mark lester claims 2 be paris' father jackson fam denies

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Breaking news on sky tv, Mark Lester now claims he donated sperm and is the father of Paris ????
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Seriously? Is this actually being reported? :mello:

EDIT: Yup, just put Sky News on. Well, FFS.
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Yes I've just seen this ~ sky news reporting that now Mark Lester, God Father to Michael Jackson's children is now claiming that he could be the real father of Paris Jackson and that he is willing to take a paternity test to prove it.

He says he donated sperm.. OMG those poor kids. Why can't people leave them alone.

And me ..I thought Mark Lester was one of the good guys............proved wrong can you be?

I am lost for words.
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Wtf?! He is saying that on tv or what? If not, than: f*cking bullshit..-_-
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Oh sweet Jesus...

bless those children.

Do they have proof of him saying this or is this just reports?
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Just showed this is front page of NOTW tomorrow. My God. This is getting beyond ridiculous.
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

This is starting to remind me of the Anna Nicole saga....everybody and their mama (um...daddy) is going to claim to be these children's father!
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

There all coming out the woodwork
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

LOL, he probably told a reporter he was her GODfather and they saw the word father took off with it. so stupid.
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

This is starting to remind me of the Anna Nicole saga....everybody and their mama (um...daddy) is going to claim to be these children's father!

The mind boggles, and quivers and quakes..........idiots. Why cant they just shut up for Gods sake
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

This is getting REALLY retarded now.

I almost feel bad for reacting to it. It could very well be as comet1 says and someone is just trying to firestart.

Mark Lester trying to prove he's the bio dad would prove/change what exactly?

Not a damn thing.

They all (media) need to hop of this crazy train right now and leave it to Ozzy.
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

LOL, he probably told a reporter he was her GODfather and they saw the word father took off with it. so stupid.

Not so. I'm afraid he's just been on TV himself saying it. It's all over Sky TV
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

OMG that asshole
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father


I'm so angry right now. I thought Mark was one of Michaels REAL friends out there...guess I was wrong. I just want to punch him in the face!!

Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father why go to NOTW with this if those are your concerns? :doh:
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Look the only thing he said is that Michael asked for his sperm and he BELIEVES they used it to conceive Paris. Even he doesn't know for certain that his sperm was used.
Re: mark lester claims 2 be paris' father

Wow.....watching the video makes me wonder.

Mark was a good friend of Michaels so why would he lie? Him coming out in public and saying it was mighty boneheaded of him I think.

It seems like something is going on between him and The Jackson family though, like they are keeping the kids from him. He claims this is how he thinks he can get back in touch with them.

He's wrong though because he has no claim if he's just a donor.

OMG...this just gets worse every day...

Michael, PLEASE watch over your kids.
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