Things Michael would never say or do


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Title says it all

Michael: ''I absolutly refuse to go on stage unless i'm under the amber lights, the blue ones make me look fat! *Takes a sip of his water* Arhhh this isnt room temperature like i asked for! Bubbles pack my bags we're leaving!''
The Title says it all

Michael: ''I absolutly refuse to go on stage unless i'm under the amber lights, the blue ones make me look fat! *Takes a sip of his water* Arhhh this isnt room temperature like i asked for! Bubbles pack my bags we're leaving!''

*pointing different people* "F**k you...f**k you...and f**K you!!" *turns around and leaves and slams door behind him.* :lol: Wait...actually I could see him do that when he's pissed off! You know "What a schmuck, dimwit!" -style! :lol:

Hmmm....what could I not see MJ do or say....? Well, I can't really see him go "Hey free to night?!" *winks eye and slaps the girl's butt* to a fan or to any girl. And I can't see him being really rude to someone. He always seems to be so polite. And I can't see him YELLING at someone either. He does get really can SEE it...Like during could see he was BOILING at one point and wanting to slap Bashir's face...but he seems to be very patient and stays very calm. Love it. :)
Ask each person in the audience to SPIT in a container then drink it . ewww..
I forgot who did that, but when I heard it I gagged guhhghgh
*Michael walks onto the stage at the start of a concert*

Michael - ''What? can't i walk on stage like normal once in awhile?''
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Well, I can't really see him go "Hey free to night?!" *winks eye and slaps the girl's butt* to a fan or to any girl.

Oh my God! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Michael: "What the hell do you want rubbing my cds on my face? I know I look and sound good on them, you don't have to do that! Soooo annoying! :mad:
What? Oh, you just wanted me to sign them for you? Nope! Sorry, I'm not in the mood for that...
Now, would you please GET OUT OF MY FACE!!"

:)mello: I can't even imagine the scene!! Mike's so sweet... :wub:)
"I'd give her one!" :mello:

Althooooooooo...............he is apparently a kinky bugger :lol: Tehehehe...
*pointing different people* "F**k you...f**k you...and f**K you!!" *turns around and leaves and slams door behind him.* :lol: Wait...actually I could see him do that when he's pissed off! You know "What a schmuck, dimwit!" -style! :lol:

Hmmm....what could I not see MJ do or say....? Well, I can't really see him go "Hey free to night?!" *winks eye and slaps the girl's butt* to a fan or to any girl. And I can't see him being really rude to someone. He always seems to be so polite. And I can't see him YELLING at someone either. He does get really can SEE it...Like during could see he was BOILING at one point and wanting to slap Bashir's face...but he seems to be very patient and stays very calm. Love it. :)

yeah, me 2.
*pointing different people* "F**k you...f**k you...and f**K you!!" *turns around and leaves and slams door behind him.* :lol: Wait...actually I could see him do that when he's pissed off! You know "What a schmuck, dimwit!" -style! :lol:

Hmmm....what could I not see MJ do or say....? Well, I can't really see him go "Hey free to night?!" *winks eye and slaps the girl's butt* to a fan or to any girl. And I can't see him being really rude to someone. He always seems to be so polite. And I can't see him YELLING at someone either. He does get really can SEE it...Like during could see he was BOILING at one point and wanting to slap Bashir's face...but he seems to be very patient and stays very calm. Love it. :)

LOL!!!!!! TOOOOOOOO funny!!!! wow, i def. laughed out loud!!!!
*pointing different people* "F**k you...f**k you...and f**K you!!" *turns around and leaves and slams door behind him.* :lol: Wait...actually I could see him do that when he's pissed off! You know "What a schmuck, dimwit!" -style! :lol:

Yeah MJ NOW-a-days...he would TOTALLY say that lol.

I can't imagine MJ singing R Kelly's "Real Talk" to some girl lol:


Yeah if MJ ever did something like that, that's him on one of his REALLY BAD days :lol:

MJ: go f**k one of yo' FUNKY AZZ friends! Don't you think i got enough BULLSH*T on my mind??! IS YOU TWEAKIN??? You call my Papa Joe's house and WHAT?...F**K me???? GIRL F**K YOU! You gon' burn WHAT? GURL I WISH YOU WOUUULLLDD BURN MY MUTHA F**KIN CLOOOOTHES! With yo' trifflin azz! B***h you betta not TOUCH my motha f**kin HAT! Don't even LOOK at my RED SHIRTS! GURRRLLL YOU DEN WENT NUTS, don't let me catch you in my closet!


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Well, I can't really see him go "Hey free to night?!" *winks eye and slaps the girl's butt* to a fan or to any girl.

But imagine if Michael would slap a girl's butt, he would get away so easily. Because no one would actually believe it was him! And he'd be laughing his @ss off while some poor dude who just happened to be there too gets all the blame :lol:
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Molest a child.

haha..that's a good point!! lol. i have to second that one!!

i coudln't ever hear him say "i hate walter elias disney. the man stinks at life!"...nope..couldn't hear him say that...HE BETTER NOT..but he never would lol :love:
Great topic! Lots of interesting scenarios:lol:

Michael: "What?? This is Marlboro lights! I wanted Marlboro reds! Now, bring me my Jack Daniel's. I wanna party aaaalllll night!":devil:

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Yeah MJ NOW-a-days...he would TOTALLY say that lol.

I can't imagine MJ singing R Kelly's "Real Talk" to some girl lol:


Yeah if MJ ever did something like that, that's him on one of his REALLY BAD days :lol:

MJ: go f**k one of yo' FUNKY AZZ friends! Don't you think i got enough BULLSH*T on my mind??! IS YOU TWEAKIN??? You call my Papa Joe's house and WHAT?...F**K me???? GIRL F**K YOU! You gon' burn WHAT? GURL I WISH YOU WOUUULLLDD BURN MY MUTHA F**KIN CLOOOOTHES! With yo' trifflin azz! B***h you betta not TOUCH my motha f**kin HAT! Don't even LOOK at my RED SHIRTS! GURRRLLL YOU DEN WENT NUTS, don't let me catch you in my closet!



For some reason I can imagine MJ swearing when he gets REALLY pissed off. LOL! I know I do that. I'd say I'm a nice girl...I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't sleep around, I don't spend half of my life at nightclubs and all that...But when I get angry...I swear. A LOT !:lol: Just a couple of weeks ago this one person at our hospital's lab was REALLY getting on my nerves (It's a long story. A patient wasn't doing well, I needed to get a blood sample done QUICK and went to the lab with it myself to do it myself so that I have the result right away...And the idiot of a person at the lab kept getting in my way and doing everything in her power to make it impossible for me, so that it took forever to get the test done. I was like "I'm sorry, but my patient is NOT doing well, I HAVE to get this done now!!). Anyways...I was just really pissed off when I got back and as soon as I got back to the ward I was like "Gosh that A**HOLE at the lab....!!!! ARGH!!! What an IDIOT!!! F**K HER!!! ". One of our doctors happened to heard me and she just had to laugh. :lol:

But imagine if Michael would slap a girl's butt, he would get away so easily. Because no one would actually believe it was him! And he'd be laughing his @ss off while some poor dude who just happened to be there too gets all the blame :lol:

Yeah, well it depends how he slaps the butt. Like if we were walking and I'd be walking in front of him and would be walking too slow or he'd need to get pass me, and he'D slap my behind, I wouldn't mind that. We have this one lady at work who keeps slapping everyone's butts all the time. When ever I am being cheeky or get in her way, she slaps my butt. And it's nothing sexual...Like I said, she does it with everyone who gets in her way, etc. But you know, if it was the "coming on to you" kind of slap...I'd probably be liek "Get your hands off me!!". (Well, I probably wouldn't exactly say that, but I'd probably stare all pissed off! :lol:). And about MJ getting away with it....Well, he could only do it with one girl once I guess because other wise it would get obvious! And if it woudl happen to me and he'd do it more than once, I'd probably be like "Argh! Someone keeps grabbing my butt!!! Knock it off!!!". :mad::lol:
MJ: 'James Brown isn't talented at all. I think he's overrated. I don't like him at all.'

I think he wouldn't say that. Never!
Things that he'll never do?? Anything that haters say he will/does.
Something he would never say....well who knows maybe he might have...

*turns to chris tucker and says* "listen here man IF U DON'T GET MY KICK RIGHT WITH THE RIGHT LEG... IM GONNA KICK YO ASS!!! :lol:
''Could someone spare some change please?, i need money for the bus''
"KFC?? What's KFC?"

or even better...

"I'm a meat-and-potatoes type of guy"...

or even better...

"Recessions takin a toll on me....gotta cut back now on expenses"

I totally forgot this thread....I saw it...clicked on it...started reading...and then was like "What?? I posted on this one already? Can't even remember?!!" :lmao: :lmao: I'm getting senile...I swear! :bugeyed: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Please excuse my dumbness...but what is a grey poupon???:scratch:

"Grey Poupon" was (and still is) a dijon mustard. They had a lot of commercials about it in the 1980''s

Al Bundy of "Married with Children" did!! :lol:
