Unpopular opinions (Non music related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I thought that it would be fun to do a thread like this on the General Discussions board

Ok here goes

Batman (1989) is a better movie than The Dark Knight
Avater is really overhyped
Christian Bale was awful as Batman. (Michael Keaton kicks his ass in that role)
American Dad is better than Family Guy
Shy girls > non-shy girls.
CoD: Modern Warfare 2 is a crap game.
Firefox is the best browser.
4chan isn't that bad.
Megan Fox isn't hot.
Wii is a bad console.
Kate Middleton is cute.
Michael Jackson is an attractive man (this is coming from a 16 year old male).
Gemma Arterton has a weird face.
Pepsi > Coke (?).
Windows Vista wasn't that bad.
Xbox classic > PS2.
Lady Gaga is MEH.
Ke$ha should die (not really, but...).
Macs are overpriced; most people buy them because they know nothing about computers.
Smaller boobs > larger boobs.
90's > 80's.

I will add more to the list as I think of them.
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I thought that it would be fun to do a thread like this on the General Discussions board

Ok here goes

Batman (1989) is a better movie than The Dark Knight
Avater is really overhyped
Christian Bale was awful as Batman. (Michael Keaton kicks his ass in that role)
American Dad is better than Family Guy

Tim Burton really needs to stop casting Johnny Depp in most of his movies. Like what South Park said ''If Tim Burton is that in love with Johnny Depp then he should just have sex with him allready''
Futurama is funnier than The Simpson's

I've never liked Futurama, i'd rather watch it than anything from the last like 5 seasons of the Simpsons, but classic Simpsons episodes kick Futurama's ass!

So i think the Simpsons are dead and they should go back in time and end 5 or so seasons ago when it was still worth watching
I still like The Simpsons. I don't think they are as good as they were back in the 90's but i still enjoy watching it

but Seasons 3-9 will be the golden age of The Simpsons for me
Facebook makes me want to club a baby seal (not really).
Facebook is overrated. Michael Jackson is underrated.
I used to have a Facebook but then i deleted my account because for me it's just so pointless and most people write only crap on there anyway. Like what they had for dinner or where they went shopping. I mean who really gives a crap?
I used to have a Facebook but then i deleted my account because for me it's just so pointless and most people write only crap on there anyway. Like what they had for dinner or where they went shopping. I mean who really gives a crap?
Also: people making groups for the most ridiculous things, being spammed with the same bloody messages or invites every single day which clogs up my email inbox and girls fishing for compliments by calling themselves fat on the image caption when they are clearly not, but rather closer to anorexia.

Robert Pattinson isn't the sexiest man on the planet...

Spongebob Sqaure Pants is really annoying

Facebook is overrated. Michael Jackson is underrated.

The High School Musical movies are rubbish and just trying to copy greece

I agree with all those opinions......

Tim Burton really needs to stop casting Johnny Depp in most of his movies. Like what South Park said ''If Tim Burton is that in love with Johnny Depp then he should just have sex with him allready''
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Johnny Bravo and Powerpuff Girls were both crap.

Dragonball Z was awesome, Dragonball, Dragonball GT, etc. were all crap.