Jordan Chandler?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some friends (MJ fans) are telling me that Chandler has just said that Michael never did anything to him.

I don't see any htread about this here, but I really want to know.

Jordan, be a man, and tell the truth, so that Michael can rest truly in peace, and his reputation completely restaured in the minds of those assholes who still have doubts about him. Better late than never!
Don't click any links unless they are to a site like cnn, bbc, tmz. There is or was a fake article going around which loaded a malware virus onto your computer. The article originally said something like 'Evan Chandler confesses he lied for his dad', when Evan WAS the dad. Don't click any links. If this is true, news networks across the world will pick up on the story fast enough. Mods should delete any threads linking to it.
I have been seeing this everywhere but have yet to find a legitimate source. I believe it's fake.
I believe that too. I told my friends that mjjcommunity was the best and most reliable source of information, and that as long as nothing was said in this forum, I wouldn't believe it.

Thankyou for confirming my thoughts