What do you think Michael will actually do on his 50th?


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Anyone have any ideas on what he might do? Do you think he will actually do anything?
Hopefully he'll enjoy the day very much.

Maybe with his children and some good friends.

And then annonce the release date of his new album!! :lol:
he will have blueberry pancakes with cream for breakie

and an orange mocha frappa chino.....

then head over to the news station to annouce something HUGE !!!!!!!!!



well millions millions of people will be sending him good vibes

and bday wishes :fortuneteller:
have some fun with his kids and very big cake and icecream and stuf (so they all get sick afterwords lol)and bet he gets many gifts from his friends kids and family
He told the magazine Bravo that he likes the magazine with KOP serie but he won't have a party to his 50th ;) :(
maybe his kids will again surprise him with some mini show..i have read that when they lived in Ireland in 2006 there the kids made a little show for him, that must have been cute :)
I just hope he will enjoy it with friends and family.

I would like to know how he feels about turning 50...
just got of the phone with him. me and him are going to the cinema to watch the clone wars, then we're gona get wasted!
Spending time with friends & family.
Like a lil' get together of some sort.. or even celebrate it with them at a restaurant. :)
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He'll probably just spend it with his family and closest friends. And I hope some fans respect that and don't throw stupid tantrums just because the "big, huge, birthday bash extravaganza" that they envisoned in their minds, didn't happen.

I doubt it about the last part though. ^ :rolleyes: