Aaron Carter Claims MJ Gave Him Drugs *Update Post 41* Merged


Proud Member
Nov 21, 2007
Has anyone heard bout the crap that Aaron carter said bout mj saying " mj gave me wine...gave me drugs"???

I found out it in twitter.....what is goin on?
Re: Aaron carter

I saw someone post the what he said but he anit saying anything bout it on twitter

this is apperately what he said " i spent such an incredible time with michael jackson, but i also had troubled about what he did to me. He gave me wine, he gave me drugs, then my mom called the police"

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Re: Aaron carter

I saw someone post the what he said but he anit saying anything bout it on twitter

this is apperately what he said " i spent such an incredible time with michael jackson, but i also had troubled about what he did to me. He gave me wine, he gave me drugs, then my mom called the police"



Was it really him that said this? Does not it is fake? :unsure: I thought he had said it on twitter. :doh:
Re: Aaron carter


Was it really him that said this? Does not it is fake? :unsure: I thought he had said it on twitter. :doh:

I just checked his twitter page and he didnt write it there. Apperately he said it in an interview...
Source? So far everything we had is rumours he said this.

Every time Carter talked on TV and he was asked about Michael he always said he never did anything to him and he was always very positive about him. And if his mother called the police that surely would have been recorded somewhere in official police files and Sneddon could have used it against Michael on court.

I googled and I didn't find any interview in which he says this. This surely would be all around in the media already if he had really said this.

I smell hoax.

Here is something Aaron said in 2004: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,784076,00.html

Teen pop star Aaron Carter is speaking out to PEOPLE about his troubled relationship with his mother and sister – and about his friendship with Michael Jackson.

After Carter's mother Jane told "Access Hollywood" that her son had spent an unsupervised night with Jackson at his Neverland Ranch, and Carter's sister Leslie, 18, implied that drug use may have been involved, Carter told PEOPLE: "I don't do drugs. I didn't do them with Michael Jackson and I don't do them with anyone else."

Carter, 16, had a lot more to say in a frank discussion.

On his mother and sister: "I really don't like being around them. All I hear is 'You need to go on television and make me look better.' I just think, 'Just be my mother, just be my sister.' It's all about money and publicity for them. My last word to (my mother) is that she's the adult, not me. But it seems to be switched around.

On his playdate at Neverland with Jackson, who has been charged with child molestation: "Michael and I have been friends for three years. I went to Neverland for his (45th) birthday bash. We were smashing cake in each other's faces. It was really cool. Until 5 a.m., me, him and Chris Tucker were out on four-wheelers, riding around in the mountains. Nothing happened between me and Michael. We didn't sleep in the same room, we didn't share a bed. We have a normal friendship. There's nothing sexual to it.
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Re: Aaron carter

Like i said i saw someone post what he said on twitter.

Excatly thats what i dont understand and didnt they ask Aaron to testify for the 2005 trial?
Re: Aaron carter

Like i said i saw someone post what he said on twitter.

Excatly thats what i dont understand and didnt they ask Aaron to testify for the 2005 trial?

Maybe you shouldn't believe everything someone says on Twitter.
Re: Aaron carter

Maybe you shouldn't believe everything someone says on Twitter.

True. But it was like they posted it in fron an interview and put it on twitter...its so werid
Re: Aaron carter

True. But it was like they posted it in fron an interview and put it on twitter...its so werid

And did they give a link to the interview? Or did they say where the interview was (which TV etc.)?
Re: Aaron carter

I think its a hoax or a mix up. Aaron has always been so positive about Michael!
Re: Aaron carter

Unless he's looking for press for this supposed new album of his that will go wood....If this boy thinks he has anyone fooled, he's snorted too much coke! Don't you think Sneddon, the devil would have hauled his ass into court to testify against MJ? Also, if his mother so-called called the police, there WOULD be an incident report for such a serious accusation, I haven't found not ONE!! I'm pissed the freak off!!:bugeyed
Re: Aaron carter

Like I said, it's probably just a rumour or tabloid junk. No use in getting angry over it!
Re: Aaron carter

Unless he's looking for press for this supposed new album of his that will go wood....If this boy thinks he has anyone fooled, he's snorted too much coke! Don't you think Sneddon, the devil would have hauled his ass into court to testify against MJ? Also, if his mother so-called called the police, there WOULD be an incident report for such a serious accusation, I haven't found not ONE!! I'm pissed the freak off!!:bugeyed

Let's not bash Aaron until we know if it's true or not at all. So far I haven't found anything that indicates he really said this.
Re: Aaron carter

do you realize how Twitter can be hacked? hmm i smell ish and its started by a hacker.
Re: Aaron carter

do you realize how Twitter can be hacked? hmm i smell ish and its started by a hacker.

Nothing was hacked. He didn't say it on his Twitter and noone knows where this came from. I was googling about it but I haven't found anything in the news either. I think someone just made it up and started to spread around on Twitter.
Re: Aaron carter

WTF :mad:

From TwitPic

Re: Aaron carter

I heard about this rumour this morning but my strong inkling is it is a malicious hoax as Aaron Carter never had a bad word to say about Michael in life so why would he come out with it now? I smell a rat, and I hope Aaron will speak up and say he never said those things.
Re: Aaron carter

But where does this rumour come from? All I see is vague references to Twitter and TwitPic and noone gives a proper source of anything.
Re: Aaron carter

But where does this rumour come from? All I see is vague references to Twitter and TwitPic and noone gives a proper source of anything.

I'm not sure it can be seen as a credible source. I'm not on twitter myself, my boyfriend is and he told me about it as apparently it was all over twitter this morning. It seems to stem from someone's twitpic of an article. I can't provide the link myself as I'm not on twitter but maybe someone else could.
Re: Aaron carter

I'm not sure it can be seen as a credible source. I'm not on twitter myself, my boyfriend is and he told me about it as apparently it was all over twitter this morning. It seems to stem from someone's twitpic of an article. I can't provide the link myself as I'm not on twitter but maybe someone else could.

I guess it's from a tabloid then. Maybe not even recent but something from the time of the trial. Aaron Carter has never said something like that but we know how the media twisted everything during the trial and made up things.

Surely if his mom had called the police over something like this it would have been documented and Sneddon would have used it on trial.

Never in my life will I believe Michael gave drugs to anybody, let alone a kid.

BTW, at the time there were rumours about Aaron doing drugs but that had nothing to do with Michael.
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Re: Aaron carter

OK, I found it: http://twitpic.com/5c3ob0

So he was in Spain doing a concert and apparently he said this there?

I still think it's made up or twisted by whoever wrote this article or whoever his source was.

PS: People say this is gonna be in OK magazine :/

I hope Aaron clears it up before it happens. I really want to know if he really said this.
Re: Aaron carter

^^^^I hope that's not true


I mean that the story will be in OK magazine it's not true.:mat:
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Re: Aaron carter

From OK's own website:

Daphne Barak: Renowned interviewer Daphne Barak gets scoops from all the world! From Italian mayor dishing about the Jersey Shore filming in Florence to Aaron Carter opening up about his friendship with Michael Jackson to whether Prince Harry will ever marry Chelsy Davy.


You know guys who Daphne Barak is? She was the one who did that controversial interview with Grace after MJ's death

You can read more about her here by Malika Chopra: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mallika-chopra/bloodsuckers-and-the-worl_b_222023.html

Daphne Barak, a so-called journalist who claims to be a friend of the Jackson family and who got to know Grace through them, has been cultivating a friendship with Grace over several years. Unfortunately, the story with Daphne and Grace seems to be one that echoes the vultures that took advantage of Michael throughout his life.
Daphne reached out to Grace a few weeks ago, when she knew she was in a vulnerable place, having recently been let go by Michael yet again (this was a regular pattern). In the 17 years that Grace has worked with Michael, she has never spoken to the press. She loves Michael and his children at her core.
Grace genuinely believed Daphne was her friend who was trying to help her. Daphne had offered to help Grace launch a foundation she was creating to monitor non profit work in Africa. (Grace was originally from Rwanda.) She told Grace that they should record her speaking about the work. However, every time they began to record, her questions would center on Michael. Grace would say she was uncomfortable speaking about him.
On the morning of June 26th, after finding out that Grace was also in London, I rushed to her hotel. She was staying in a suite with Daphne. Daphne told tell me she had invited Grace to stay with her in Switzerland as her guest, and how she had helped Grace with the immediate aftermath of shock hearing about Michael's death. She said that she had spent several thousand dollars to buy a business class ticket for Grace to fly to LA. She boasted about how close she was to the Jackson family, world leaders, etc.
I witnessed Daphne act as a friend while trying to bait information from Grace on her conversations with Jackson family members and friends about his death. She warned Grace that the family was going to try to set her up for Michaels downfall, and that it was critical that Grace speak with a lawyer before leaving. As a friend, she had organized a "lawyer" to get Grace's story before she left for the airport.
In essence, Daphne was setting up a scenario to garner more information from Grace before she left for LA. I discovered that one of her friends who happened to be there had made a documentary on Princess Diana.
When we tried to leave, Daphne screamed at Grace - in front of my young children who began to cry -- that she was an ingrate. She had spent thousands of dollars hosting her, she was her guest, and she wanted to spend the time to say goodbye. (Daphne obviously could not believe her luck that she had baited Grace as a sympathetic friend for stories before he died, and had Grace with her on that sad day.)
Ultimately, Daphne, having obviously drunk a bit much, threatened to release the recordings she had made of their private conversations. Grace was petrified. I held her by the shoulders, looked in her eyes, and said lets just go. So what, let her put it out there. She is a washed up journalist trying to mine a tragic situation. Michael was gone now, and the future is the wellbeing of the children. Grace agreed.
Ultimately, I had to get the hotel manager involved to escort Grace out of the hotel. I also bought Grace's ticket home myself, discovering that Daphne had misled us about the time and the price. It was a 650 Pound economy ticket, not several thousand dollars.
Twenty four hours later, I found that Daphne indeed had written an article full of quotes by Grace for a tabloid magazine. (A quick search of her other work not surprisingly shows she did a recent feature on Amy Winehouse.) Grace's quotes are now being picked up by other tabloids and will find their way into more magazines and articles. (People Magazine is also featuring some today, including the inaccurate claim the Grace pumped Michael's stomach several times. For the record, Grace never pumped Michael's stomach. She has no idea how she would even do such a thing.) Which quotes are true, which are in context, (many are not) to me frankly doesn't matter. I will not be surprised if Daphne releases audios or videos soon.

I bet if she really did talk to Aaron she twisted what he really said to make MJ look bad, just like she did with Grace.
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Re: Aaron carter

PS: People say this is gonna be in OK magazine :/

Yes that where i heard the interview will be printed in. Someone had posted that "part" of the interview on twitter and now everyone is talking bout it. Many fans including myself have asked him whats goin on on his twitter, but hes not saying anything.
Re: Aaron carter

Yes that where i heard the interview will be printed in. Someone had posted that "part" of the interview on twitter and now everyone is talking bout it. Many fans including myself have asked him whats goin on on his twitter, but hes not saying anything.

I'm afraid that it might be 2 reasons for not answering 1 he is not on twitter yet (hope for that) or 2 he really said that :sad2: