Best live vocals of HIStory Tour?


Proud Member
Jan 15, 2011
Sadly Michael sang only few songs live on HIStory Tour and many times when he sang his voice wasn't at its best because of throat problems but sometimes he sounded great. In which concert do you think he had best live vocals? I think he sounded amazing in the Gothenburg concert:

He really should have sang more live.
I would say Startin' Somethin' in Copenhagen especially the line ''SING IT TO THE WORLD, SING IT ALL NIGHT LONG HOO-HOO'' he could have pulled off that show, i'd love to hear multitracks from some shows with powerful voice recording's! rehearsals would be great also.

FIRE. A montage concert of every song performed through the years would be insane, has to be done right though of course.
Both good examples.

I really crave more live stuff from this tour. Not for his credibility or anything, just cause he sounds so beautiful live. You Are Not Alone and Stranger In Moscow would be the best. I fear it just never happened however.
I may be biased but Dublin singing and dancing was some of the best
Generally, one of the tour’s highlights was the segment of live vocals during “In The Closet”.
I really hope there is at least 1 show with mostly live signing. Do we know for certain there isn't? I can't remember how many shows he did on the tour. I will have to look it up. I have a hard time believing there is not 1.
I really hope there is at least 1 show with mostly live signing. Do we know for certain there isn't? I can't remember how many shows he did on the tour. I will have to look it up. I have a hard time believing there is not 1.

I would say it's almost a guarantee that there isn't an existing show in which Michael sang mostly live. The community would surely know about it if one did exist. There are dates in which little segments of songs are done live that typically aren't but for the most part everything is mimed.
Most of the time the Billie Jean adlibs sounded really cool
There was a video of Michael singing live over They Don't Care About Us. Does anyone have that footage? I saw a video on youtube some time ago but i cant to find it :(
In some recent news reports they have used the live vocal multitracks from the Munich shows, for example the chorus of BOTDF is mixed with the playback
Munich ? :bored2: It's like listen Michael's albums with a video...
Plus, for the question of the Thread, I would say Manila & Kuala Lampur only for Billie Jean Ad-Libs.
A lot of them come from Brunei. Billie Jean in Kuala Lumpur comes to mind.