Request: looking for these rare pictures in bigger size


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anybody have theses pictures in bigger resolution?? :)

I'm pretty sure that it's Michael (esp. the first one one looks really like Mike I think). It must have been in 2001 or 2002...
there michael . i think they are from his trip to london .i think 2001or 2002. he looks so cute in this photos . i hope you find a bigger pic of this. all i have are the small ones to sorry.
Something dont look right about these 2 pictures,now IMO they have been Edited,the face looks very much like Michael but i think the body has been added.It looks like the face has been taken from the June 2002 Trip to London where Michael went to Exeter City Football cLub with Uri Gellar,Just my opinion though would be intresting to see the HQ versions.
I think they've been edited too. It looks like someone has cut the curls out of another picture and put them on his head. I swear the second picture is either from the MSG concert in 2001 or Invincible signing in New York. I know I've seen that picture before, but they've given him curls and a different outfit...