Michael Album


Proud Member
Dec 16, 2015

I just was just wondering at something. I've heard some different stuff, but I don't know what's true or not. Is Michael singing at the Michael album at all, or is it someone else? Because personally I think he's singing on some of the songs, but it sounds different. And if someone else is singing, who is it?
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This is a very very touchy subject that isn't really allowed to be discussed on here unless you want to start WWIII.
There's several threads on this if you want to catch up. I believe the major one is The Great Controversy.

There's also an active one about the lawsuit against the Cascios and their allegedly fake songs on the Michael album.
Yeah, it is very delicate. I would say, in the end everybody needs to decide for themselves whether they think it's Michael or not. I think it is important to respect everybody's opinion on that. I personally think he is singing in all songs except for Breaking News, Keep Your Head Up, and Monster. I personally see it very critically that Sony released an album with apparently someone else singing songs and trying to make ppl believe this is Michael. As if we all would be so silly. That is just my opinion. I also respect every other opinion to this. For the future, I hope they will only release stuff with Michael's real voice in it or if not, they should explicitly say it's someone else.
monster, breaking news, keep your head up sound 'like' Jason malachi.

the other songs are all by mj.
In my opinion, based on listening to MJ for years, Keep Your Head Up, Monster, and Breaking News sound nothing like MJ at all. I thinkthey said it was because the audio processing or something made it sound like that, but that's just a total lie. Jason Malachi definitely sung those songs. That's just what I believe though.