Puppy mills-close all of them please


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There are no need for puppy mills,millions of dogs and puppies in shelters are euthanized because there are not enough with homes.
There may be exceptions but it seems puppies from puppy mills are not healthy




"When breeders are no longer able to care for their animals, the problem lands squarely on the shoulders of local shelters," said Half-way Home's Latisha Duffy, who works closely with breeders in Missouri to find homes for retired breeding dogs. "

First the breeders earn as much money they can on the dogs and when the dogs are exhausted and unhealthy it´s time for local shelters to step in and save them.
I believe it´s tax dollars which pays at least a part of it.

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MONTREAL&#8212;Humane Society International/Canada, in partnership with the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec and local law enforcement, rescued more than 500 dogs and puppies from a large-scale commercial breeding facility in Outaouais, Québec. The animals were seized and removed after multiple investigations indicated dogs were not receiving proper care.

The seizure followed an inspection by authorities in which numerous infractions were observed in regards to the security and welfare of the animals.
By far, this was the largest commercial breeding facility, involving some of the most inhumane conditions, that our Animal Rescue Team has ever encountered in Canada,&#8221; said Lauren Scott, campaigner for Humane Society International/Canada. &#8220;Hundreds of dogs were denied their most basic needs and proper care and lacked adequate socialization.&#8221;
The rescued dogs were promptly transported to an emergency shelter in Québec, where they will be cared for, checked by a team of veterinarians, and given any necessary veterinary care. Humane Society International and MAPAQ, with assistance from the Oceanographic Environmental Research Society, Red Rover, and the Ottawa Humane Society, worked throughout the night to assess, examine and catalogue the animals.

The historic seizure comes days before the government of Québec is expected to release the province&#8217;s updated animal welfare (P-42) regulations. Animal welfare groups believe these updates will help to crack down on the province&#8217;s worst puppy mill operations, and are also eagerly anticipating the upcoming announcement of the increased penalties to accompany these regulations. HSI Canada commends MAPAQ for its commitment to improve animal welfare regulations in Québec.


As our dedicated team of staff and volunteers faces the tremendous challenge of caring for well over 500 rescued dogs and puppies, we are making major improvements each day.

Special needs
Right now, our major focus is caring for the most vulnerable animals&#8212;the pregnant mothers and their puppies. Giving birth needs to happen in a quiet, restful place, and the puppies need good nutrition and constant attention. Sadly, many of these mothers are simply too young or too old to be having puppies, and a number of them need extra help caring for their newborns.
Earlier this week, one Chow puppy was rejected by his exhausted mother. Only a few days old, he was being watched over, fed and held around the clock by veterinarians and volunteers. But every day, he cried for his mama, and the feeble sounds were heartbreaking. Then, this morning, another dog responded to his calls, taking him in with her own litter of puppies. Now, he is safe and sound and contented in a new family.

Moved by kindness
The capacity of these neglected dogs to not only forgive and trust again, but to extend compassion to each other brings me to tears. So too does the generosity and support of a huge community of people, including you, who have allowed us to give these deserving dogs a second chance at happiness.
by Rebecca Aldworth

Toronto Bans Pet Stores From Selling Puppy Mill Cats and Dogs

Toronto cracked down on puppy mills this week by voting to ban pet stores from selling puppies and kittens from commercial breeding facilities.

Under the new law, retailers will only be allowed to sell cats and dogs that come from shelters, rescue groups or that were donated. Two currently approved sources are Toronto&#8217;s Animal Control Services and the Toronto Humane Society.

Toronto is the second major municipality in Canada to ban the sale of animals from puppy and cat mills. On Thursday, the City Council voted unanimously to pass the measure.

The new regulations come on the heels of the rescue of 527 dogs from a puppy mill in Quebec, in the largest animal cruelty case in the province&#8217;s history. Quebec is known as the puppy mill capital of North America.

Council member Glenn De Baeremaker, who introduced the Toronto ban said, &#8220;&#8230;from coast to coast, we&#8217;re going to protect dogs across this country. For all intents and purposes we&#8217;ve shut the taps to the puppy mills at retail locations in Toronto.&#8221;

&#8220;The goal of this motion is to stop animal cruelty,&#8221; De Baeremaker continued. &#8220;It really slams the door closed on people who mass produce animals for profit.&#8221;

De Baeremaker also pointed out how the ban will cut down on the number of pets euthanized at Toronto Animal Services. There will be fewer animals coming into the shelter system and more homeless cats and dogs being adopted at pet shops.

The new regulations will have an impact on licensed dog breeders who will be prohibited from selling kittens and puppies to pet shops. The breeders will be able to sell animals from their own facilities.

Many pet shops in Toronto have voluntarily stopped selling animals from puppy mills. In August, the national chain of PJ&#8217;s Pets announced it would no longer sell puppies and instead focus on supporting pet adoptions

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/toronto...g-puppy-mill-cats-and-dogs.html#ixzz1aTgB1w1H

In Los Angeles puppy and kitten mills are banned

The Los Angeles City Council has unanimously approved a motion by Councilmember Koretz that should put an end to the puppy and kitten mills by banning the commercial breeding of dogs, cats, rabbits and chicken and the sale of those animals in pet stores.

Instead animal shelters will work with licensed pet stores to make shelter animals available for adoption at those stores.

Commercial Creation Of Animals Done In Inhumane Conditions

The commercial creation of animals for sale is done in inhumane conditions, creates unhealthy animals and aids animal overpopulation, said Councilmember Koretz&#8217;s email.

The City Council ordered the Los Angeles Department of Animal Services to draft the law and create the adoption program. The law also creates a program to publicly and visibly identify stores that excel in meeting rigorous humane requirements and conditions, and it asks the department to arrange frequent adoption drives for shelter animals at licensed pet stores.

According to MyFoxLA.com, Koretz said he unknowingly purchased a &#8220;puppy mill&#8221; bichon 20 years ago, and it required expensive medical care.

In Shelters, 25 Percent Of Dogs And 50 Percent Of Cats Euthanized

From MyFox/LA.com:

The Department of Animal Services took in about 55,000 animals last year and expects that number to rise this year. It euthanizes about 25 percent of dogs and 50 percent of cats that wind up in shelters.

&#8220;We&#8217;re not only protecting the animals, but we&#8217;re protecting the people in the community, the people who don&#8217;t know that when they go into a pet store they are paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for an animal that is likely to be sick (or) have genetic defects,&#8221; Animal Services General Manager Brenda Barnette said.

Barnette said she knows there are puppy mills in the city, but not how many.

&#8220;A lot of them fly under the radar illegally. They&#8217;re very clever, and they have their little lookouts and they will move from house to house to house, and move their animals with them and stay one step ahead of law enforcement,&#8221; Barnette said.

California Leading The Way

The banning of animal mills, which seems to be where most pet stores get their animals, has been gaining traction but it appears once again that California is leading the way. Toronto is considering a similar law, and Texas has a bill going through the motions that would require more than 11 unspayed female dogs to need a license.

Congratulations, Mr. Koretz!

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/victory-los-angeles-bans-puppy-and-kitten-mills.html#ixzz1aTf82lUj
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More dogs rescued from a puppymill
Video from rescued dogs in Quebec

MONTREAL&#8212;Humane Society International/Canada welcomes the settlement reached today at Campbell&#8217;s Bay courthouse in western Quebec, which granted legal custody of more than 600 severely neglected dogs and puppies to ANIMA-Québec following their rescue from the largest commercial breeding operation in Canada. HSI Canada has been helping care for the dogs and puppies for more than two months at an emergency shelter near Montreal while awaiting a hearing to determine their custody.

&#8220;We are elated with the decision made here today,&#8221; said Lauren Scott, campaigner for Humane Society International/Canada. "This was not only the largest dog rescue in Canadian history, but it also involved some of the most inhumane conditions that our Animal Rescue Team has ever encountered. To have witnessed firsthand the horrific conditions these dogs had been forced to live in at this breeding operation, and to now know that they can be placed into the loving homes they so deeply deserve is incredible. This also sends a strong message to unethical breeders who put profits above animal welfare that Quebecers will no longer tolerate this cruelty."

I think the owner of the dogs should pay for veterinarian care for every dog , but lose custody to all the dogs.
:pleased::clapping:(ANIMAL NEWS) IRELAND — The reference to Ireland as the Puppy Mill of Europe is one that legislators there hope to wipe out. Two 2012 laws require dog breeders to uphold certain standards and give local law enforcement the authority to shut breeders down if they don’t. Irish breeders can still have large numbers of dogs, but they can no longer raise them in dangerous, cramped conditions. By instating these regulations, legislators and authorities hope to find and shut down all the puppy mills in Ireland. We hope that other countries will follow suit. Read more about the new Irish puppy mill laws. — Global Animal

New laws in Ireland will require dog breeders to give puppies a safe environment.Puppy farming has been outlawed in Ireland – with harsh penalties now imposed on anyone who breaks the country’s new laws.

Legislation banning puppy farms came into effect on New Year’s Day as the government looks to clean up the country’s act. The move comes after Ireland became known as the Puppy Farm of Europe. Campaigners have fought for years to protect puppies from unscrupulous breeders.

Now two laws – the Welfare of Greyhounds Act and the Dogs Breeding Establishments Act – have been introduced to control dog breeding and force breeders to look after their animals properly. The new anti-puppy farming legislation makes it impossible to produce hundreds of puppies in grim conditions. Local authority vets also have the right and obligation to inspect all breeding locations. They can immediately shut down any kennels where animals are not being properly cared for. All Irish puppies will be micro-chipped and can now be traced back to the breeder. Breeders will be allowed to keep large numbers of animals, but only under strict conditions and standards set down by the new regulations. All breeders must also be registered with their local authority to comply with the new rules.

Police have encountered several harrowing cases in recent times. Last autumn, a Midlands owner escaped charges after a raid on a puppy farm where 50 dogs were rescued from ‘filthy and overcrowded’ kennels. Officers described the premises as ‘deplorable’.

Poor animals.
I hope they have nice homes now.


Can we promise them a better tomorrow?
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They don´t care about the dogs all they want is money
They don't care
They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money ..............
You don't careYou kill for the money
Anything for money
Puppy factory,Australia.
It´s not better there

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fXeciNYDsBA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
There are people who cares and want to change the dogs lifes for better
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Some supporters of Oscar´s law
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A year later it isn´t better for the dogs, but at least Oscar got away from it at last
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Here is Oscars law:
Abolish the factory farming of companion animals.
Ban the sale of companion animals from pets shops/online trading sites.
Promote adoption through rescue groups/pounds/shelters.
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Here is a petition to set standards foor puppymills

Some people don´t care if animals are suffering they go over corpses to get some money.
I´m thinking of the breeders in the first place, but I think in the petshops they should notice that most of the puppies and kittens who come there are not healthy.
I suppose those who work there might see it and tell the owner of the petshop about it , but the owner just want the money and do nothing about it.
Except for fire the worker who talked.
Then there are other people who do anything to rescue these animals and care for them until they are healthy.
Buying a puppy online is bad, too

Whether you’re looking for a small dog or a big one, a Bulldog puppy or a Yorkie puppy, please don’t buy a puppy online. To buy puppies online is usually just as bad as buying them in a pet shop, maybe even worse! Websites that let you buy a puppy online often claim to be good dog breeders. They claim to offer cheap puppies for sale and will usually ship puppies right to you. They even us fancy terms like certified kennel, AKC registered, pedigree and health certified, and include photos of cute puppies for sale, like tail-wagging Maltese puppies, doe-eyed Chihuahua puppies or adorable German Shepherd puppies… but most of these dog breeders are operating puppy mills. When you support these online dog breeders, you’re supporting the cruel puppy mill industry.

Don’t be fooled.
An informal online survey conducted by the ASPCA reveals that just as many Americans are now buying puppies online as buying from pet stores. According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, hundreds of complaints are filed every year from victims who were scammed when buying a dog online. A truly responsible breeder will never ship a puppy to you without meeting you first. Even though they may advertise online, responsible breeders will not make the transaction online. Here are some of the most common scams online “puppy breeders” use on consumers:

The Bait and Switch
In this classic scam, the website depicts dozens of photos of cute and cuddly, happy and healthy dogs and puppies for sale. What the consumer doesn’t realize is that these are stock photos used over and over again—or simply stolen from other websites. In this scam, virtually all contact is done via email, and the puppy is typically shipped without the buyer ever seeing the dog in person. The scam is revealed when the dog is delivered and the buyer is faced not with the adorable puppy from the photos, but a sickly dog, often of a different color or with different markings. Scammers count on people feeling guilty or compassionate and choosing not to send the puppy back.

Sanctuaries or Scamtuaries?
Unfortunately, this next scam preys on animal lovers who want to help dogs in need. In this scenario, the puppy mill will actually set up its website as a “rescue group” or “sanctuary,” offering purebred puppies who have been rescued from shelters, bad breeders, even from puppy mills! The scam is revealed by the price tag—the “adoption fees” for these dogs often exceed $1,000! Breed rescue groups usually charge no more than a few hundred dollars—because their goal is not to make money, but to find wonderful homes for their rescues.

AKC registry is a service provided by the American Kennel Club. While many people believe AKC registration means their puppies came from reputable breeders, being AKC-registered means nothing more than your puppy’s parents both had AKC papers. While there are some AKC standards, they do not restrict puppy mills from producing AKC-registered dogs. The fact is, many AKC-registered dogs are born in puppy mills.

Never buy a dog you haven’t met in person. Make adoption your first option or choose a responsible breeder.
Two recent cases of abandonment that left a total of 92 dogs along roadsides in Denton County, Texas have once again highlighted the need to stop the mass production of pets, but some still disagree about regulating breeders.

51 Maltese mixed breed dogs were found by police in Flower Mound and were followed by the nearby discovery of 41 Cavalier King Spaniels near Sanger who were all described to be in pretty rough shape with matted coats covered in feces and urine, dental problems and other health issues. Yet, they were all still described as sweet tempered.

They’re believed to have been abandoned by one or more puppy mill breeders who wanted to ditch the business in a hurry due to new regulations in the state.

Under the Dog and Cat Breeders Act, otherwise known as the Texas Puppy Mill Bill, that went into effect on September 1, breeders are required to register with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation when they have 11 or more breeding females or sell 20 or more puppies and kittens during a 12-month period. Under these regulations, breeders will also have to submit to an onsite inspection before they are able to get a license.

“Unfortunately, there are a few of these really bad breeders who know they’re not going to pass inspections and are trying to get out of the business fast,” Peggy Brown, coordinator of community outreach and education for the Humane Society told NBC News.

Strangely, some are blaming the regulations for the dumping of these dogs, instead of acknowledging that the new law didn’t cause the problem, but exposed breeders who shouldn’t be in business in the first place.

The Responsible Pet Owners Alliance (RPOA) believes the new regulations are part of an extremist agenda to stop breeding altogether and is going a step further by filing a lawsuit in federal court against the state of Texas and Frank Denton, Chairman of Commissioners of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. They want the new law to be declared as unconstitutional and invalid.

“This new law tramples on important constitutional rights,” said Executive Director Mary Beth Duerler in a statement, “and will have a negative impact on the state’s economy; affecting veterinarians, pet supply stores, groomers, pet sitters, and sales taxes. ”

The group is opposed to warrantless searches of breeders’ property, different regulations for different breeds, the denial of licenses without the possibility of appeal and the fact that breeders will have to submit to and pass a criminal background check.

Evidently, they believe leaving dogs in conditions like this are perfectly acceptable and breeders should be able to operate with impunity.

As for the abandoned dogs, being dumped on the side of the road may, ironically, have been the best thing to ever happen to them as they are now receiving the love and care they need from the Humane Society of Flower Mound, the Humane Society of North Texas and several rescue groups in the state who are preparing them for new lives in forever homes.

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/puppy-m...2-dogs-on-side-of-the-road.html#ixzz2A3I9QJmk

“This new law tramples on important constitutional rights,” said Executive Director Mary Beth Duerler in a statement, “and will have a negative impact on the state’s economy; affecting veterinarians, pet supply stores, groomers, pet sitters, and sales taxes. ”

What about the dogs ,shouldn´t they have rights too?

Every dog has a right to get veterinariancare when they need it
Every dog has a right to have clean water and food every day
Every dog has a right for walks every day,heat when it´s cold,cool when it's hot
Every dog has a right to love and be loved
Every dog has a right to live-and don´t be killed because loving home is missing
At Long Last! Puppy Mills No Longer Populating L.A. Store Windows.Last week, the City Council banned the retail sale of dogs (and cats and bunnies).
By Maria GoodavageNovember 7, 2012Comment.
Bad news for puppy mills! Those wretched backyard pooch factories just lost a major customer. So did a whole lot of pet stores that sell these cruelly manufactured pups.

Last week the Los Angeles City Council banned the retail sale of dogs (and cats and bunnies). You know the song “How Much is that Doggy in the Window”? It won’t have a whole lot of relevance around Los Angeles anymore.

Los Angeles is the 28th city in North America (the tenth in my home state of California alone!) to ban retail sale of dogs. It’s also the largest city to do so. Toronto recently enacted similar legislation.
“It’s a very good day for the people and animals of L.A.,” Elizabeth Oreck, Best Friends Animal Society national manager of puppy mill initiatives, said in a KHOU report. “Not only will this restrict the flow of animals coming into our city from pet mills and backyard breeders, it will help alleviate the pet overpopulation problem in our shelters by providing more opportunities for rescued animals to find homes.

Some 70,000 pets are killed in Los Angeles County shelters every year. Best Friends worked with the city for 2.5 years to help enact the law that should take a bite out of these needless pet deaths.

Puppy mills and backyard breeders are responsible for most of the dogs sold at pet stores. Their conditions are usually deplorable. Adult breeder dogs can spend their entire lives outdoors in chicken coop-like cages, bearing litter after litter, sleeping in their feces, with wire for flooring, and little or no human contact.

The puppies are often sickly—sometimes from careless inbreeding, sometimes from the bad conditions of the mother dogs, often from both. And too many of those cute little buggers you see at pet stores don’t make it.

I knew a woman who paid $1,000 for a Yorkshire terrier puppy at a pet store. She had no idea what a puppy mill was at the time. Three days later, the pup was dead. She got a nasty wakeup call about the truth behind the “doggy in the window.”

.The Los Angeles ordinance will not ban the sale of responsible hobby breeders. Adopting is the best way to go, in my opinion, and if you’re hankering for a particular breed, you can probably find one via rescue groups or sites like Petfinder.com. But if you want to buy that special breed, there will still be plenty of far-more responsible breeders to choose from.

If you walk into a pet store in a community that has banned the retail sale of dogs andcats, and see some on display, don’t be alarmed: They’re not for sale. (Unless the store is in flagrant violation of the law.) They’re up for adoption via various rescue groups and shelters. What a great ending to a sad story that’s been going on for far too long.

Los Angeles is a trendsetter in many ways. Let’s hope the banning of retail dog (and cat) sales will quickly catch on all over North America. I think it may well. Since the Los Angeles vote, Best Friends has been deluged with requests from other municipalities.

“We are witnessing a cultural shift that comes from true grassroots advocacy in action,” says Oreck. “It is only a matter of time before there will be very few places where one will be able to walk into a pet store and purchase an animal from a puppy or kitten mill.”

What’s a puppy mill to do in this environment? Close up shop and stop the cruelty? Yeah, I’ll take that option.

Have you ever bought a dog or cat from a pet store? Would you have done so if you’d known that your pet was likely from a puppy/kitten mill? Do you think it’s about time for this legislation, or do you view it as an infringement on the right to do business?

I, for one, have a very waggly tail about the ban. How ’bout you?

Do you think it’s about time for this legislation, or do you view it as an infringement on the right to do business?"

Dogs and cats shouldn´t be business, they are living creatures with feelings.
They can do business with things, not living animals.
A dog who has litter after litter taken away from her and when she can´t produce more then she´s useless
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Do you remember Lassie?
He or she didn´t have t live like this

Cruelty at Calstead Collies
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When Billy was rescued it was the first time the door to the cage was opened for a long time
Many of the dogs who was born in a puppymill are submitted to animalshelters.