Miscellaneous Michael J. Jackson - MMJJ

This video is just so adorable. The way he just can't stop laughing long enough to introduce the J5 Medley is really funny.

Yes too adorable for words. I just love that little break that he does before the J5 medley. Always so cute and funny
I was watching a HIStory Tour Behind the Scenes video on Youtube and came across something that shocked me. There was a performance of You Are Not Alone with two lucky girls on stage with him.

I am hoping someone has some information about this particular YANA girl situation.
I have always wondered how Katherine Jackson felt about her sons recording a Christmas album considering her strick Jehovah's Witness beliefs.
I have always wondered how Katherine Jackson felt about her sons recording a Christmas album considering her strick Jehovah's Witness beliefs.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't happy about it. Joe wasn't a JW so he didn't care what the boys and girls record. heck he even beat the crap of all his children when they "disrespect" him.

while she was shy at the sametime she should said no. this is the 50's and 60's. it was a different time. i'm not sure why she married joe. but hey you have to ask her that.

while the family were JWs they did awesome on the album. that Really good talent if you can make something and not even celebrate it.
Who here remembers this?
It is getting so frustrating to do an image search for MJ pics because I am getting so many results from tabloid sites :banghead:
Re: Unreleased Song Titles

My favorite Christian singer called MJ the last great American song and dance man. It is really nice to see a Christian singer being so positive about a singer from a totally opposite genre.
Re: Unreleased Song Titles

My favorite Christian singer called MJ the last great American song and dance man. It is really nice to see a Christian singer being so positive about a singer from a totally opposite genre.

Michael was a believer. so i'm pretty sure he would of been happy. any artists or bands etc that supported michael he was very please. also hello my sister in Christ. :)
Well, I found my MJ musical ornament that I bought about 10 years ago.
Here is a scene of MJ in the movie Miss Castaway and the Island Girls. This movie is insane.
Here is a scene of MJ in the movie Miss Castaway and the Island Girls. This movie is insane.

i heard this movie was awful. the only reason people watch it for michael and he was only in the movie for two scenes that's it. i wish he acted more.
I really love this video because I have been doing sign language for 30 years now and it is so cool that MJ knew a little bit of sign language.
I really love this video because I have been doing sign language for 30 years now and it is so cool that MJ knew a little bit of sign language.

He was so smart. yes michael knew alittle sign language. most of the time he use it for the children who he visited sometimes. lol bubbles. :laughing:
Harry Benson turned 91 on December 2 and the famous photographer spent the day with his wife Gigi taking pictures of his 2 dogs!

“I’ll tell you now. I don’t think I’ve taken my last photographs. I’m not ready to grow old. I don’t want to go just yet.” Harry said about turning 91!

Benson is maybe one of the most famous photographer in the world and has taken pictures of politicians, presidents, sports people and celebrities. The Scottish born photographer became sort after after photographing The Beatles and for being next to Robert Kennedy when he was shot in June 5, 1968. He then worked for the biggest personas in the world such as Bobby Fisher, Elizabeth Taylor, Spike Lee, Muhammad Ali, Queen Elisabeth and many more!

But for us, Michael Jackson fans, Benson is well known for his shots of the King of Pop! From tours to personal moment, he took some of the most loved pictures of Michael!

So Happy Birthday Harry! And thank you for the magic!
I am planning on having a custom MJ in gold pants shirt made tonight but I can't decide on the perfect picture because they are all so gorgeous.
Update on the previous post:
I did have the shirt made and it is awesome. It fits perfectly and it was very reasonably priced.
A French Rapper called Jul (real name Julien Mari) from Marseille, South of France, just took on Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”!

The singer which first album was released in 2013 and is back with a new album “Loin du Monde” and it seems that one of the track remixed by KillFreshLVrai.

The title called “Miné / Beat It” has a music video which features French Street Dancer Salif Lasource.

NatureCriminal7896;4311920 said:
A French Rapper called Jul (real name Julien Mari) from Marseille, South of France, just took on Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”!

The singer which first album was released in 2013 and is back with a new album “Loin du Monde” and it seems that one of the track remixed by KillFreshLVrai.

The title called “Miné / Beat It” has a music video which features French Street Dancer Salif Lasource.


It seems lot of people don't like it.
I was just listening to Earth Song and I just started doing the song in American Sign Language. I think it is time for me to redo my “Earth Song” sign language video.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Over 1000 fans tuned in to the Live stream and the video premiered again yesterday with some competitions to win MJ prizes!

While the event usually happens in London, this year the Kingvention team decided to go virtual and for free:

“Fans have been going through so much this year with the accusations and of course the pandemic, which stopped us to meet in person. We just wanted to give back to our community, to give some joy and love and of course amazing stories about Michael from those who worked and knew him. Kingvention is very special to us but also to those who come to the event. You can feel Michael’s spirit in the room. It’s just incredible. When we do Kingvention, we think about Michael… from the front door to the loo door! I think Pez Jax did an amazing job to recreate this spirit in KV:GLOBAL and we hope fans around the world will enjoy!” says Sebastian Mille, Logistic Manager for the event.

KV:GLOBAL includes special performance of “Liberian Girl” by Eddi Goma in a Zouk style which is absolutely beautiful and original.

Bill Bottrell and Jean-Marie Horvat speak about working with Michael Jackson and they don’t hold back to any questions that Pez Jax is asking.

Hector Barjot also created a very special video for the event, showing some amazing collectors.

The online event also includes a special performance of “Billie Jean” by Dorian Holley.

Fans can now watch or re-watch KV:GLOBAL on youtube:

A Michael Jackson fan called Quindon King just gone viral in the US!

The super fan of Michael was visiting Detroit and to lift people’s spirit during this difficult time we are living in, he decided to put his Thriller Jacket and starting a little show in the carpark of Livonia’s Walmart supermarket.

He was recorded by a bystander, Jamie L. Smith and the video gone viral.

‘I got the Thriller jacket on,’ he said. ‘I thought it would just be a good idea to bring what I do in Chicago out you need the love as much as we do.’

And was picked up by the local news.

Trust the Michael Jackson’s fans to carry on Michael’s love!

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