Show your Disgust at the BBC


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am so angry about this article on the BBC website! Please also share your views and send them an email.
Here is the link Basically what it's saying is 'when is it OK to slag Michael Jackson off again and call hima paedophile?'. Here is the comment I posted though I'm sure they won't put it up

I'm shocked and frankly worried that so many still use the term paedophile or molester when referring to Michael Jackson. I find the endless insinuations even in his death distasteful not to mention completely unfounded (this article alone mentions paedophilia/molester no less than 8 times). Was the man not unanimously acquitted of ALL charges in a court of law? Surely we do not have the right to therefore suggest he is anything other than innocent. Perhaps his death is a good oppotunity to re-review old prejudices and assumptions about him rather than drudge up old rumours and false accusations. It seems many feel they already knew everything about him and had already decided he was guilty. Perhaps in his death people will take some time to look at the facts (the media included).
ok, i will be more dirrect F**K BBC...

oh, and hello to all Mjj fans!
Man I freaking hate to read such things. I left a comment but I doubt they will put that up.

When the article of Michael and Omar hit the media here in Holland last week. I also left a comment saying Omar had a father and he is just a good friend of Michael, they rejected my comment! This while they say they only remove comments which are inappropiate or have bad language..