Former MJ Bodyguard Kerry Anderson To Release A New Book June 13th


Proud Member
Aug 4, 2011
Created a new thread for all Kerry Anderson discussion, to keep it separate from the other bodyguard thread. Please keep discussion about him in here. Thank you! :)

- Jenn (aka "Spyce")


A New Book on the Horizon - Kerry Anderson - Chief Bodyguard to Michael Jackson
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Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

This is the guy who is a frequent on King Jordan Radio, isn't he?
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

Yes, it is.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

Another bodyguard in the mix. I wonder if he would engage an author to help him write and if he will write about the same issues/topics the other bodyguards talked about.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

This is the guy who is a frequent on King Jordan Radio, isn't he?

Kerry Anderson shares memories of Michael Jackson on King Jordan Radio!: via @YouTube
Kerry Anderson shares memories of Michael Jackson on King Jordan Radio! (2): via @YouTube
Kerry Anderson shares memories of Michael Jackson on King Jordan Radio! (3): via @YouTube
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

Guys what do you think about this new book. Is anyone excited about it, or it that for another thread.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

I'll read it. I read all the books.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

^^Yeah some people read all the books. Personally, I apply a filter/screening to my reading material.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

It's frustrating that it wasn't until his death that stories like this started becoming public knowledge, so while I'm not quite sure how I feel about his workers writing books and stuff (I haven't read the bodyguard book) I think any positive stories on him is a :yes:
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

King Jordan Radio returns with a bang! Former LA sergeant and former bodyguard for Michael Jackson Kerry Anderson !! He will discuss his plans on coming out with a new Michael Jackson book! And you gotta remember Kerry went everywhere with Michael during the trial and a few years after so this book should be awesome, we will talk about it, we will also get Kerrys take the Ferguson story in addition the New York stories where both cops were not charged in addition will get Kerrys take on the police officers in New
York check out Kerry's Facebook Page

The show airs tonight at 9:30. You can call in to the show at 347-857-2950.
Interesting that Kerry Anderson posted on FB 17 hours ago that MJ wouldn't let his security carry guns, yet in the bodyguard book, within the first couple of pages they list how many different kinds of weapons they had on hand and an incident at the breakfast table where one bodyguard got in s**t for pulling his weapon at the breakfast table when the alarm went off... My thoughts are that either A.) Someone isn't telling the whole truth, or B.) Mike really did spend his last couple years in a state of fear and paranoia?

From the BG book: "They were all just sitting at the breakfast table, eating their cereal. They saw me and they froze: Mr. Jackson on the left, Paris at the head of the table, Prince sitting on my right, across from Mr. Jackson. I didn’t see Blanket. He was across the room by the TV, which was where the panic button was mounted on the wall. He was just walking around, hitting buttons. They all sat there at the table, staring at me, and then Blanket blurted out, “Bill, is that a real gun?! Little dude thought it was cool. Mr. Jackson did not. Pulling an automatic weapon in the family room with his kids eating breakfast? Oh, he got on me about that. He didn’t like the kids seeing weapons, but he did appreciate that we were well armed. We both carried semiautomatic Glock pistols with extended magazines. We had Tasers. Each of them delivered a charge of 1.2 million volts, powerful enough to take down a three-hundred-pound man. We had a cache of backup weapons: MP5 fully automatic submachine guns, military-style AR-15s, 12-gauge automatic shotguns, and concealable MAC-10s. We had three cases of ammunition, close to three thousand rounds for everything we had. We wore lightweight body armor under our suits at all times. Some may say it was overkill, but those people don’t know the kind of threats that Mr. Jackson received on a regular basis. We planned and prepared for the worst, but we hoped and prayed for the best."

Sidenote, I can't remember when Anderson stopped working for MJ and why?
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

Interesting that Kerry Anderson posted on FB 17 hours ago that MJ wouldn't let his security carry guns, yet in the bodyguard book, within the first couple of pages they list how many different kinds of weapons they had on hand and an incident at the breakfast table where one bodyguard got in s**t for pulling his weapon at the breakfast table when the alarm went off... My thoughts are that either A.) Someone isn't telling the whole truth, or B.) Mike really did spend his last couple years in a state of fear and paranoia?

There is that story about Randy crashing through the gate with his car and the bodyguards pulling their gun on him. This was acknowledged by all parties, so it's not a lie that the bodyguards had guns.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

There is that story about Randy crashing through the gate with his car and the bodyguards pulling their gun on him. This was acknowledged by all parties, so it's not a lie that the bodyguards had guns.

It's interesting then that according to Anderson, MJ didn't let his security carry guns until the new (and last) bodyguards came about (the ones who wrote the book), that is to say, the last 3-4 years of Mike's life?
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

It's interesting then that according to Anderson, MJ didn't let his security carry guns until the new (and last) bodyguards came about (the ones who wrote the book), that is to say, the last 3-4 years of Mike's life?

Maybe he did not let Anderson and Co. carry guns but he did with his last bodyguards. It doesn't necessarily have to mean that someone lies.
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

Maybe he did not let Anderson and Co. carry guns but he did with his last bodyguards. It doesn't necessarily have to mean that someone lies.

That's why I said "or" in my original post.

My thoughts are that either A.) Someone isn't telling the whole truth, or B.) Mike really did spend his last couple years in a state of fear and paranoia?

I think all fans are pretty aware of how anti guns Mike was, and I can understand after everything he had been through saying it was okay to keep 1 concealed weapon per guard or something along those lines, but in my opinion, what I find most disheartening about his state of mind towards the end was the list of weapons that the bodyguards said they had on hand. I mean the guy didn't just have a handgun or taser, he had MP5's and AR-15s ...
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

Michael didn't let Neverland guards have guns and probably when it was just him he didnt feel his own bodyguards should have weapons because he was always concerned for fans...But I think when you are a father and you receive threats about your kids the situation changes, so it is normal that they had some guns in the last few years...
Re: Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

I agree that things likely changed over time. I always figured that his earlier years probably included intermittent lower risk threats from mentally unstable individuals who became obsessed with him, though there was always the potential for a John Lennon/Mark D Chapman type tragedy. I think the bodyguards became more heavily armed once the level of hatred and specific death threats directed at him rose dramatically, due to the U.S "news" media constantly drilling the lies into viewers' heads that there was real evidence that he was guilty of the 2003 allegations and then portraying him as a guilty perv who got away with a crime after he was rightfully acquitted. I suppose some threats could have been financially-based as well, given the level of wealth and business dealings with shady people (e.g., Thome).
I'll always cherish the moments I had with Michael Jackson but some of the moments stood out more than others. While driving to a meeting in Florida I noticed Michael in a very good mood listening to music and enjoying the scenery. A few miles down the road while stopped at a traffic signal, I heard what I thought was Michael crying. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Michael was crying as he gazed at a building on our right. I asked Michael what was wrong. Michael told me the building we were stopped next to was where he viewed his good friend Andy Gibb's body when Andy died. I'll discuss in my upcoming book the amazing conversations Michael and I had about Heaven and eternal life after death.

Their's already a book by Michael's bodyguards, another item i shall be avoiding.
Not sure if anybody else knows, but I know he was with Michael throughout the trial. Perhaps he stopped when Michael and the kids left for Bahrain. That's just my guess.
No, in Bahrain he was still with Michael. You can notice him at some pictures.
I just spoke with him this morning and MJJC will be doing a Q&A with him after our Q&A with Steve Barron :)
That's nice but Q&A forum is private so I won't be able to read his answers.
Kerry is thereby joining the long list of people exploiting MJ death. just like his predecessors (ex-bodyguards, ex-employees such as Raymond Bain ), he could not resist the monetary pressure.

Thanks. but no thanks. The market is already saturated with exploitative books on MJ which are struggling to sell.
Kerry is thereby joining the long list of people exploiting MJ death. just like his predecessors (ex-bodyguards, ex-employees such as Raymond Bain ), he could not resist the monetary pressure.

Thanks. but no thanks. The market is already saturated with exploitative books on MJ which are struggling to sell.

Last book of Michael that i bought was 'Man in the Music'!
Wel i never did buy the bodygard book in the end... so i doubt id check kerrys either.
Another sell out. join the rest kerry. fake as they come in their moralistic and religious tones.
I'll definitely read but with a big filter. It is fun in a reality sort of way but cannot be taken as depicting who Michael really was. The other three bodyguards book - even though the authors seem to think they were very close to Michael, it did not look like they had any real insight to MJ. He seemed to have been totally professional with his employees.
Wel i never did buy the bodygard book in the end... so i doubt i'd check kerrys either.

It's nice to see I'm not the only one that hadn't read the bodyguard book :) Actually, since Michael's death, I haven't read ANY books that have been released. I did get the Opus because my partner at the time ordered it for me as a birthday gift, but I never ended up reading it, and sadly I don't own it anymore :(