The Rageaholic / RazorFist on Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Mar 29, 2019
TheRageaholic / RazorFist on Michael Jackson

It was Michael Jackson’s insurance company that insisted on paying the Chandler family off. What does it say about a family if they are willing to put a $25 million price tag on their juvenile son’s anal virginity, knowing if they had any discernible, physical, or circumstantial evidence they could walk away in court with an identical or even greater amount, along with the opportunity to put a man who they claim is a hardened pedophile behind bars, theoretically sparing other children from similar treatment in the process? If that sounds cock-eyed, you’re wrong! It was uncut black tar bullshit! - TheRageaholic / RazorFist

The Arvizo family wants us all to believe that when it came time for Michael Jackson to deflower a child, a crime that could put him away for the remainder of his life and ruin his entire career in the process, his masterplan boiled down to “Hey, hop on the bed in full view of your brother and we’ll jerk each other off. Yeah, I can’t imagine why he was acquitted! - TheRageaholic / RazorFist

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These videos are perfect for people who don't have time/don't want to read through pages and pages of court transcripts. And there's no excuse for people not to watch these videos, because if they can sit through a 4 hour ''documentary'' then they can sit through some 30 minute videos.
He was also a guest to that cancer Vince Russo's podcast "The Brand" along with other guests Stevie Richards, Bin Hamin, and Jeff Lane. Razor OWNS these guys good on that topic. Razor OWNS em!
He was also a guest to that cancer Vince Russo's podcast "The Brand" along with other guests Stevie Richards, Bin Hamin, and Jeff Lane. Razor OWNS these guys good on that topic. Razor OWNS em!
What does he say to Russo?

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He was also a guest to that cancer Vince Russo's podcast "The Brand" along with other guests Stevie Richards, Bin Hamin, and Jeff Lane. Razor OWNS these guys good on that topic. Razor OWNS em!

Razor: *Comes with facts and logic*
Everyone else on that podcast: ''But, muh feelings!!
analogue;4270236 said:
Razor: *Comes with facts and logic*
Everyone else on that podcast: ''But, muh feelings!!

That Bin Hamin guy sounded like an @$$ and yet got OWNED as I said. I don’t know why that cancer (still calling him that for ruining WCW)would even bother with that topic, didn’t matter they got OWNED real good by Razor and glad he’s on our side.
PoP;4270483 said:
That Bin Hamin guy sounded like an @$$ and yet got OWNED as I said. I don’t know why that cancer (still calling him that for ruining WCW)would even bother with that topic, didn’t matter they got OWNED real good by Razor and glad he’s on our side.

Look at the people in the comment section. Everybody is saying how razzorfist came with real facts and could back it up while all the other purely went with feelings and projection. It's sad to see this type of behavior.
This guy is terrific. A great ally.
This. There's a lot of "neutral" people out there who are not close-minded just simply don't care about the topic enough to investigate it further, but who are willing to watch Razorfist summing it up and end up being 100% convinced that the cases against MJ were frauds. He's definitely making a difference.

What's special about him I think: 1) although he clearly appreciates MJ's music no one would consider him a fan (not that being a fan makes someone less reasonable, but sadly many would still think so), 2) his rage, haha, I mean that he takes the offensive position instead of the usual defensive one, which is a brilliant tactic IMO.
This. There's a lot of "neutral" people out there who are not close-minded just simply don't care about the topic enough to investigate it further, but who are willing to watch Razorfist summing it up and end up being 100% convinced that the cases against MJ were frauds. He's definitely making a difference.

What's special about him I think: 1) although he clearly appreciates MJ's music no one would consider him a fan (not that being a fan makes someone less reasonable, but sadly many would still think so), 2) his rage, haha, I mean that he takes the offensive position instead of the usual defensive one, which is a brilliant tactic IMO.

Yes, I think his bluntness is really invigorating haha
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="hu"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yes!<br><br>Razor - I don't think you even know how much you helped people individually as well the the MJ fan community collectively. You kept me grounded during the height of LN. Your live LN broadcast was so funny it took all the power out of the film. <br><br>Cheers!</p>&mdash; VP_Advocacy (@VP_Advocacy) <a href="">2019. oktĆ³ber 5.</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="hu"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Razor, I just wanna thank you for bringing all of this blatantly defamatory bullshit against MJ into the searing light of day with your videos. You convinced me of Michael's innocence, and I, in turn, convinced my family.<br><br>Slowly but surely, his legacy will be restored.</p>&mdash; Kester Kringle (@therkester) <a href="">2019. december 19.</a></blockquote>
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I don't think that highly of this guy. Because he spews a lot of garbage and misinformation elsewhere. He only supports Michael's innocence to "own the libs." He's purely contrarian for shock value and to stand out. If the consensus was where it should be, in saying Michael was innocent, this guy would be front and center calling Michael the biggest offender in human history.

I get the idea of allies of convenience and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," but you've gotta have standards. And I don't support grifters and frauds.
Ah, Raz0rfist. I should note first and foremost that I don't normally watch his content and I'm not exactly a fan. I don't like the fact that he defended R. Kelly and IMO he should know better, since it hurt his credibility quite a bit.

Despite this, his videos defending Michael were a big reason as to why I defend him now as well. I still mostly credit an old friend of mine when she defended Michael on Twitter (she retweeted those videos too, which is how I found them), but Raz0rfist's videos were the first in Michael's defense that I watched, and so contributed to me becoming an MJ fan in 2019.

For the record, I never fully believed Michael was guilty and had always hoped he wasn't, but I started specifically believing in his innocence from around that moment onward. However, because I was apprehensive when I was younger and didn't want to support a possible pedophile, I didn't consider myself a fan nor did I actively listen to his music at the time, even though I did like it (I just didn't want to admit it yet).

So even though I don't really like Raz0rfist, and think his defense of R. Kelly is cringe and misinformed (and almost made me doubt MJ's innocence again... almost, because thankfully other MJ defenders called him out), without his MJ videos I wouldn't be here today. I do however think there are better channels to watch for MJ defense content, but hey, everything's a first step, right?
Well it's not just defending R. Kelly. The Bill Cosby defense also was quite jarring, and his absolute unbridled hatred of Gloria Allred. Of basically saying anything Allred is involved in as automatically fraud, despite the fact that when Allred was with the Chandlers, she was trying to get a criminal trial first, which the Chandlers did not want, so they kicked her to the curb.

There's also his stomach churning alt-right loyalty, parroting their points unquestioningly, in addition to his following their talking points when talking about movies, for example.

I can't take someone like him seriously, especially when every inch of him, especially the leather getup, shows what an absolute poseur he is.
There's also his stomach churning alt-right loyalty, parroting their points unquestioningly, in addition to his following their talking points when talking about movies, for example.
His politics are why I un-subbed from his channel. Got tired of the exaggerated, manipulative clickbait thumbnails. I don't think I watched a whole lot of his stuff when I was subbed anyway; only if it was about Michael or if it was one of his Star Trek: Deep Space Nine retrospective videos.

Had no idea he defended R. Kelly. That's... not a good look. >.>

Honestly I don't know what's worse: the fact that LN happened and dragged Michael through the mud again, or that a particular number of his defenders/allies to the fanbase during that time were radical right-wing/right-leaning types.
His politics are why I un-subbed from his channel. Got tired of the exaggerated, manipulative clickbait thumbnails. I don't think I watched a whole lot of his stuff when I was subbed anyway; only if it was about Michael or if it was one of his Star Trek: Deep Space Nine retrospective videos.
Yeah, his politics are why I won't share his videos with anyone, even though I personally enjoyed them lol I basically have to ignore his politics to get behind anything he says.

Had no idea he defended R. Kelly. That's... not a good look. >.>
That's really awful, honestly. Ugh.

Honestly I don't know what's worse: the fact that LN happened and dragged Michael through the mud again, or that a particular number of his defenders/allies to the fanbase during that time were radical right-wing/right-leaning types.
THIS!!!! Ugh. I totally agree and feel the same way.
Honestly I don't know what's worse: the fact that LN happened and dragged Michael through the mud again, or that a particular number of his defenders/allies to the fanbase during that time were radical right-wing/right-leaning types.
Again, I'm all for allies of convenience and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," but it shouldn't be too much to ask to have standards and bare minimums with differences of opinion, especially on opposite sides on the political spectrum.

Take the blog Vindicating Michael, which has been in existence since 2009 by an older Ukrainian woman named Helena. It started off quite well, establishing the evidence in Michael's favor quite thoroughly. Up till recently, it was even good in establishing other actors that might have had a hand in targeting Michael, bigger than the Chandlers, Arvizos and Tom Sneddon. Notably the potential role David Geffen might have had in stabbing his supposed friend in the back, and his likely connection in aiding and abetting some of the worst predators in Hollywood, just to engage in transactional relationships to use the likes of, say, Harvey Weinstein or Bryan Singer, to be shock troopers in taking down people on Geffen's enemies list.

But Helena, even before the recent invasion by Russia, has fallen down the Q rabbit hole quite hard. Especially with a recent post praising Trump as a "real friend" to Michael for defending him, rather than Trump merely using Michael for his own ends. And a lot of vitriolic bashing of the LGBTQ community, and saying that academia wants to "legalize pedophilia."
Again, I'm all for allies of convenience and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," but it shouldn't be too much to ask to have standards and bare minimums with differences of opinion, especially on opposite sides on the political spectrum.

Take the blog Vindicating Michael, which has been in existence since 2009 by an older Ukrainian woman named Helena. It started off quite well, establishing the evidence in Michael's favor quite thoroughly. Up till recently, it was even good in establishing other actors that might have had a hand in targeting Michael, bigger than the Chandlers, Arvizos and Tom Sneddon. Notably the potential role David Geffen might have had in stabbing his supposed friend in the back, and his likely connection in aiding and abetting some of the worst predators in Hollywood, just to engage in transactional relationships to use the likes of, say, Harvey Weinstein or Bryan Singer, to be shock troopers in taking down people on Geffen's enemies list.

But Helena, even before the recent invasion by Russia, has fallen down the Q rabbit hole quite hard. Especially with a recent post praising Trump as a "real friend" to Michael for defending him, rather than Trump merely using Michael for his own ends. And a lot of vitriolic bashing of the LGBTQ community, and saying that academia wants to "legalize pedophilia."
I haven't been on Vindicating Michael in a long time so I had no idea that Helena had gone down that route. That's... quite disappointing, really.
I haven't been on Vindicating Michael in a long time so I had no idea that Helena had gone down that route. That's... quite disappointing, really.
Virtually everyone is left of center in their beliefs has left in disgust, all that's left on the blog are Helena and a couple sycophants. Especially when she says the reason Michael was persecuted was simply because of his insistence of "I'm not gay," and saying "progressives hated him for saying that, and they set out to make an example of him," acting as if LGBT people had any real clout prior to Ellen coming out (and how did that go for her at the time?), that progressivism goes hand in hand with the ills of the world and promoting pedophilia, that "super gays" that go around and "flaunt their ways on social media" give "real gays a bad name", that "children would be easily at risk if heterosexuals flaunted their ways this easily and promoted it to them" (not realizing, of course, that society has flaunted heterosexuality so incessantly and it's so baked in we don't notice it anymore), that Paris is "just confused" regarding her sexuality and that "Michael would straighten her out" and implying he'd put her through conversion therapy, that transgender people essentially don't actually exist, and on and on.

I tried to point out the dangerous ground she was trodding on, especially how it would impact the rest of the community and ruin our credibility. She refused to see that, basically saying, "If you don't believe the objective truth, you're not really in this for the long haul." So I left, and a lot of people have left as well.

For someone who absolutely despises Putin and says how Russian propaganda is evil, she believes far more of it than she knows. (She's doing fine, personally, though, and she's still alive, which is good, though.)