

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Through my 33 years I've thought about why I love Michael Jackson so much. It is not in my character to latch on to celebrities. I'm the girl who doesn't remember who anyone is or even what movies I've seen, and I've never paid so much attention to anyone like I do Michael. I guess really I am a hypocrite because I think It is weird when other people get so caught up in someone they don't know, yet I do it with Michael.

Thinking about Michael today made me realize that he reached me, his message and his beauty is like no other and thinking back I knew this even as a child. He is truly beautiful. He touched my life and there are people who I have know personally who don't even come close to that.

I wish I could have told him that I heard the messages he was sending, and that he was one of a very few to have such a beautiful soul. He was so special in so many ways. I will always have his music, like I always have, but my heart can feel that he is gone from a world where he is so needed.
Michael was a gift given to us by a greater source. He was on earth to bring joy and hapiness and inspiration to everyone who was inteligent enough to realise it. Unfortunatly the gift that was Michael Jackson was only loaned to us for 50 years. And now he has been taken back. 50 years wasn't long enough! Michael, you will be greatly greatly missed.