A most peculiar ABC, a taxi rather


I got many things to write today, so i might as well start with the nastiest part. It's gonna a most peculiar ABC.That's why we gonna start with....

C – for the b&tch(es) or bast*%d(s) that keep on stalking me on the phone – STOP IT. You've been doing it for months already and not even the change of phone number worked.You have now taken your 'game' up a notch since there is not only silence but distorted, creepy voices sayin' crap in my ear trying to scare me. It won't work. If you keep this ish, I WILL get the police involved and my dad's legal expertise will also come in handy.

1. IF you have such great access to me, then surely you must also know where i live and if you have such great contempt for me then it shouldn't be a problem for you to try and harm me in the....real world as well. I dare you, come and get me.Try and hurt me and you'll see what happens.

2. IF, on the other hand, you got something nice to say to me, but you are verbally and emotionally impaired, then the same applies – come visit me in the REAl world. The one where people are made of flesh and blood and stuff, ya know? Ever heard of that one? I may be crazy to think folks on the radio and tele 'talk' to me, but i haven't reached the stage where i'm hearing voices. And i don't wanna hear ANY voices because I DON'T TRUST anything that is technology-related. The Ayo thing is waaay overdone. Phone connections are not my thang. There is only ONE way left to reach me. Use it (in time) or lose me.

No matter to which category you belong – 1 or 2 – if you got'em, you need to increase the size of your...eggs, and if you don't, then u need to make a very special surgical intervention to get them installed cause this smacks of cowardice and impotence.

A. To friendlier folks now, who most of time have been involved in providing precious information and support. I'm trying to phrase this as carefully as possible as to not offend (too much) – your contribution is greatly appreciated, it really is, i mean that. BUT, as far as i'm concerned, your mission stops here. It does feel a bit more than silly and a complete waste of all our time to engage in a conversation where you no longer can provide any real answer.

You have said all there was to be said. All this is now is a waiting game. There's no point in carrying on the charade of me asking you about trains and stations and you talking to me about the weather. It is an insult to my intelligence, however limited it might be.

Also, i have seen and felt the pressure you are under. You have no obligation whatsoever towards me. I will try and limit our contacts to the best of my abilities. Please don't take it as an offense and ingratude for all your efforts so far or a rejection, but rather consider it a welcome time of relief and break from each other. Next time when we do meet, cause i'm sure we will, try and act as if i'm not there at all. How's that for an offer? :)

B. To everyone involved in this deeper than the masons ish, like Pit would say lol – PLEASE let me have my time of rest. If i am not a complete basket case and if i am the hybrid of a creature that i think i are going through a most special transition period from one world to another, please let me breathe and let me do all the other things that i need to for myself and for all the people from my 'ole' life. I don't believe i am not asking too much.

For the longest time i have played by the rules of the court and more or less willingly i have subjected myself to differing degrees of humiliation and pain. I am no longer willing to be a target practice. The open season on Shabby ends 2DAY.

I will not sit idly and resign to my 'fate' of things getting worse before they get better. Nope, as of tomorrow I get to change the rules of the game that i do play – how about things getting in no other shape (thus maintaining this most fragile status quo) before they get better? How about we have a hiatus (not goodbye, not farewell)... from pain and await the long promised and heralded joy?

The attacks i'm sure will continue, i'm not that dumb to believe i will actually be taken seriously or that my wishes count for anything, but i will make the best efforts i am capable of for fighting back as many of them as possible even if i won't be immune to all of 'em.

And if i am the crazy one i could very well be, then the rest is all the more needed in order to clear my mind and streighten my path before i completely and irrevocably lose my mind.

P.S.Lovely to see the A. people got the message :) Much appreciated. Sooo, to recap - i've started mending my relationships with my neighbors, my folks, now this, i'm hopin' things at work and in school will start to improve, there is only one major problem left to tackle. I wonder what it is? :p
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