the NOW.

When I was meditating (before I was even thinking about chakras) - I got a sense from my inner being that brought my attention to the heart chakra. Here I'm thinking - hey! Thats good. Must be because I'm opening up. But I did some research and it turns out the heart chakra, when its blocked, causes: "symptoms including but not limited to being defensive, critical, controlling, suspicious, withdrawn, possessive and afraid of letting go." A good portion of these things are exactly what I had been struggling with all my life and more so recently. So that was a really interesting experience, now I'm working on setting the intention to balancing that part of myself out.

Have you guys had any experience with meditation at all?
Meditation, hmm. I recall doing something similar in Drama class (high school), but it wasn't spiritual in a religious sense. Mr. Stickle (drama teacher) wanted us to go into ourselves and free ourselves in order to open ourselves to the role we were going to play. Bahahahahaaa, that sounds like bs I know, but it did have a calming effect on me, helped me to see the character from the character's pov.

My only other meditation experience was when I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I attended Buddhist services with the locals and other military that had converted to Buddhism. :D
The only time I meditate is at Major Love Prayer.
I would like to meditate more but I´m often stressed and find it hard to relax.

This is an experience I had at Major Love Prayer

Something strange happened to me last time.
I was lying down during the MLP with my eyes closed, trying to send love and imagine holding hands with others.Afterwards I made my mind empty, thinking of nothing at all when I got that film in my head.

We were standing in a green field in lines and Michael was there too, in the first line.
Imagine an army in a battlefield but there were no weapons and we had no uniforms.
We were no angels dressed in white, not even Michael, I remember green grass and strong colours among the clothes.
I might add that we were heading in the same direction.

Another experience I had was when we should concentrate to silence the weapons for a moment,it´s still Major Love Prayer.
I thought of History tour when the soldier came with his gun and Michael took his hand and pressed it down.
Suddenly I saw weapons thrown in a large pit, I didn´t see people just the weapons in the air.
Then I saw weapons thrown down from a cliff and I think it was at that time I began to think;I must stop this ,weapons must be recycled. But the weapons were still thrown down just like before.
I remember it was a strange feeling, I was a wake but couldn´t control it at all.
Maybe my inner peace self met my inner recycling self..
(edit: and yeah I realise this thread is more for people who have gone from an organised religion, e.g. Christianity, to a ... less-organised one? I guess? *shrug* but uh there's no thread for "I was an atheist and now I'm not" so yeah)

You could have started one. Atheism (or whatever it's called) isn't a religion. What I expressed with starting this thread is freeing my spiritual self from the confines of man-made doctrine, i.e. organized religion. I was under the impression that atheists don't acknowledge/believe ANYTHING spiritual.
Hm... should I delete my post then and start a new (more relevant) thread for it? (and sorry for not doing that before, I'm always a little wary of starting new posts, it's a holdover from when I was younger and made frequent new posts on a certain forum and people were like "Don't make so many new posts" so from then on I've always felt a bit trepidatious about starting new posts on ANY forum.)

edit: nvm, decided to delete anyway. Will start up a new thread.
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After losing my grandma in 2011, I definitely believe there is an afterlife. Whether or not it is the Christian afterlife (I believe it is, though) remains to be seen.
^ Would you be comfortable speaking more on that? What makes you believe there is an afterlife?
Its totally okay if you don't want to go into it. I'm just curious.