Fans! Do not kill yourself. Michael wants no fan to kill themselves over his leaving


Premium Member
Jul 25, 2011
He was 100% committed to LIFE

to Christ in fact.

Christ is the LIFE.

Michael LOVED Jehovah, the only true God, according to Michael's most valued spiritual guidebook, The Bible.

DO NOT KILL (thou shalt not kill) YOURSELF

Michael would NOT want that.

Michael gave his life to the children so that they may live, following Jesus' example Who gave His Life for mankind so that they may have LIFE and LIFE EVERLASTING and Michael told us, "I WANT TO LIVE FOREVER"



Michael would want us to do the same. Believe it.

I will not be able to be online very much after this weekend, but fans, if you want or need to contact me via PM for me to help you understand why I said what I said just PM me. I love everyone who loves Michael Jackson, I can't help it. I care. My arms are around you. PM me. I'll get back as soon as I can even if its not as soon as you'd prefer. God bless Michael Jackson and everyone who has ever loved him in any way.

Someone had said that a fan died and that some are talking about killing themselves, that is the only reason I made this thread. We must go on fans. We have to go on. We have to do what Michael came here to show us how to do. We have to LIVE. I love you all. My heart is aching too. I mind is blown too. I just know how important some things are to Michael and this is one of those things.
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Do what Michael would do at a moment like this. Do what you can easily imagine he did when James Brown died.

While I wasn't there and can't swear to it, using what we know were some of Michael's spiritual practices he learned and developed over the years, PRAYER and MEDITATION upon certain words that could turn his inward being, at a cellular level, completely AROUND so that he could function again. Thankfulness is one of the things I am knowing that Michael is wanting his fans to meditate on this moment.

Thank you Great Creator for Michael Jackson. Thank You. Thank You that whatever lessons I am here to receive from this magnificant human life, let me receive it.

^^^ meditate on these words as Michael obviously did similiarly when every one of his "idols" died one by one. Charlie Chaplin (Michael showed he learned a lot from his brilliant raw talent which he had in common with him), James Brown (Michael obviously showed he learned a lot from that down to earth showman didn't he), Sammy Davis Jr. (you can see all the lessons Sammy Davis taught Michael), Fred Astair (I don't have to tell you the influence). Your heart can feel better if you'll keep in mind how MICHAEL managed life. Okay?

Right now just go to YouTube and locate any of Michael's earliest solo television performances. Then watch him talk to Bashir and you'll see that Michael never stopped applying all he learned from all the masters to make his own life worth LIVING.

It will help heal your heart. Please try it. Notice Chaplin, Brown, Sammy, Astair, in Michael Jackson. He didn't LIVE FOR them. He LEARNED FROM them.

He lived for Christ. Michael has been our best example of that imho. I LOVE YOU

My arms are around you right now.
Im trying to be strong but Im having a hard time. Michael is my whole life..
I dont know how I will go on
Im trying to be strong but Im having a hard time. Michael is my whole life..
I dont know how I will go on
how to hurt ourself?Michael wouldn't want that!he watches us from there from heaven...
but you see im hurting so much it feels like this is already killing me
how to hurt ourself?Michael wouldn't want that!he watches us from there from heaven...
^ exactly. Michael's arms are around you, he is rocking you gently and whispering in your ear, "shh." (still rocking u back and forth) whispering over and over again

"shh" (about you speaking that way) "survive" "shh" "survive" "survive" "shh" (still rocking u) "survive" shh "survive" "you will survive" "you are surviving" "survive'
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^ Yes! Yes! I agree 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%

No doubt about it. Michael's chief goal was the Heavenly life as he was the master of creating heaven on earth. He was taught the bible promises of the resurrection of all mankind upon the Reign of King Christ when the earth will be a paradise.

That's why he didn't vote or participate in any politics. He believed there is only One Kingdom worth voting for. God's Kingdom. (Heavenly Father be with us all right now in this moment of deep, shocking and tremendous loss now and forevermore)
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Im trying to be strong but Im having a hard time. Michael is my whole life..
I dont know how I will go on doing exactly what Michael did. Michael Jackson did not say to himself "Michael Jackson is my life". Something else he did was watched his language. We must do the same. Watch what we say to ourselves, about this, about Michael, about our life.

He said, "God is my Life". You see it in the way Michael believed in living his life. He didn't understand people who don't. Live their lives to the fullest. He doesn't because he had a special mission and God set up Michael's life so that there could be no doubt in Michael what he was here to do.

Now God has something else for Michael to do. You have to stick around so you can see what that is. Michael Jackson is not DEAD - he is more alive than ever if you and I can live like Michael would have wanted us to live.

This is as painful and shocking get me not wrong, for me as it is for anyone on earth. That's why I know. Because I'm sharing with you what gives me strength to go on. And it truly does. His life - that's what Michael has given me and you. Let's not take it for granted and die dying, instead of dying LIVING like Michael did. He died living.
Noooo Why Did This Happen :'(
It's Like A Nightmare thats come to reality :'(
I Want Him Back x
29th august 1958 - 25th june 2009 R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson x
^ Yes it is. That's one thing this definitely is. I just also know that Michael would want us to show him love as we are doing and do "the rubberman" like he also did.

He bounced back from E V E R Y T H I N G.

Until the day he left.

He didn't die. He just left.

No place was far away enough for him to have true peace.

He had to go HOME. I believe he said, "This Is It" because deep down he was done. He had already told us that he didn't want to die doing what James Brown did and embarking on this tour may have caused him a lot of stress just to cope with the fact that he was doing it, period.

Selling out in no time causing 5 X the number of shows to be instantly added required more of his time doing it, than he originally had in mind. We don't know what all he had to do to prepare in every way for making peace with the entire experience of getting ready for a tour when we know - - 1. touring is not something he loves to do and 2. nestling his children at home safe and serene was the life he was loving ... everything he has done that has compromised his health (his vitiligo, his hair burning, his constant back pain, his very passing away physically) was because he was doing it

for us

Let's give back to him and try and live the best we can. Let's GIVE more and more each day, let's exploit ALL our talents, let's see as much of this world as we possibly can, let's do what we can to make our personal little "universe" - OUR WORLD, a better place - this is why Michael did what he did. To show us that's the thing to do. This is so true peeps. Please take heed.

As Michael also said, "this life don't last forever, so tell me what we're waiting for". Michael believed in the power of NOW more than anyone I have ever seen. That's why he loved being around children. Because for children, "now" is the only time there is, and "now" therefore is the time for us to LIVE, my sweet fan/friends. Now is the only time. This is it.
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This is true! Michael would not want that, look how he remained strong through awful things in his life. Even in a situation of mourning him we can take so much from his character and attitude to life. It is now up to us to carry on living for MJ, living as he did and with the will to Heal The World. He couldn't be alive to see it happen but we can! The legacy lives on.
When something horrific happens you alway think that you can't go on, that there's no way to live with the pain. But you can't give up, you must hang in there. You have to fight for yourself. You are stronger than you could ever imagine, you'll find the strenght within your heart, and learn to cope with the pain. I know from experience.

People, whatever you do, don't harm yourselves. If you find no other reason to hold on to life, do it for Michael. That's what he would wish. He loved his fans just as we loved (and still love) him.

I love you all, you're my second family *hugs to everyone*
I can not believe it! This is so hard to understand! In my heart stop all !!!!!!​
I know baby I know I truly know

When something horrific happens you alway think that you can't go on, that there's no way to live with the pain. But you can't give up, you must hang in there. You have to fight for yourself. You are stronger than you could ever imagine, you'll find the strenght within your heart, and learn to cope with the pain. I know from experience.

People, whatever you do, don't harm yourselves. If you find no other reason to hold on to life, do it for Michael. That's what he would wish. He loved his fans just as we loved (and still love) him.

I love you all, you're my second family *hugs to everyone*
Thank you for these words, all of them, not just the bolded but the bolded is so very true, so very very true.

This is true! Michael would not want that, look how he remained strong through awful things in his life. Even in a situation of mourning him we can take so much from his character and attitude to life. It is now up to us to carry on living for MJ, living as he did and with the will to Heal The World. He couldn't be alive to see it happen but we can! The legacy lives on.
Yes he did, that's EXACTLY right, that's exactly right my friend yes he did.
What fan killed him/herself? :(!!! OMG. Did something happen?

No. Somebody mentioned that a fan died (I have no idea who/when/where or anything) and I made this thread after someone said that some fans had been talking about killing themselves. I don't know where I read it but I wanted to make this thread so that it stops even 1 fan - hopefully all, because I feel Michael would not want that at all.

If Michael truly believed in killing himself he would have had a thousand and one reasons to do it. Not the death of just one of his amazing idols or mentors and he lost some amazing people that he deeply loved and he lost them all one by one like we've just lost Michael (which is still so hard to believe ... so hard ... truly is ... just so hard).

I'm glad you asked that tho so I will fix the first page so people will understand. Thank you.
I really want to kill myself yesterday,but I realized,that MJ woudn't want that..really I was shocked,I now that all fans where in schock,and still are,but it really hurts me a lot
I hope MJ did go on better place
Love you 4ever MJ
^ AMEN (Lord God help us all, wrap Your Mighty arms around us all right now) Yes indeed. What you said is so true. Thank God you awakened. Praise God I hope all fans awaken from that stupor. Its a trick of the enemy. Don't let the media be able to call you a "die" hard fan for killing yourself. That's giving too much "glory" to the enemy.
michael taught us all to be strong PLEASE be strong and we must follow his eaxmple that he set for us .
omg sos thanx you for this thread, you breathe sense . :huggy:

people i want to hugg all you all my friends right now ....
Killing youself isnt going to bring Michael back. Although it seems hard now, you will get through this, keep his legacy alive and learn and continue his teachings, Heal the World!
michael taught us all to be strong PLEASE be strong and we must follow his eaxmple that he set for us .
omg sos thanx you for this thread, you breathe sense . :huggy:

people i want to hugg all you all my friends right now ....

Yes he did he taught us to be strong people on this crazy planet. He followed Jesus' example in his life. He quoted Jesus constantly. Jesus said, "I have conquored the world". Ladies and gentlemen, Michael has conquored the world too. We are called to do the same.

I want to hug you all right now too. YW :hug: Sweetie. I love all the fans of Michael Jackson. They are me and I am them. That's why. I can't not. I love you all with all my heart :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: