Partial refund?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Please select from the boxes below if you would like to receive some or all of your booking as a souvenir ticket(s). I'm aware if I select to receive only part of my booking as a ticket(s) I will receive a partial refund.

what does this mean? Can i get my 1ticket i only ordered 1 ticket and still get some money back?
no it means out of a order of tckets you can choose to have one souvenier and a refund on the rest.
Don't be fooled by this it means that say you ordered 2 tickets you can get a full refund on 1 ticket and you can request to be sent the other ticket, but YOU WILL NOT BE PARTIALLY REFUNDED FOR THIS TICKET. so £150 for 2 tickets say you want to be sent 1 ticket as a memento you will be refunded £75 .