Liberian Girl...This could get sexy ladies!!


Proud Member
Oct 28, 2009
Let's talk about this incredibly SMOLDERING sexy song! His voice is literally velvet...He is velvet, pure and simple..
I was listening to this song the other day while driving to my sister in law's, which is 4 hours away...I listened to everything of Michael - Off the Wall to Invincible...When I was listening to Liberian Girl...I was in awe....His hiccups and sexy, velvety voice was so amazing...He sounds so beautiful in this song...Very seductive too...I wonder what he was thinking about when he wrote that song....mmmm...
Wow, I'm surprised more of you don't find this song incredibly sexy!!
It's an awesome song! I love it! :D I just don't like the girl singing/talking/choking in it... it could do fine without that part.
I was listening to this song the other day while driving to my sister in law's, which is 4 hours away...I listened to everything of Michael - Off the Wall to Invincible...When I was listening to Liberian Girl...I was in awe....His hiccups and sexy, velvety voice was so amazing...He sounds so beautiful in this song...Very seductive too...I wonder what he was thinking about when he wrote that song....mmmm...

Wowow... I couldn't have said it any better...

his voice.... uuuuuuuuuuuuu....
Yeah and to think he wrote this song in 1984! During the Thrille era!! Who the hell was he THINKNG ABOUT!!
I really like this song. Though I did not like it til I got older. I think his voice is splendid on this song. Very smooth and sexy.
The first hiccup in the beginning is to die for...Love it!!
yes, the hiccup at the beginning makes it seem like he's drunk or overdosed with love or something.

And my favorite part is everytime he sings "Liberian Girrrrlllll..." I just L.O.V.E how he drags the ending part of girl.......oh gawd.
one of my favorite mj ballads, lucky liberian girl who ever you are! :p
Liberian Girl is one of my all-time favorites.
I am totally in love with that song...
Oh yes, definitely a very sexy song. I like that one instrument in this song. I don't know what it's called though. My knowledge about instruments is limited.
Oh yes, definitely a very sexy song. I like that one instrument in this song. I don't know what it's called though. My knowledge about instruments is limited.

I think I know what you mean....I don't know what it is either...but it's pretty cool
I would Liberian Girl in the top 3 best songs that Mike has ever wrote
It's the hiccup....well, not the only thing in the song, but I always melt when I hear the first hiccup...OMG
It's the hiccup....well, not the only thing in the song, but I always melt when I hear the first hiccup...OMG

Mmm me too. :love:

There's something really special about this song to me.
You know how certain songs just resonate with you? It might not be my all-time favorite, but this is definitely "my song", haha.

If this song were a person, I'd marry it.

It's so exotic and unique.
Just out of this world sexy and so old-fashioned-romance.
Mmm me too. :love:

There's something really special about this song to me.
You know how certain songs just resonate with you? It might not be my all-time favorite, but this is definitely "my song", haha.

If this song were a person, I'd marry it.

It's so exotic and unique.
Just out of this world sexy and so old-fashioned-romance.

I know EXACTLY what you mean....It's not my favourite song, but true, it's "my song" as well...It's almost like it was meant for all his'd like to think that anyways...And I won't let anyone spoil my fantasy...I can never get enough of this song....

One of my favourite parts are ..."Liberian girl..You kiss me then, ooooh the do this to me..." I just die....So sensual
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he sings this song like (uh least that's what i feel while listening ... ) he's making love to who's listening (if a girl of course...guys excluded :p)