Michael's face appears in melting glacier?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
My first thought was "Michael"!? lol And it seems I'm not the only one as others have noticed judging from the comments in the article.


Lately Michael's face appears everywhere lol. But interesting indeed.
Its prob's Mike in his own way saying, "I'm here forever, you can't get rid of me that easy".
wow that is just freaky. Next Ill see MJ in my bowl of cornflakes next lol.


Oh man. This is going to haunt text books now for years to come...'The picture of mother nature crying...also thought to be Michael Jackson...see 'King of Pop' LOL gosh
I can see something, but can somebody post a pic of Michael just to make my eyes clearer? (Like a did with MJ appears on a toast...lol)
I kinda associate tit with the Thriller era..?
That's amazing. I spotted it last night and also thought it looks very much like Michael. It's definetely a face and that alone makes it a very impressive formation.
trying not to sound rude but..just because it looks like a face doesn't mean it looks like michael automatically.. and the reason for me saying this is because I've had so many articles now thrown in my face about people seing "faces" everywhere and automaticaly they say it's michael when it doesn't even look like him.
it looks like a FACE yes, but michael? no..

and then a smile :) just to show I am not angry or anything lol