Shout out to Mr and Mrs. Jackson (from my heart Gaz I got mad love for ya)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Real Talk thank you for allowing MJ love to be felt all over the world I had Three decades dancing to your son's music and watching his video's watching his speeches at award shows even through his trail my love along with all his fans has been with him always. Michael J. Jackson was not only the greatest entertainer in the world but he was apart of our lives he is very well missed. God bless your three buddy's/ kids ...Today ended on a good note because my little nephew graduated today but even thro I shred a few tears hear and there i know MJ is in a better place thro your death torn me to pieces and broke my heart and I wasn't ready to say goodbye now my brother, mother, grandmother and grandfather can enjoy your live performances in heaven because they are the reason I grew up with you in my home…I’m so emotional and I am crying as I type may you all have a bless day and a wonderful weekend my heart can’t bare this pain… Later y’all
i want to say thank you to KATHERINE also she was so sweet to give that bash at her house in GARY, it was beautiful i loved watching it . there wasnt really anything else on tv that was a celebration of his life except when i saw the link from tmz, i watched it all day and it was great. thank you Katherine. R.I.P. MICHAEL