is this YRMW story about nose-remodelling true?


Proud Member
Nov 18, 2012
"In the short film 'You Rock My World' they wanted to darken his skin and remold his nose a little. Shortly after hearing this Michael locked himself in the bathroom and began to break everything. Frank Cascio came in to find Michael sitting on the floor. Michael began to cut his hair so now his hair is half long and half short. He held his head in his hands and while sobbing said: “Would you believe it? they think i’m ugly? They want me to remold my nose? What the **** is wrong with me? I don’t tell them how they should be! **** them!” Speaking through his tears he said “They think i am a monster! though, i am a monster. I am a monster!”
Sounds like trash written in the National Enquirer. Take it with a gran of salt.
Is it just me, or they always add the part that he locked himself in the bathroom? It sounds familiar...
Could be real, you know how disgraceful the press can be.
This story is not coming from tabloids but Frank Cascio's book:

The summer of 2001 found us on the set for this video when John McClain, a long-term adviser to the Jacksons, called me. He had met with the director, he said, and reported, “They want to use makeup to darken Michael’s skin for the video. They also want to fill in his nose with putty.” He wanted me to suggest these cosmetic effects to Michael. He clearly didn’t know Michael at all. I was stunned. And I refused.

“John, I cannot have this conversation with Michael. There’s no way he’ll ever go for anything like this. If you need to, go ahead. But I’m not doing it.” I didn’t want to get involved. A little while later I was back in my hotel room when the phone rang. It was Karen Faye, Michael’s makeup artist, calling from Michael’s room. She was supposed to be getting him ready for the video shoot, but he had locked himself in the bathroom and she had no idea why. She asked me to come to the room immediately. When I arrived, I heard Michael inside the bathroom, freaking out and throwing stuff around. Clearly John McClain had talked to him about the proposed changes to his skin and nose, and he was extremely pissed off. I tried to get his attention, but the chaos inside the bathroom went on. Finally I heard him bang something with such force that I got worried. I started trying to break down the door. At last, Michael let me in. He was sitting on the floor. He’d been in the middle of having his hair cut when he heard the news, so his hair was half long, half short. He was holding his hands over his face, sobbing.

“Can you believe it?” he said. “They think I’m ugly? They want to put putty on my nose? What the **** is wrong with them? I don’t tell them how they should look. **** them.” Talking through his tears, he kept saying, “They think I’m a freak, they think I’m a freak, they think I’m a freak.”

Seeing him crouched on the floor, sobbing and with his hair half cut, was devastating, to say the very least. This was the second time in recent days that I’d seen him break down. Although for years, the media had been mocking and attacking his appearance, Michael didn’t always react so strongly to what people said about him. It depended on the day. Sometimes he didn’t care what people thought. He was a strong guy. Then there were times when enough was enough, and he would break down. The fact that his supposed allies were criticizing his appearance at a time when he was in such a fragile state was too much for him to bear.
It`s from Frank Cascio`s book, side 203:

When i arrived I heard Michael in the bathroom, freaking out and throwing stuff around. Clearly John McClain had talked to him about proposed changes t his skin and nose, and he was extremly pissed off. I tried to get his attention, but the chaos inside the bathroom went on. Finally I heard him bang something wiht such force that I got worried. I startet tryig to break down the door. Al last, Michal let me in. He was sitting on the floor. He `d been in the middle of having his hair cut when he heard the news, so his hair was half long, half short. He was holding his hands over his face, sobbing. "can you believe it?" he said. "They think I`m ungly?" They want to putty on my nose? What the **** is wrong with them? I don`t tell them how they should look. **** them" Talking through tears, he kept saying, "They think I`m a frea, they think I`m a freak, they think I`m a freak."
It could be true but I hope not. I don't understand how they could have said something like that to Michael.
Who knows...
But the makeup in this shortfilm is awful imo, not to MJs advantage
The bodyguards also have a bit on how he called them up late at night and got very emotional on the phone about how he had felt like a zoo animal in a cage all his life or that time he yanked the security camera down near the swimming pool.
That was cruel. It was public that MJ's father used to diss his appearance when he was a kid. So after all those years having someone he was working with asking him to change his looks I imagine the psychological effect was devastating.
His whole appearance in 2001 was not for his advantage. The doctor who did it and did not tell him that he can not do that was cruel.
Nothing did fit in 2001, not his haircut, not his clothing. His blue tracksuit on the Invincible presentation on Times Square was really far away from an iconic look.
I do not think so someone was cruel who honestly told him that he does not look good. I think it is really a whole difference when a father tells his little son his nose is too big, as if someone tells a adult person he goes to furth with operation.
2001 was really the year where I think everyone said, why he did this to himself.I do not know if the story as described is true, but Frank Cascio really did not like John McClain and he has personal issues with him.
Personally, I cried when I saw Michael on the MSG show. But I was heartbroken for him and it just made me love him more if that's even possible.
Of course I was pretty sad seeing how terrible Elizabeth and Liza looked too-I love them but not the same way I love Michael.

The one thing I know for sure is that Michael didn't do this to himself on purpose. Knowing something about discoid lupus because of different friends and colleagues and suspicious I have lupus myself, I knew the lupus had done it and some doctor was probably trying to repair the damage. Especially noticed how he couldn't smile like he used to.
But he could have no face and it wouldn't have mattered to me-I just hurt for him.

People jump to the conclusion that he wanted more and more cosmetic surgery and I just don't believe it. He told Shmuley that he looked like a lizard (saw that in an interview) and Shmuley immediately assumes he has body self loathing disorder. Stupid.

I hurt for him because of the agony and pain he went thru during puberty when his own fans turned against him bc he wasn't "cute" anymore. When the only love you get is across the floodlights of a stage, that must have been devastating for him. Then to have it happen again but way worse and this time you can't do anything about it??
All you can do is try another surgery and hope it works. Your look has become the most iconic and most popular in the world and a disease takes it away?

I know people hate and loathe Dr. Klein but he did manage to bring Michael back to looking like himself for TII. (It wasn't just the curly hair).
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Personally, I cried when I saw Michael on the MSG show. But I was heartbroken for him and it just made me love him more if that's even possible.
Of course I was pretty sad seeing how terrible Elizabeth and Liza looked too-I love them but not the same way I love Michael.

The one thing I know for sure is that Michael didn't do this to himself on purpose. Knowing something about discoid lupus because of different friends and colleagues and suspicious I have lupus myself, I knew the lupus had done it and some doctor was probably trying to repair the damage. Especially noticed how he couldn't smile like he used to.
But he could have no face and it wouldn't have mattered to me-I just hurt for him.

People jump to the conclusion that he wanted more and more cosmetic surgery and I just don't believe it. He told Shmuley that he looked like a lizard (saw that in an interview) and Shmuley immediately assumes he has body self loathing disorder. Stupid.

I hurt for him because of the agony and pain he went thru during puberty when his own fans turned against him bc he wasn't "cute" anymore. When the only love you get is across the floodlights of a stage, that must have been devastating for him. Then to have it happen again but way worse and this time you can't do anything about it??
All you can do is try another surgery and hope it works. Your look has become the most iconic and most popular in the world and a disease takes it away?

I know people hate and loathe Dr. Klein but he did manage to bring Michael back to looking like himself for TII. It wasn't just the curly hair.

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The alleged story sounds just as ridiculous as when I first heard it!
I remember ET reporting something around the time the video came out, about how the director tried to hide Michael's face because of how he looked (although Michael's face is fully visible several times in the long version so it's probably more BS). Seeing this story again makes me think of that report. Someone must've flapped their gums a bit too much and the press/tabloids got wind of it and turned it into something negative like they always do with him. :(
Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. Does it matter? The fact that it's published in a book certainly doesn't make it true. Regardless of his relationship with Michael, it was in Frank Cascio's interest to exaggerate and share "intimate" details of Michael's life, especially moments like this (whether they really happened or were fabricated) to sell copies of his book. Sensationalism sells.

Even if it were true, would it change how you feel about Michael? Have you never lost it yourself? I have no problem admitting I've locked myself in the bathroom to throw a sh*t fit more than once. Sometimes life is just too much.

Stories like these are why I want nothing to do with celebrity media. It's a warped fascination with the unseemly that I find petty and strange.
Even if it's true, IT doesnt change my feelings towards Michael. In hindsight, MJ was physically not ready in 2001, it's a lot better a few years later.
Dilan;4067093 said:
what did Arnold klein do to him for TII?
Article from July 10th 2009:

Dr Klein said he had intervened to stop Jackson from having further surgery and then began rebuilding his nose and cheeks using fillers last year.

“I thought he had a nice-looking nose... but it got to the point where it was far too thin. It didn’t look natural to me,” the doctor told the CNN programme Larry King Live.

“I rebuilt it, using fillers. He was beginning to look like the nose was normal again. And that’s all I wanted – and to regain the breathing passages of his nose, because there was a total collapse of the cartilage.”

He said that Jackson was still blighted by acne and scarring from his years of plastic surgery, which he had been trying to treat in the days leading up to his death.

“I just was trying to get him ready to do the concert, because in the way he looked in his face he wanted it to be absolutely as perfect as it could be,” he said.
The bodyguards also have a bit on how he called them up late at night and got very emotional on the phone about how he had felt like a zoo animal in a cage all his life or that time he yanked the security camera down near the swimming pool.

That story had nothing to do with MJ's looks. It had to do with him not wanting any cameras near his children, so that pics and footage of them would not leak.
I know people hate and loathe Dr. Klein but he did manage to bring Michael back to looking like himself for TII. (It wasn't just the curly hair).

That 2001-2003 period really wasn't the best for him, but I think by the time of the trial he already looked fine and he looked fine after the trial as well. It was that Invincible era where something was really off. And I think it was more than just the looks - to me it looked like he was in pain and as you said, he could not smile. Maybe it was because of his lupus or some cosmetic treatment went really bad, but to me the worst was that he looked to be in pain. And he probably was because he got hooked on Demerol at the time.
All I saw during the trial was pain and anguish. Thanks for the CNN report. I had read Kleins credit claim to the estate (unpaid bills along with Kai Chase,etc) and at the time thought he had done a good job and did a lot to restore Michael's self confidence.
I can see the difference between the TII announcement and the rehearsal at Staples center.
Klein was certainly gifted at one time. I'm sorry he kinda went off the rails.
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I also think that weight loss/weight gain is a big factor to MJ's changed appearance over the years. I've seen people in my everyday life lose and gain weight and they end up looking really different
That story had nothing to do with MJ's looks. It had to do with him not wanting any cameras near his children, so that pics and footage of them would not leak.

What I mean is its an example of behaviour we wouldn't expect. Since he was told the cameras were all unplugged by his bodyguards before hand.
Yeah, Michael appeared a lot better in some of the THIS IS IT! rehearsals, he always did look better when he didn't wear Sunglasses though (in my opinion)