Bogus story about crash with ambulance...proof how people will do anything for money/attention...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
First read this stupid story about Michael's SUV allegedly hitting the ambulance. Then watch the video filmed by a paparazzi (link after the story)....Anyone see how that guy was lying about the crash?? :doh:*****-Flees-in-SUV-After-Crash-With-Ambulance-EMT.html

***** Flees in SUV After Crash With Ambulance: EMT Man snaps photos allegedly showing King of Pop entering vehicle

Updated 4:34 AM PDT, Thu, Apr 23, 2009

King of pop Michael Jackson may have been involved in a bizarre hit-and-run collision with an ambulance in Beverly Hills on Wednesday afternoon, a medic said Wednesday.

Emergency medical technician Jamin Mauro and his partner were idling outside Cedars-Sinai hospital when a black Cadillac Escalade plowed into their vehicle, sideswiping the ambulance and knocking a mirror off the emergency vehicle. The driver then hopped out of the vehicle with an umbrella, walked to the hospital doors and met Jackson, Mauro said.

"We were hit by the Escalade, and I was taking pictures for my company insurance," Mauro said. "About 30 seconds after, Jackson walked out of a medical building. He jumped into the Escalade and they sped off."

Mauro said a nurse confirmed that Jackson had been in the building. The EMT said that the man resembled the pop star and he believed his photos could confirm that.

The pop star may have been in town for a public exhibition conducted by Julien's Auctions. Items being presented range from his "iconic white-jeweled glove to the grandiose entry gates to Neverland Ranch," according to

The Beverly Hills Police Department issued a statement concerning the collision. The statement did not contain any mention of Jackson, but noted that paparazzi had been following the Escalade at the time of the collision.

"The suspect's vehicle, a dark colored SUV, struck a parked vehicle causing moderate damage to the victim's vehicle. The suspect's vehicle was being followed by a group of paparazzi at the time of the collision," according to the statement.

Mauro said he and his partner were banged up in the crash, but more upset that the driver of the Escalade did not take the time to exchange information before driving off.

Mauro added that he was unsure why the driver ignored the EMTs.
"I don't know if Jackson told him to leave or not," Mauro said. "But they should have stayed."

Editor's note: Mauro did not ask for compensation for his photos.


Now watch this video:

MJ leaving the doctor's office:

Interesting how you don't see the ambulance until WAY after MJ's car has been standing in front of the building for ages. The ambulance gets to the scene way later...and you can see that EMT taking photos when MJ leaves. That video proves that EMT totally lied about the crash. Looks like some people will do anything for money/attention. PATHETIC!!!! :no:
that guy is cleraly trying to gain some attention for himself. Of course its all Michaels fault :laugh:
I think Michael should sue that guy. Really. Show all the leeches out there that he won't tolerate all those money hungry liars anymore and WILL take action. He'd EASILY win this case. I mean, that guy is saying MJ's car did a "hit and run". That's not a mild allegation in my opinion. The video clearly shows it's all BS. The ambulance arrives WAY later when MJ's car has already been standing there for ages, the ambulance is BEHIND Michael's car, faced away from the ambulance and most certainly won't even drive away that way where the ambulance is. And the EMT guy said he was yelling at MJ's bodyguard, trying to get his attention and you see that no where in the video. You only see that guy taking snapshots of MJ and once MJ is inside the car you see the EMT guy no where even though MJ's bodyguards are still outside the car.

Actually, I think that guy should be suspended from his job, or should at leats get a warning. He was on don't go take snapshots of celebrities while on duty. No way, no how. Plus...he just proved that he doesn't fill even the basic requirements for working in the medical field. You need to be an honest person with integrity to work in the medical field. And that guy just proved he posses neither of those qualities. He's a disgrace to all the hard working EMT's out there. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I don't tolerate liars. And the video clearly proves that guy is nothing but a leech and an opportunist. :angry:
Another thing is that they said themselves that Michael wasn't even in the car yet when the ambulance got hit, so how could they blame it on Michael anyway when he came out after that. With all those people yelling, he most likely wouldn't have heard anything beyond that. And I really hope this doesn't turn into another court case with those guys as plaintiffs, Because the legal rules of court always seem to change when Michel is involved. When there's no case, people try to make one (example: Sneddon).
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I posted this in general discussion and I guess I'll post it here too.

The ambulance guy said that before Michael had come out of the building, the accident had already occured. He said his side mirror was completley ripped off. Well... here's the proof this guy is just flat-out lying.


There's Michael getting into the car, and there is the ambulance, both mirrors are intacked and they aren't damaged. I think we would notice if the mirror was as damaged as they say it was. Check out the following:


They are lying, and are obviously trying to get money out of it. Well if they sue - we have the proof.