People who think Michael's guilty but still buy his music

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What are you're thoughts on this?

I've always said that if Michael really was guilty (Which he wasn't btw) then I would have been done with him and his music a long time ago. I find it really creepy that someone would support someone while still believing he was a child molester

They always use the ''you gotta separate the artists from the person'' excuse, but for me that only goes so far
I could not listen to his music if I thought he was guilty. I mean how can you listen to a love song from, for example, when you think he might have sung that with a young boy he abused in mind? I don't know, maybe some can seperate that, but I could not.

I also think there are a lot of weirdos running around in this world and I have seen some very strange "fans" too who are almost as if they get a kick from the thought of MJ being a pedo, as if they even like that fantasy about him. I will never understand that and I certainly would not let any child around those so called "fans", that's all I'm gonna say.

And then there are the accusers. I have seen several of Jordan Chandler's very close friends and family members praising MJ as an artist on social media. But I don't think they think he was a pedo. They must know he never touched Jordan for them to say such nice things about the guy whom their friend/family member once accused.
My mother is not certainly a fan whatsoever, she believes all the crap said but I've heard her praising his artistry a few times, do haters praising Michael's music count? I've also encounter some of those online as well, if so, I don't understand them. I couldn't love someone's work or their character and knowing they are/were criminals, it's like admiring dictators or genocidals despite the horror they have caused to millions.
Diane Dimond is another example. We all know her agenda against Michael... but she also has framed photos of him hanging in her house. She also paid thousands of dollars for one of his fedora's, and it's inscribed, "With All My Love, Michael".

Explain that?:doh:
Eww, she's worse than the people I mentioned! :puke: How could I forget about it? Probably because I found so disturbing on many levels she bought Michael's underwear as well. I have the feeling she has/had a secret crush on him and he rejected Demon. I can't find any other logical explanation for her hardcore hatred and crazy obsession towards him.

I'll post what happened to me with Elvis. I've never considered myself a fan of his but I enjoyed some of his music since my childhood years until 2012 when I found out how old Priscilla was when she began "dating" with Elvis. Now I have hard time listening to his music and I actually feel contempt and disgust towards him for having a free pass from the media and public in general even though it's not a secret for many people he was a sexual predator or pedo while Michael is still labelled as a criminal being innocent. Isn't statutory rape a crime? He performed cunnilingus on Priscilla when she was 14 and a minor, Elvis 24 and when she was 16, they were already living together and I don't think they were just giving kisses or holding hands. He took advantage of his fame and age to lure a minor teenager to have sex with him.
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I find these people perplexing too. I think unfortunately they believe him to be the media's distorted but vague image of a "weirdo" with a supposedly mysterious sexuality that the media has explained as him supposedly being a pedo due to the publicized financial settlements. I have a hard time believing that people would enjoy his music if they really believed that he was what a pedo is in the concrete sense of the word - as in I doubt that they would enjoy his music if they really believed that the polite, soft-spoken, talented young man who the world watched grow up was actually a predator who scarred little boys for life after physically violating and emotionally traumatizing them. I'd like to think that these admirers of his music would be able to see the truth, if they ever became willing to seek information about all the holes in the stories behind the false allegations.
Eww, she's worse than the people I mentioned! :puke: How could I forget about it? Probably because I found so disturbing on many levels she bought Michael's underwear as well. I have the feeling she has/had a secret crush on him and he rejected Demon. I can't find any other logical explanation for her hardcore hatred and crazy obsession towards him.

Dimond reminds me of this:

I'll post what happened to me with Elvis. I've never considered myself a fan of his but I enjoyed some of his music since my childhood years until 2012 when I found out how old Priscilla was when she began "dating" with Elvis. Now I have hard time listening to his music and I actually feel contempt and disgust towards him for having a free pass from the media and public in general even though it's not a secret for many people he was a sexual predator or pedo while Michael is still labelled as a criminal being innocent. Isn't statutory rape a crime? He performed cunnilingus on Priscilla when she was 14 and a minor, Elvis 24 and when she was 16, they were already living together and I don't think they were just giving kisses or holding hands. He took advantage of his fame and age to lure a minor teenager to have sex with him.

I read Priscilla's book Elvis and Me and she says Elvis also made her take drugs while she was a minor. When she did not want to Elvis got angry and threatened her. There was one time when some druged knocked her out for a day or so. That's what Priscilla claims at least. As for sex, Priscilla says they did not go all the way until they got married (and it seems like this is how she is trying to defend the situation), but they did sexual stuff when she was a minor.

It's interesting also because some of the most vile MJ haters I experienced were Elvis fans. Kettle. Pot. Black. I guess they feel threatened by MJ.

I find these people perplexing too. I think unfortunately they believe him to be the media's distorted but vague image of a "weirdo" with a supposedly mysterious sexuality that the media has explained as him supposedly being a pedo due to the publicized financial settlements. I have a hard time believing that people would enjoy his music if they really believed that he was what a pedo is in the concrete sense of the word - as in I doubt that they would enjoy his music if they really believed that the polite, soft-spoken, talented young man who the world watched grow up was actually a predator who scarred little boys for life after physically violating and emotionally traumatizing them. I'd like to think that these admirers of his music would be able to see the truth, if they ever became willing to seek information about all the holes in the stories behind the false allegations.

I have literally seen a "fan" say on another forum that the child molestation allegations are great because they add to his mystery. I was like WTF? Like I said there are a lot of weirdos out there and it's not Michael.

I think the people who say such things or they still call themselves fans despite of believing he was guilty, do not take child abuse seriously. They cannot really comprehend what a seriously damaging crime it is.
They are NOT fans!!! Simple. No way. Don't care what argument they try and bring. As for as I am concerned, if you believe someone is a pedophile and still like then, there is something ****ed up with your mind and you should be investigated because your moral compass is not working correctly!
There are also ''fans'' who think they are ''keeping it real'' by believing Michael was guilty.
In a way yes, at least Helga is funny, her allege hatred is just a mask to hide her unrequited love for Arnold. However the actions of that hag Demon are vindictive with the objective of destroying Michael, no matter if he's not here anymore. That's the reason I stated that possible explanation before.

About Elvis fans, even though they're aware of the inappropriate relationship he had with Priscilla, some them justify him saying "it was a different time, people already knew the person they chose to get marry" but they have the nerve to condemn Michael, WTF. The pot calling the kettle black indeed.
Victory22;4042603 said:
I don’t care how good an artist I could never support anyone I thought hurt a child.

Same here. I still scratch my head when I see people praising Roman Polanski (a CONVICTED child molester that fled the US to avoid going to prison) and Woody Allen (ok, he wasn't actually tried or convicted, but he definitely is suspect).
About Elvis fans, even though they're aware of the inappropriate relationship he had with Priscilla, some them justify him saying "it was a different time, people already knew the person they chose to get marry" but they have the nerve to condemn Michael, WTF. The pot calling the kettle black indeed.

I do not follow those MJfacts haters on Twitter but one day some time ago I was searching for something and I came across a couple of tweets between them. And it was between the operator of that MJfacts website and a follower of hers/his who is an Elvis fan and someone else started to talk about all the questionable things Elvis did with Priscilla and possibly other young girls. And MJfacts was like: "I'm not going to start talking about Elvis because [this Elvis fan who is a member of that MJ hater club] likes him." So there you have it. They do not care about child abuse in general. They only care about trashing MJ. They can overlook Elvis' actions for the sake of someone who is a member of their little club.
I say good music is good music, whoever it's from. If i knew MJ was a pedophile, i would still continue to listen to his music.
I would't adore him on a person level, but i think he was a genius, and nothing would change my mind in that.

By that argument, would you guys stop using, say internet, if you found out that the guys who created internet was pedophiles?
In my first post I said I couldn't love and admire a criminal who harmed innocent people in any way, I was talking in general not only regarding pedophilia. Nowadays I feel contempt towards Elvis, the human being and it was my choice not listening to his music, I might after a while, I might not but I can't take off my mind child sexual abuse is the most heinous crime humans can commit regardless of how good they are in what they do. Elvis was a predator, being the king of rock n' roll or not and it pisses me off he gets a free pass regarding his inappropriate conduct with possibly more than one minor, while Michael is still treated as such when there's absolutely no evidence of those disgusting allegations. And you're right respect, those haters just want to trash Michael, they're a fraud and a cancer for real victims of child sexual abuse. Internet is a useful tool, I'd still use it but I'd despise its creator if he had commited such hienous crime.
By that argument, would you guys stop using, say internet, if you found out that the guys who created internet was pedophiles?
I highly doubt that anyone sane would become a fan of someone they really thought was a pedophile. No, I wouldn't quit using the internet, but it's a piece of equipment that I use, like I use my car. I don't love it or feel anything with it, the way I do with music, movies, art, etc. I've given this a lot of thought since this popped up on another thread awhile back-I think if I found out that Harper Lee or Margaret Mitchell were pedophiles (two of my most loved and treasured authors)I could never read "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "GWTW" again, or even see the movies.
I'm a huge fan of Woody Allen's-HUGE-probably his biggest fan, (a fan, not the way I love Michael) but again, I don't think he did anything in pedophilia territory. He was investigated and I was satisfied with that. If it had come out differently, I would have never gone to see another film of his or watched my old ones-ever.
I highly doubt that anyone sane would become a fan of someone they really thought was a pedophile. No, I wouldn't quit using the internet, but it's a piece of equipment that I use, like I use my car. I don't love it or feel anything with it, the way I do with music, movies, art, etc.

That's just bullshit. It is the same thing, you are using someone elses services, music or internet.
It doesn't matter if you love the music, can't you separate the music from the artist?
When it comes to hurting people especially children no. One of my favorite songs growing up was called the glamorous life it was a rap song. The guy who rapped this song is death row for killing a cop. Whenever I hear that song I turn the station. You thought Michael Jackson was a pedophile but you loved his music you bought his records you went to his shows. You put money in his pocket and now his estate pockets. He's guilty but I will make him richer. That makes no sense
It sad how the world can still believe that Michael did this he was found not guilty by his own peers but that is still not good enough there is still that doubt that Michael did this and it will never go away.

I have always wonder what would have happen if Michael would have took the first allegations to court but that never happen we know the outcome Michael settled the case imo that change the ppls minds about Michael that why to this day their believe that Michael did this that is imo that how i see it.

I am sorry i rant up there but i just get so angry. I would buy Michael music i believe in him he would not hurt a child and i believe him i grow up on his music i don't find Michael guilty i find Michael not guilty so it is easy for me to buy his music he was the world greatest entertain and that is how i will remember Michael Jackson.

Don't judge me if you don't know me
Try hard to love me

Michael Jackson
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When it comes to hurting people especially children no. One of my favorite songs growing up was called the glamorous life it was a rap song. The guy who rapped this song is death row for killing a cop. Whenever I hear that song I turn the station. You thought Michael Jackson was a pedophile but you loved his music you bought his records you went to his shows. You put money in his pocket and now his estate pockets. He's guilty but I will make him richer. That makes no sense

You are probably hurting children already. Phones, shoes, clothes ect are in many times made by children that
work in asia, for lousy money under extrem conditions. Nevermind of all the things that we buy that are blood money. So why would i care if i support yet another "evil", but one that gives me satisfaction.
People who buy his music and still thinks he's guilty are still stupid and exposed themselves as frauds.
That's just bullshit. It is the same thing, you are using someone elses services, music or internet.
It doesn't matter if you love the music, can't you separate the music from the artist?

Err not really, that's like saying what if Henry Ford or Karl Benz were a pedophile, would you stop driving your car? Hell no, because it's an everyday tool that people use in daily life. A person's musical catalog isn't.

That's just bullshit. It is the same thing, you are using someone elses services, music or internet.
It doesn't matter if you love the music, can't you separate the music from the artist?
Absolutely not. I mean it-I don't love and adore these tangible objects. Music and all art are totally different-they get you in your emotional soul.
If I believed Michael was guilty, I wouldn't listen to his music. I don't listen to R Kelly, because it's been proven he's a pedophile. And Kelly is very talented, I'd like to listen to him...but I just can't.
If I believed Michael was guilty, I wouldn't listen to his music. I don't listen to R Kelly, because it's been proven he's a pedophile. And Kelly is very talented, I'd like to listen to him...but I just can't.

Just out of curiosity. Can you still listen to You Are Not Alone and Cry?
Just out of curiosity. Can you still listen to You Are Not Alone and Cry?
Well, I have to say that was a super interesting question and I had to really think about that, because I do listen to both of those-and sing along to "YANA" too when I hear it on the radio.
For me, I don't think it's because R. Kelly was acquitted-I think it's maybe because I don't associate those songs with R. Kelly-I just associate them with Michael.
And even his big hit "I Think I Can Fly"-I heard a choir sing that the first couple of times-years before I even knew who he was.
I only watched one special he was on, and didn't care for him, so I'm not conflicted there.

But that's a really good question-especially for people who are fans of R. Kelly, himself.
Yeah, i think supporting an artist is WAY different than buying equipment that is manufactured and run by several different people in a corporation.

And yes I don't get how one can listen/support MJ's music and think he's a pedophile.It would be different if MJ wasn't so personal with his art, but he certainly was, and he talked about children quite a bit. So it would be hard to separate that.
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