Was Michael Good at Math?


Proud Member
Feb 13, 2014
Yeah, um, that's the question. :) I was just wondering. :)
I'm sorry but I can't see what you sent. Can you sent it again please?
It's a picture of Michael's report card showing that he made an A in math at 14. I would have said no, because during his Thriller fame days, they interviewed his teacher in Gary and she remembered a story where she was pestering Michael to study for his math test. And he said he didn't need math, because he was going to be rich and famous and hire a business manager to take care of his money!
LOL. I'm sure she was telling it as a funny story.
Ooh, I knew that report card. But I wasn't sure about it because, you know, he didn't go to a normal school. Maybe his math was pretty good. I was expecting more information about it. Thanks anyway. :)
... this speaks for itself :cheeky:

Michael was above the laws of maths. If he said that 2 plus 2 equals 5, then 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Ooh, I knew that report card. But I wasn't sure about it because, you know, he didn't go to a normal school. Maybe his math was pretty good. I was expecting more information about it. Thanks anyway. :)
I doubt he was that interested in math-on the other hand, he constantly talked about the joys of reading all his life. What kind of information were you looking for?

PS-the skit with Flip Wilson is super funny-don't know why Michael thought he was bad in skits. I remember them and he was a doll.
I searched everything about it and all I could find was just a report card an a skit. It was pretty funny though. Maybe you knew something special about it, you know. :)
Michael was above the laws of maths. If he said that 2 plus 2 equals 5, then 2 plus 2 equals 5.

Some even say that he is above the laws of physics... There's a mythe going around saying that he didn't use special shoes to perform the Smooth Criminal Lean.
Some even say that he is above the laws of physics... There's a mythe going around saying that he didn't use special shoes to perform the Smooth Criminal Lean.

It's true. The special shoes were only made for the back up dancers