Why was Beat It removed from the 93 leg of the Dangerous Tour?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's strange that Michael would cut one of his biggest hits from a setlist. Was he sick of performing it at the time?
I assume that the stage's layout changed and the way the show was run changed as well in 1993,so I'm guessing it was taken out due to time constraints and how quick the transition was to go from WDAN into Beat It.But who knows,it's just my hypothesis.

EDIT:I do know for sure he did rehearse WDAN in 1993,and there's footage of it on Youtube,but it was really weird that he did take it out of the show.

EDIT 2:I just remembered that the first day the tour restarted in 1993,the child abuse allegations came out,so I think for that reason(along with him getting addicted to painkillers)that he wanted to take it out.
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