Taj Jackson's MJ Documentary - Updates and Discussion [MERGED]

Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

It would be a documentary not a cgi movie.. it really shouldnt need that type of money, high school students make great quality films for no money..

The money film related would be more so in distribution and possibly those who wont take part unless get paid.. which is hard to know who is that petty

The fact they have a specific financial goal, theres no reason not to share the breakdown of where the finances would go.. they clearly did some math
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

also the jackson family should contribute even if they are putting little money and also michael's friends, maybe taj should make them reach the project that has them also to help with whatever.

Michael had no real friends. He said so himself. I didn't hear a peep from anyone other than Elizabeth Taylor and Macaulay Culkin during the trial in 2005, before or after. If they didn't rally around him then, I doubt they will do it now. Please, prove me wrong.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

It would be a documentary not a cgi movie.. it really shouldnt need that type of money, high school students make great quality films for no money..

The money film related would be more so in distribution and possibly those who wont take part unless get paid.. which is hard to know who is that petty

The fact they have a specific financial goal, theres no reason not to share the breakdown of where the finances would go.. they clearly did some math

He's making a series of documentaries.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

The link needs to be posted on YouTube where his videos are too to hit an audience, no contributions from the people Michael employed for all those years, Karen, book writing security etc? Some donations from Taj's dad?
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

Michael had no real friends. He said so himself. I didn't hear a peep from anyone other than Elizabeth Taylor and Macaulay Culkin during the trial in 2005, before or after. If they didn't rally around him then, I doubt they will do it now. Please, prove me wrong.

The movie ''searching for neverland'' shows how there wasnt anyone look out for him expect the nanny and the security guards. Its real sad fact of michael's life hehad no friends looking out for him
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

obviously all the fans dont donate to the cause because only 517 people have donated and the michael fan base is much bigger. It will be difficult to reach the amount if people do not donate for the cause and if this has no further diffusion. also the jackson family should contribute even if they are putting little money and also michael's friends, maybe taj should make them reach the project that has them also to help with whatever.
on the other hand it would be great if this documentary made by taj reaches netflix.

over 51k people supported the petition but only 500 donated. Such a shame.

If the gofundme was announced sooner they could have mentioned it in the petition and maybe secured more funding.
Perhaps if Ana adds a link to the page now all 51k people will be notified about the petition update?

Does anybody know how to contact Ana K and ask her to update the petition with a link to Taj's GoFundMe page?
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

MJ's attorney from the trial - Tom Messerau (or how it's spelled) should be involved. - He has huge credibility and knows a lot of the trial etc.

It should absolutely NOT be a fan who made this doc. - Then people will not believe it because it's not objective.

The Estate could give permission to use music, video etc. - BUT - due to credibility they should not have any say in the making of the doc. The objectivity and neutral story is so very important. - Only one thing matters - the truth. - And people will only believe it if it comes from someone that is not a friend.

If Netflix - who made Making a Murdere - would make a doc series, to try to find the truth - that would be great. - Or at least find ALL the facts, all the lies, all the contradictions etc. etc. - making a timeline - include the Chandler case - the phone conversation, include the Arvizo trial - the timeline that was all off, she claimed to be kidnapped, but was out for expensive manicure and other luxury treatments - paid for by MJ. - All the lies she told under oath that could so easily be proven wrong. - and was proven wrong during the trial. - Netflix should make a long doc in 3-4 parts and reveal everything. Maybe something negative/weird comes up about MJ too. - Then be it. But the doc should go thru everything - and maybe not conclude - but have collectet all the facts - and then the viewer can conclude for themselves.

The truth is out there - get it into a doc please.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

Probably a lot of people will not donate cause they don't have credit card..
I tried to donate but i don't have a credit-card.. and i personally don't know anyone who have one.
Credit-Cards might be very popular in the US but outside there are actually lots of people who don't have one...
I could directly donate through paypal..
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

Probably a lot of people will not donate cause they don't have credit card..
I tried to donate but i don't have a credit-card.. and i personally don't know anyone who have one.
Credit-Cards might be very popular in the US but outside there are actually lots of people who don't have one...
I could directly donate through paypal..

I don't know any adult here in Scotland who doesn't have either a debit or credit card.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

Prob taking about other euro countries. Places such as spain the banks charge people if you want to have credit cards.very much a cash society in many euro countries unlike the uk
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

Im germany we prefer cash.. and imho opinion credit-cards are not good. One word: Depts.
I don't want to get one.

I know.. most of the world uses them but i think especially for this donation it's important to get every donator you can.
And without different payment-possibilities lots of people CANNOT support it even if they want to.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

Yeah thats why the uk population is drowning in debt because of easy access to credit.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MJFAM?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJFAM</a> I’ll also be donating proceeds from the next 7 days sales of my book - The First Book of Michael = to <a href="https://twitter.com/tajjackson3?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@tajjackson3</a>’s GoFundMe.<br><br>Let's further the flying start that Taj's enterprise for truth has made. Let's make HIStory. <br><br>Go fund Taj. Go here: <a href="https://t.co/v4Brxp8hUu">https://t.co/v4Brxp8hUu</a> <a href="https://t.co/VzjsPDQU30">https://t.co/VzjsPDQU30</a></p>&mdash; Sym Pench &#127801; (@afunnyonion) <a href="https://twitter.com/afunnyonion/status/1088188131516375040?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">23. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am so happy right now. Two huge allies just joined our cause. More very soon.<a href="https://t.co/KV7a7jfmFc">https://t.co/KV7a7jfmFc</a></p>&mdash; Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) <a href="https://twitter.com/tajjackson3/status/1088139610717212673?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">23. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
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Helping Thread fot Taj to finally make THE MJ- Documentery (series)

I'm new here, from Germany and this will be my first offical post.
I don't know if I can whrite in my langrage and everthing can be translated automatically into english for every member, so I will try to whrite this first post in english.
Plese excuse me for mistakes, I hope you will understand everything.
After I find out that Taj finally want to make THE Documentery(series) about Michael I was thinking he should relly take the chance that it will be relly THE documentery to finally answer many questions about MJ BESIDES the alligations.
So I wanna open this thred to collect with you the OTHER things which the documentery should also answer to finally for ever clear up many rumors about MJ.
Maybe we also should think about mistakes the makers could make too.
(For example to make signed contracts with the people that will be interviewed that their aswers are not scripted and that they are not paid).
Maybe thinking about subjects the documentery better should not touch.
(For example the relationship from MJ with his father cause the past family always defending these actions and let appear MJ dishonest about it.)
I think we should maybe start to collect things first for a little while and then discuss what things are the most important ones.
When the adminteam have released the post I will share the subjects and questions I think what this documentery should cover and answer!
I hope you welcomed my idea!
Thank you very much for your attention so far!

I love you Michael with all my heart! ;-)
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

Ok I wanted to open a new thread with my last post to make only one thread for the OTHER things and anwers of quenstions could be Tajs documentery besides the BIG alligation theme.
Now I'm here in this thread and I wanna share the subjects and questions which camed in my mind today to be part of and to answer in THE Documentery:
- MJs "secret sons" (to stop people like MJMedia09 on youtube.
They should interviewing Dian Ross about this subject cause she was one of the few very clostest MJ friends, the one who MJ told his "darkest secrets", what she have to say about this, all fans finally will belive, maybe interviews of his wifes about this can be useful too)
- The things MJ talked about with Martin Bashir we couldn't see (cause it was not recorded twice) to answer for example the question if they talked about the struggle with sony and the album Invicible. (Maybe a witness stil existed who can testify about that.)
- his bioligical parentie of his children
- his relationship with Shana Magatal
(with maybe answering the question: Who is "Melissa" from the Glenda tapes are)
- (proof) that MJ was hetero, not gay, not asexual
- details about virtilego and bleching
- real documental proof from his doctors what exact surgeries MJ let have done and if there where some "corrections" which did not count as full surgeries to finally end the discussion about this everywhere and focussing on other important things
- proof that he had lupus and what it did to his skin and hair
- maybe the relationship MJ had with Diana Ross during his life to end speculations

- Are the Glenda tapes and everthing what the rabbie whrote in his book real and true?
- When MJ must wearing wigs (and did he always wear one since then in public) and why he choosed to have straight hair?
- when did MJ let have made his facetatoos and why?
- Did his voice changed naturally when he grew up?
- BIG question: Who from his "friends" lied in the past in books about MJ on important subjects and who was absolutly honest and spoke the compleate truth .....

It would be great when they forget absolutly nothing important! But they also should tell nothing else then the compleate real truth!
I'm a little bit frighten that they maybe tell THEIR truth and not the real truth like they did it often in the past when it camed to the things Joseph did to Michael. What made Michael appear dishonest and did work bad for him.

So moonwalkers... its your turn!
What subjets and questions do you think or want to cover up and answer in Tajs Documenter about Michael?
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

I wonder who those allies are that taj is talking bout
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link

I don't know any adult here in Scotland who doesn't have either a debit or credit card.

I was gonna say I thought everyone had at least a debit card. Debit cards aren't really the same thing as credit cards.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

i have a debit card but i cant use it for online things
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

I also have a bank account and a card.. But not with that CCV number.

And guys... yeah you might have a credit card and you might know a lot of people with one.. but that doesn't change the fact that a lot people don't have one.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

I also have a bank account and a card.. But not with that CCV number.

And guys... yeah you might have a credit card and you might know a lot of people with one.. but that doesn't change the fact that a lot people don't have one.

You can pay with a debit card too. Having a debit card has nothing to do with being extended credit.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

I wonder who those allies are that taj is talking bout

I wonder too. I don't see the benefit in providing a teaser, so I also wonder why he just doesn't come out and tell us who they are.
I guess he has his reasons.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Michael Jackson's Nephew Announces 'Explosive' Documentary Series Exposing 'Media and Showbiz Corruption' Against His Uncle, as Police Prepare for Fan Protests Over Sundance Screening of TV Show 'Leaving Neverland' <a href="https://t.co/zYQZ07MNIa">https://t.co/zYQZ07MNIa</a></p>&mdash; Seattle's Banker (@SeattlesBanker) <a href="https://twitter.com/SeattlesBanker/status/1088709231879032832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">25. Januar 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

I wonder too. I don't see the benefit in providing a teaser, so I also wonder why he just doesn't come out and tell us who they are.
I guess he has his reasons.

To get more people to donate by teasing
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

You can pay with a debit card too. Having a debit card has nothing to do with being extended credit.

Then i might have the wrong debit card.. cause like i said there is no such a thing like "CCV" code on the back.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

Then i might have the wrong debit card.. cause like i said there is no such a thing like "CCV" code on the back.

In Germany does no one shop online, unless there is a PayPal option?
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

I want this documentary to be like Taj said, exposing media and showbiz corruption (a response to Sundance,basically). Of course it will cover some other topics, but I don't think Shana Mangatal or Michael's wigs are that much important, especially in these serious circumstances.

This is the greatest attack on Michael's legacy since 2005 and it should be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. Taj is our only hope we have now.

Did anyone donate via pay pal, I need to know if I can do that?
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

In Germany does no one shop online, unless there is a PayPal option?

We do a lot shop online through paypal or bank transfer. I know there are banks here which deliver a card with that CVV code on the back. But mine doesn't have one.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

Did anyone donate via pay pal, I need to know if I can do that?

not possible.. thats why i didn't donate cause i have the wrong debit card for that.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

$777,000......seems a strange total....Michael's favourite number was 7,is that why?

Anyway,I have no issue contributing,as a fan base,we could reach that but the Estate/family members really need to be putting in some serious cash.
Re: Taj Jackson Launches a GoFundMe Page to Create a Documentary on MJ's Innocence - link [MERGED]

Can this be shared to Teddy, Rodney, Karen etc? 3 weeks into Jan is pretty tight for us normos lol, I'm also of the option given how outspoken Paris is she she should be on Instagram ripping these liars an new hole, Paris, Prince and Bigi are MJs legacy every bit as much as his music