Who is this girl? - Amy talks about MJ at Oprah in 1993


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
I havnt heard much about her... frankly I dont have any idea who this girl named Amy is. Do you guys know?


Edit: What an ass Oprah is... quote "One of the things that impressed me the most is when I went to the ranch.. inside the theater, there are beds for sick children, I was so moved by it because in order to build walls into the room with beds for children means you geniounly have to care about them"

If Oprah just stayed true to this...
Her name is Amy Agajanian:

As a Postscriptum to the above here is what the team member Rockforevenron wrote to us about Amy Agajanian, Mr. Agajanian’s daughter with whom she managed to talk on the phone.

There are several remarkable things about Amy’s memories of Michael. One of them is this – though Michael spent a lot of time with Amy – more than with her brothers – he never allowed the little girl to stay alone in his room as he took special care not to put her in any compromising situation whatsoever (he was an old-fashioned type of a guy). It didn’t dawn on poor Michael that by driving girls away from his bedroom he was only giving food for nasty innuendos to those media beasts…

Rockforeveron’s story:

“Amy was a very close little pal to Michael in the early 90s, kept up with him a little over the years, is a young woman now who, along with her family, is utterly devastated by Michael’s death. I talked to her on the phone for over an hour a few months ago.

She doesn’t remember or know much legal stuff, other than the whole family was at the airport waiting to testify on MJ’s behalf, when they were disappointed to get called by the lawyer and told they wouldn’t be testifying. She also was at a Neverland celebration afterward and said it was so joyous! Everyone singing! Her older brothers were allowed to sleep over at the house, but even though she was MJ’s closest pal and spent far more time with him than the boys, she was relegated to a guesthouse with her mother. She was pissed! Michael explained to her it wasn’t proper for little girls to be in his house overnight unchaperoned. Michael’s feelings about this explain completely why it was always boys overnight. But you hear nothing about his little girl pals.

She said she thinks she was MJ’s best friend (but of course she wouldn’t really know for sure) until Lisa Marie came along. She told me about accompanying the couple to a few outings, and she BURNED with jealousy, the poor little thing. She said it was obvious they were in love, always holding hands and kissing. So Michael started finding less and less time for her.

Oh, in the interest of fairness to LMP , she said LMP was as sweet as could be to her and she did come to like her.

And… she said she’d love to come on this forum and answer questions, loves to talk about MJ but no one ever asks her (?!).

She was the one on Oprah, and who walked with him hand-in-hand at the Superbowl. She described the thrill of it to me. She said she had no idea it was that big a deal or that Michael was that big a deal, and was utterly stunned and overwhelmed. Michael just told her they were going to a concert, so she had no idea what to expect. She hadn’t known Michael was famous until that moment. Can you imagine?”

Indeed, can all of us imagine that Michael never told those children about his fame? And these media beasts say he wanted to impress the children and lure them into his life by the shine of his gold? It was absolutely the other way about! He wanted the children to give him the feeling of what normal like is like and what it feels to be a simple and ordinary person…