The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness and MEDIA, Hollywood ignorant crusify


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm giving my oppinion about something i have been thinking for a long time

Michael was very sensitive and when he was a child he would listen his mother like if she was a saint(cuase she was compared to all the ones there in hollywod, his mother raised him as a Jeovah witness. We know Jeovah witnesses can really drive a person in believing strongly some things.

Michael may have been afraid of beeing sexual or better said respected sex (keep in mind that the celebrity world is f*ucked up, to them is all about sex, alcohol, illegal drugs, etc, etc), his mother and all Jeovah witnesses created on him a TRAUMA (i called TRAUMA cause in Hollywood, to them not having sex is like someone having some kind of problem, yes they are really ignorants), summ to all that his own life, very much twisted for seeing sexual behaviour very openly cause he grow up in the celebrity world, you know its LOW, i think he got the idea that all that is sexual is bad (i think the same, cause the things they could do, well you know is not LOVE actually), he was limited by himself NOT WANTING TO BE LIKE THAT AT ALL(which is great) The problem is that as all that crazy people on hollywood and the media cannot possibly understand, conprenhend it, cause to them (narturally) is all about sex, so the media would end up saying "why he didnt have sex with all women, he is a good looking man, he should clubbing all night drinking etc etc", and Michael didnt, so they would end up saying (cause they are SOOO basic) "oh no, why is he always surrended by kids, he must have to have some sex in his life, he must do it with someone" and they would finally asume "it cannot be that a good looking famous man does not have sex, something with all those kids arround him must happen" and well they all end up saying "he did something ELSE with those children) but its THEIR own limited minds the ones FAILING, they finally crusified him, they cant STILL UNDERSTAND A THING ABOUT MICHAEL, and the whole innuendo keeps on with the children stuff sadly.

Concluding Michael was a sensitive person who was raised as a Jeovah witness and he was taught to wait to have intimate sexual relations until he was married, he would embrace that MUCH MORE by growing up seeing all disgusting SEXUAL stuff in all the places he would have to perform, you know cross dress people, strippers, his own father and brothers beeing like all other common celebrities, and as he was a sensitive kid, he would despise all that disgusting sexual world, but but but that is something that seems to be NOT "normal" in Hollywood and he ended up beeing prejudged and crusified, we all know they did.

See (this is my oppinion) when he was on stage he was very sexual at times, on stage he was HIMSELF with no restrictions cause there in his mind it was allowed, just that, he would take off all his troubles up there on stage, you can see it by seeing any concert, he would past from joy to rage to sexual movements. (WITH THIS IM STATING HE WAS NOT ASEXUAL, BUT HE WOULD CONTAIN HIMSELF AS HE WAS TAUGHT(thats the part media and celebrities cannot understand in their NARROW MINDS))

When he was out of stage he would embrace innocence, cause of his strong belief on what he was taught.
He had a sexual life we are informed with Lisa Marie Presle cause he married her. End (i had to edit many things here cause everyone misunderstood my entire post at first cause of the titlem my bad)
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Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I think it made him the gentleman that he was. Thats why he's so different from other celebrities out there. This gave him the time to focus on what was really important, and that was agape love for all, poor, sick, weak, tormented ,sad and troubled. Due to this MJ was able to devote a majority of his music and celebrity for the cause of a pure far reaching love. And I think MJ wrote in Moonwalker about how he felt about this. He embraced the idea that this facet of human life was a gift from God not to be abused as people nowadays do. He just never rubbed it in anyone's face. It was his private business. Maybe some would rather hear MJ as a PIMP,or when he was a teen impregnated several teen girls and left them to fend for themselves , or maybe contracted STDs...I don't know..He could have been like his father and his brothers but I guess he followed his mom's direction and
he stayed out of trouble..Thats all I think.


P.S.- I hope this doesn't turn into another Jehovahs Witness bashing thread =(
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Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I'm going to refrain from commenting except to say that at least 1/4 of my family are Jehovah Witnesses - and I can tell you the decades-old scars are still there.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I think its great that Michael was brought up a JW, I know alot of JWs and they are loving just like Michael. Michael has been raised very well by his mother. I don't understand what your saying about the sexual and tormented part because the JWs I know are all in very happy relationships with their husband/wife. Michael was brought up with morals that's why he didn't go round talking about it ect if thats what you mean.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

Im was not suggesting Michael should have been a PIMP, my God no way, i wouldnt be his fan, all im saying is that he embraced innocence more than anything cause he saw many aweful disgusting stuff as a kid and as a teen and he always saw older people doing it, and he hated it, he like kinda started not liking the world of the adults (specially on hollywood, is disgusting) so he embraced innocence as his only way for keep on living but innocence is a quality many people just dont understand, people's head is aweful, and we need to understand that that love for innocence made him naive on some things, many things, which later bring him trouble, i wish people would have a clean mind, but man, they wont, they have a nasty mind, you know they cant even understand what innocence is, and well innocence is desappearing more and more everyday, and i think Michael saw it too, and it is so painful, so painful
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Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I was raised as a JW and at times it was very difficult. But I fortunately had a mother that didn't disown me when I decided to leave the religion when I was 14. She wasn't thrilled but she understood that I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. So I really can empathise with Michael about all the missed birthdays and christmases. I also went 'pioneering' which as an eight year I begrudged being dragged round the streets on a Saturday afternoon knocking on people's doors when I wanted to be watching cartoons or playing in the park with my friends. No religion is perfect. Many witnesses are very loving people, others not so much. Mike was very involved with the religion as we all know and it gave me great morals that we love about him. But yes, its a difficult religion to grow up in.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I truely believe that michael recieved an aweful education. The jehova ultra-conservative brainwashing from his mother, and the hate from his father, the violence. Of course he prefered 100% times his mother. Anyway poor thing. I just feel when he died that he has never been really happy in his entire life.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

its a shame his bros didnt follow his mothers teaching then mj wouldnt have seen half the crap he did. but for the most part i dont believe religion played a large part. he was just a senstive kid from the begining.theres enough stories about him as a young child giving his teacher his mum necklaces etc.

he jehova ultra-conservative brainwashing
would you say that about the protestant and catholic church. the jw's get as much bashing misunderstanding as mj did. mainly based on the brainwashing from the media
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

its a shame his bros didnt follow his mothers teaching then mj wouldnt have seen half the crap he did. but for the most part i dont believe religion played a large part. he was just a senstive kid from the begining.theres enough stories about him as a young child giving his teacher his mum necklaces etc.

would you say that about the protestant and catholic church. the jw's get as much bashing misunderstanding as mj did. mainly based on the brainwashing from the media

Well you see some similarities in kids raised in ultra-catholic education or ultra-protesant or ultra-anything. The keyword here is ULTRA lol. So in this case it was ULTRA-violent ULTRA-homophobe ULTRA-misogynist and ULTRA-religious. POOR POOR MJ!
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I was raised as a JW and at times it was very difficult. But I fortunately had a mother that didn't disown me when I decided to leave the religion when I was 14. She wasn't thrilled but she understood that I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. So I really can empathise with Michael about all the missed birthdays and christmases. I also went 'pioneering' which as an eight year I begrudged being dragged round the streets on a Saturday afternoon knocking on people's doors when I wanted to be watching cartoons or playing in the park with my friends. No religion is perfect. Many witnesses are very loving people, others not so much. Mike was very involved with the religion as we all know and it gave me great morals that we love about him. But yes, its a difficult religion to grow up in.
I'm glad you were allowed at the age you were to leave without anyone making you feel like you were guilty, cause Michael may have leave that religion but as sensitive as he was he may have once more felt gulity for something he shouldnt, he punished uncounsiously many times, but im not blaming the jeovah witnesses, but his mother seems to have a very strong influence on him, i mean, poor Michael, the only days he could have played with kids of his age, the only days he was free, he had one more forced thing to do.

I have seen them coming here at my house i never disrespect them, but there are times some people makes fun of them, i mean, i feel sorry for those making fun of any human being. but the young ones may feel bad, the older ones are already convinced its right, but the young ones feel more, and Michael was a young one, a sensitive young one.

I truely believe that michael recieved an aweful education. The jehova ultra-conservative brainwashing from his mother, and the hate from his father, the violence. Of course he prefered 100% times his mother. Anyway poor thing. I just feel when he died that he has never been really happy in his entire life.
You know im a catholic went as a child to a catholic school, and the truth is that fanatism is on all religions, it can be hurtful for sensitive children, i was one of the few sensitive ones and i suffer a lot also, i believed the bible just too much, much much more than the other kids, now i believe in God, but took me a lot to realize some things were not as saint as i thought, i was really confused at times, very confused, but Jeovah witnesses are even more, i dont know, more strict, much more, Michael may have felt a lot more pression, much more than other kids, cause of his vulnerability, i thank God i was not raised as a Jeovah witnnes i would have become crazy.

All the believes Michael was taught he would embraced them, and then he would see all the vioence on him, all so messed up, his mind may have been so confused, i mean, his life should have been more happy, but the scars become traumas, and well, you know, sometimes you just wanna scape and well the "good doctors" are always available, just waiting right there, its a tragedy.

Michael embrased INNOCENCE to the point of naivity, thats can be a mistake cause he became pretty obsessed, and i dont blame him, no way, he was just a creature of great emotions
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Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

A maneira de abraçar ou nao uma religião vem muito da pessoa, da sua sensibilidade e personalidade, acreditar naquilo que lê e prega, Michael era sensivel e aceditava que o mundo poderia ser melhor se todos pregassem o amor, a união.... não sou testemunha de Jeova, mas cada vez que batem a minha porta, eu respeito muito,escuto e debatemos tambem, as vezes ficamos horas conversando e nem vejo o tempo passar, tenho amigos de diferentes religioes e sempre respeitei, e nunca discutimos qual é a certa,acho que que mudassemos no visão com certeza seria facil entender o que Michael queria que todos enxergassem e fizessem. E muito importante pra vida ter fé e acreditar.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I think it made him the gentleman that he was. Thats why he's so different from other celebrities out there. This gave him the time to focus on what was really important, and that was agape love for all, poor, sick, weak, tormented ,sad and troubled. Due to this MJ was able to devote a majority of his music and celebrity for the cause of a pure far reaching love. And I think MJ wrote in Moonwalker about how he felt about this. He embraced the idea that this facet of human life was a gift from God not to be abused as people nowadays do. He just never rubbed it in anyone's face. It was his private business. Maybe some would rather hear MJ as a PIMP,or when he was a teen impregnated several teen girls and left them to fend for themselves , or maybe contracted STDs...I don't know..He could have been like his father and his brothers but I guess he followed his mom's direction and
he stayed out of trouble..Thats all I think.


P.S.- I hope this doesn't turn into another Jehovahs Witness bashing thread =(


and yes i hope we don't start criticizing JW . every religion has its flaws and what not.

one more thing about that i would like to add is that .... that we are conditioned by our environment. he had a father that slept around, hurting his beloved mother.. he saw at an early age the pain it caused and probably contributes to his values and beliefs and how he carried himself.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

its a shame his bros didnt follow his mothers teaching then mj wouldnt have seen half the crap he did. but for the most part i dont believe religion played a large part. he was just a senstive kid from the begining.theres enough stories about him as a young child giving his teacher his mum necklaces etc.

would you say that about the protestant and catholic church. the jw's get as much bashing misunderstanding as mj did. mainly based on the brainwashing from the media

so cute! LOL.:hysterical:
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness


and yes i hope we don't start criticizing JW . every religion has its flaws and what not.

one more thing about that i would like to add is that .... that we are conditioned by our environment. he had a father that slept around, hurting his beloved mother.. he saw at an early age the pain it caused and probably contributes to his values and beliefs and how he carried himself.
Im not critizicing Jeovah Witnesses, im just saying they can be very strict
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

Im not critizicing Jeovah Witnesses, im just saying they can be very strict

sorry i wasn't saying you in particular.

certain topics turns into bashing this or that.

i disagree with you but i do think it is good to talk about stuff.. but inevitably some threads turn into who can bash who the worst.

sorry- if i offended you with the clapping.

i like discussing... i hate fighting.... :dancin:
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

sorry i wasn't saying you in particular.

certain topics turns into bashing this or that.

i disagree with you but i do think it is good to talk about stuff.. but inevitably some threads turn into who can bash who the worst.

sorry- if i offended you with the clapping.

i like discussing... i hate fighting.... :dancin:
i did not felt offended at all, i like discussing too
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I am a Jehovah's Witness. To the outside world, our values and beliefs seem restrictive. To those of us who adhere to the Bible's values, we see it as a protection to ourselves and to others. The things that Michael stood for, those are all values from the Bible. Love, peace, friendship, morality, joy, kindness, goodness, mildness, self control, taking care of the earth, taking care of the animals - these are all things based on Jehovah's laws and principles.

Regarding sex, we are taught to wait until marriage to have intimate relations, then to remain married for life. Waiting until marriage, then remaining faithful, provides a stable & secure loving relationship and the foundation for a happy family to raise children in.

Also, If Michael's father had followed the principles of the Bible, God's word, he would not have been violent, he would not have had an affair, he would not have been so concerned about making alot of money, would not have made the boys work so hard, would not have had them doing shows in questionable venues, he would have been a more loving husband and father. Michael was raised in a divided household, which is sad. Had both his parents followed the principles in the Bible, and especially 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 about LOVE, then Michael may have had a happier childhood. I applaud Michaels mother for rearing her children in such a household and remaining faithful to God. However, I do believe he had a measure of happiness when he tried to live by the Bible's principles of LOVE, which he learned when he attended the meetings at the Kingdom Hall. I had also read on BELIEFNET something that he had written that he had enjoyed going to the Hall, and also going out in field service. It was the only time he said he felt like he was just an ordinary guy. He thought the elders and brothers at the KH treated him just like any other person there, and not as a famous person.

Those are my thoughts anyway. I'm glad he was a JW. I think it is why so many people are drawn to him. He tried to live by Bible principles.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

Im was not suggesting Michael should have been a PIMP, my God no way, i wouldnt be his fan, all im saying is that he embraced innocence more than anything cause he saw many aweful disgusting stuff as a kid and as a teen and he always saw older people doing it, and he hated it, he like kinda started not liking the world of the adults (specially on hollywood, is disgusting) so he embraced innocence as his only way for keep on living but innocence is a quality many people just dont understand, people's head is aweful, and we need to understand that that love for innocence made him naive on some things, many things, which later bring him trouble, i wish people would have a clean mind, but man, they wont, they have a nasty mind, you know they cant even understand what innocence is, and well innocence is desappearing more and more everyday, and i think Michael saw it too, and it is so painful, so painful
I don't think innocence was the factor.....the lack of ability to trust people and see whether people are good or bad came from the fact that he never could LEARN it. He was always surrounded by people who wanted something from him, he couldn't experience relationships in all sorts and learn from mistakes...I can totally picture how he must felt. How are you able to learn about people's way of behaviour when you're in the spotlights from 5 years on? You won't! :no:

And for the sex-part; I don't think he was a-sexual or afraid of sex or anything. I absolutely ADORE his point of view in sex and all that's part of that!:wub: I wish all people are like that, cuz the whole view nowadays is just disgusting.
It's not about love anymore (most of the times) and it's totally being overhyped, get out of the context and stuff. Maybe he was 'traumatized' or influenced in some way because of his upbringing, but I'm sure that his personality is strong enough and that this was his own point of view.
It's just amazing how good his view about this was...I really admire that!:yes:
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Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

And for the sex-part; I don't think he was a-sexual or afraid of sex or anything. I absolutely ADORE his point of view in sex and all that's part of that!:wub: I wish all people are like that, cuz the whole view nowadays is just disgusting.
It's not about love anymore (most of the times) and it's totally being overhyped, get out of the context and stuff. Maybe he was 'traumatized' or influenced in some way because of his upbringing, but I'm sure that his personality is strong enough and that this was his own point of view.
It's just amazing how good his view about this was...I really admire that!:yes:

I absolutely agree with you, there aren't many people in the world who think about sex in that way anymore.
Michael did, to him it wasn't only the whole shebang to him it was love, to him sex had to be special I think because it is a special thing, and many people don't see it as a special thing anymore and he did, and I really like that about him!
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness

I absolutely agree with you, there aren't many people in the world who think about sex in that way anymore.
Michael did, to him it wasn't only the whole shebang to him it was love, to him sex had to be special I think because it is a special thing, and many people don't see it as a special thing anymore and he did, and I really like that about him!
You are totallu missunderstanding it in the sex part, i think all fans me included adore the fact that he wasnt like all other common celebries

Michael embraced innocence and thats was just one of the most beautiful qualities about him.

The point of this thread was to show that Michael embraced innocence to the point of naivity, he trusted too much on bad people, it has nothing to do with sex, he felt sex without marriage is not good, he was taught that and well to me he did not have sex with noone until he would have married, but society feels like that its wrong, in the celerity world thats viewed as WEIRD, they would think he was weird cause of it, i feel they should have understanded him, but they didnt, i mean to them(they are pretty much idiots) it all about sex, alcohol, illegal drugs, etc, etc, and the media used and keeps beeing ignorant about the FACT that Michael would not have sex if he wasnt married, and they would say "why he didnt have all women all around him or why he didnt have sex" like is something too weeird to them cause as their lives are all about it they cannot believe, understand people feeling otherwise, and finally would asume, well "he had to have some sex", and they (in their f*ucked up minds) would say "something wrong with kids must have happened", cause in their heads is not possible that a good looking man would not do what all the other do, thats called ignorance, but how can yo change their heads? its all int their FRIED HEADS. they are stupid and ignorant , sorry but they crusified Michael for not beeing like they thought all men should be.
Re: The complexs of a sensitive person raised as a Jeovah witness and MEDIAand Hollywoo ignorant cru

I completely changed the original first post of this thread cause i realized i had explained myself just too bad, my mistake

In my rewritten first post i explain hollywood and media crusifying Michael for not being like them, and totally messing up Michael's world cause of their own personal feels