Murray Trial Day 20. October 28th

elusive moonwalker

court starts at 0845 white is on direct and once he finishes that will be it for the day as walgren needs to weekend to prepare for cross due to "new" info the defence has handed over inregards to whites testimony this stops walgren prepairing their closing speech as planned. . so court will prob last all of a couple of hours today.and we are probably looking at wednesday now for the jury going out. feel like crap today my skin complaint caused by stress is flaring up big time. will this ever end!
The momentum of the trial seems to have stalled - clearly not a coincidence that it's when the defence is in the driving seat.
That's not too good that your not feeling great elusive. Hang in there, not too long to go now. We'll all get there together. Really appreciate all your updates, they have been invaluable throughout the trial.
I'm sure the defense has come up with a new theory given that all their other defence arguments were torn to shred by the prosecution experts.

And I expect this scenario that Dr White has come up with to be dealt with in the same way by the prosecution.
LOL! Just watching CNN whilst waiting for the trial to start. The host on CNN called Paul White, "Steven White". Wow, Dr Shafer name stick to so many people that Paul White is so forgettable. Very upsetting is the guest defence lawyer is pro Murray and is saying that Murray appears to be hardworking, genuine and caring doctor and further implied that Michael is an addict. The defence strategy is to confuse the jury and if that works, is likely (which he seems to believe to be the case), Murray will be accquited. SIGH!!!
I'm bored already. What bad graphs, almost wish addiciton doc's crazy graph artwork could be used, at least they were colourful.
Do the streams keep stopping for anyone else or is it just me? They usually work fine. :(
going on about modeling again and trying to discredit the info that is used for them. showing graphs from studies and the different levels paitents had
This is a drag. This case is a good example of how paid experts--White and the addict guy, try to come up with a scenario to support the theory of the person who is paying them. What a shame.
talking about the different levels ppl have to repsonces when under. ie being touched in certain places and if they react. going the same route of saying everyones different and trying to discredit the models as they arent set in stone. and everyones different

the loraz levesl model done by shaffer based on what murray said in his police statement. is the diagram accurate? its accurate for the average paitent. its doest reflect the amount of oral loraz mj was taking in the previous days. residule level would be there if mj was taking oral loraz. pros objects to the oral. judge over rules says thats a matter for cross

there should be some residule left as murray said the day b4 he gave mj loraz. but white cant say what the amounts would be as murray didnt say what the amounts given were
White seems to not be able to answer a lot of things because according to him he is not an expert in those areas. At least he is honest there.
I am worried about this new evidence the prosecution have to look over to prepare for White. My anxiety level is going sky high.
So White theory is that based on what Muarry said he gave Michael, Muarry did not cause Michael's death.
So far I do not seen any significant information from this report to cause an innocent verdict, unless there is some more information in the report coming up. I wonder what Shafer is saying to himself!!
Based on what Murray said? He could've said anything and a different theory would come out each time.
I am so disgusted by White now. I don't think he is doing this for science, contrary to what he states that he does not like the limelight, he is bashing in it and discrediting Dr Shafer left and right. Since White did not state that he is doing this pro bono and I believe he is charging a lot for consulting (looking at the numbers of days he appeared in court) now that he has retired.

He is just trying to confuse the jury and I still cannot believe how he can support Murray who has done so many wrong with his care for Michael. Damn, I a so mad now!
now the midaz and the statements murray gave about when he gave them. midaz half life is alot shorter than loraz its a few hours.midaz acts quicker but wears off quicker.agree with shaffer that murrays statement does fit with what was found in the tox report?. white keeps bitching about shaffer graph saying its confusing to read and im sure the jurrors are confused aswell. hes been well scripted! keeps attacking shaffer about the responsive and non responsive to pain that he wrote on his graph. he keeps going on saying its not a pain killer so i dont know what its on there. trying to act like shaffer hasnt got a clue what hes on about.

murray said he gave loraz at 2 and 5 and 2 lots of midaz and at 10.40 that was all he had given. he said at 1040 he gave a slow injection of dip. shaffer didnt do a report on murrays statement about the dose of dip given. white says yes but then adds i asked shaffer to do a report on it for me and he did. flanagan is now showing that report/graph that shaffer created for white.showing what the concentration was after the dip was given.

based on murrays statement does it accualty match what murray said. yes it accuratly describes the amount in an AVERAGE person (average is the defences favourite word) if the doses murray gave is true as murray said is that a dangerous situation? no not at all. (but thats not what was in mj so its irrelvent)
I'm bored too. I see White's mouth is always open catching flies. He is lucky it is not summer when the files are always about. Sorry guys but I am getting bored and sleepy.
Well, I'm off out. Hopefully Walgren can tear White apart and the witnesses end tonight. I'll be sure to read the kind updates that are always posted in here when I get back tonight. Bye all. Have fun sleeping. :p
So murray knocked out mj on anesthetic for 2 months straight and then just used minimal sedation levels on 25th june. I see, v believable.
After the clarity of Shaffer, this witness will not captivate a jury. The defense is crazy if they think the jury is paying attention to what White is saying now.
This whole testimony is based on assuming that Murray told the whole truth to the police. Clearly he didn't.