Funniest part of the movie (Spoiler warning)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think that the funniest part of the movie is when Mike is on the cherry picker for Beat It and he yells out ''Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee''

Mike cracks me up
I think that the funniest part of the movie is when Mike is on the cherry picker for Beat It and he yells out ''Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee''

Mike cracks me up

And when he randomly waves to someone from it hahaha!

No the stewardess thing was the funniest :D "I love it when they do that!" :D
the funiest part is with the "ass bass" or something like that
and he says "thats funny"

i think before TWYMMF
I think it was after he was trying to out do judith at the end of I just can't stop..Then he goes '' o why did you all make me doo that!, I gotta preserve my voice etc...Then someone said ''you know you wanted to /you can do it this once.''
I loved it all! Didn't actually find it to sad! More happy to see Michael happy! But when he was telling kenny what to do and just ended it with a smile!! I loved it! :D
I love when he's being fussy whilst the dude on the piano sorts out the intro to TWYMMF. MJ was such a perfectionist.. :cry:
i agree, but I also like the part when he's on the cherry picker and Kenny Ortega says that this is the low mode and Mj says 'aw Kenny, why did you have to say that, you're spoiling my fun. He knows I want to go higher'. And when he's not holding the bars of the cherry picker Ortega yells to him nervously to hold on to the railing...

Also, the stewardess thingy was extremely funny. I can't remember which song it was a part of, it had to do with MJ Airline and was near the end of the movie.

I am so gonna see this movie again and again! I loved it! MJ was just amazing in his brilliance, performance and how he instructs others is too cute. It's all for love, L.O.V.E.
I liked when he was discussing a song with the pianist guy (cant remember which song it was)...

Where Michael was saying it need MORE... to which the pianist dude said "It needs more booty!" which made Michael crack up and walk off a little bit (probably a little embarrassed), then the musician says "You know what i'm talkin' about!" and Michael says "Oh yeah, I know what you're talkin' about!"

I thought the part where he and Kenny were like "I Love You" was funny!
I loved that "weeeeeeeeeeee" bit too and when he randomly waves to someone and says hello! Also at the start where he talks talks to the band and says "Love."

The man was full of love and respect for everyone he worked with.
Another bit i found funny was when Kenny says ''I agree with Michael'' it wasn't what he said but it was the way he said it. It sounded like he was totaly sucking up to MJ
I love it when he said a few times "yeah that's why we do rehearsals"
I think that the funniest part of the movie is when Mike is on the cherry picker for Beat It and he yells out ''Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee''

Mike cracks me up

i love it all but this really was my fave bit. :clapping:
what a man eh!
LOL yeh Mj was funny in a lot of places.
and yeh it did seem like kenny was sucking up to MJ a lot and then i thought well, i cant blame him, it is Michael Jackson after all.
The bit from TWYMMF was the guy saying "it needs more booty" and Michael saying "that was funny!" The best bit, MJ Airlines was before Man In The Mirror Soundcheck :)
My funny part was when MJ is in the "Cherry Picker" & Kenny yells for him to hold on please. LOL Mike's reaction lmfao

100% This is just so random and cute and hilarious, priceless!

'That's why we do rehearsals' are just funny too!!!

'It's all for Love, but...' :lol:
Several funny parts. I loved every scene in which Michael was being assertive about what he wanted when it came to the music and performances. Really showed what a perfectionist he was and how much he was involved in the process of creating his music and performances.

I thought it was funny though when he would be a little fussy with the crew or band then say "But it's all with love...L.O.V.E" lol. I also thought it was funny how Kenny Ortega was sucking up to MJ as well. When Kenny was like "Yeah I agree with you Michael, you're right" and Michael was just like "Yeah". As if he knew Kenny was sucking up haha. Loved it. Michael is so charming and funny. Gonna miss that man :cry:.
LOL you've all pointed out brilliant bits and I loved them all!
How about when he was talking about the earpiece: "it's like someone's got their fist in my ear...but I'm trying to adjust....with love" oh so cute!
LOL you've all pointed out brilliant bits and I loved them all!
How about when he was talking about the earpiece: "it's like someone's got their fist in my ear...but I'm trying to adjust....with love" oh so cute!

LOL that was too cute. MJ was all "It feels like someone's fist is shoved into your ear *Makes a fist to show the crew*. I know you mean well, but I'm just trying to adjust. With love. With love. L.O.V.E" Oh god he was so cute.

Or the part where Michael's like "You gotta let it simmer. Let it simmer" :lol:

I love when he's on the cherry picker, and Kenny says something like "What a powerful day! Michael's on the cherry picker again!" and MJ doesn't know quite how to respond to that so he just goes "God Bless You, Kenny" :rofl:

And I love the part just before smooth criminal and Kenny asks Michael how would he know when the film changes to the marquee if he's not looking at it and Michael goes "Oh... I'll feel it" :lol:

There are so many amazing moments in this film. I can't wait to get in on DVD... But, damn, it makes you miss Michael :no:
LOL that was too cute. MJ was all "It feels like someone's fist is shoved into your ear *Makes a fist to show the crew*. I know you mean well, but I'm just trying to adjust. With love. With love. L.O.V.E" Oh god he was so cute.

Or the part where Michael's like "You gotta let it simmer. Let it simmer" :lol:

I love when he's on the cherry picker, and Kenny says something like "What a powerful day! Michael's on the cherry picker again!" and MJ doesn't know quite how to respond to that so he just goes "God Bless You, Kenny" :rofl:

And I love the part just before smooth criminal and Kenny asks Michael how would he know when the film changes to the marquee and Michael goes "Oh... I'll feel it" :lol:

There are so many amazing moments in this film. I can't wait to get in on DVD... But, damn, it makes you miss Michael :no:

yes! every ONE that you mentioned, I loved!
Yeaaaah the pause and "oh, I'll feel it" AMAZING :D
Another bit i found funny was when Kenny says ''I agree with Michael'' it wasn't what he said but it was the way he said it. It sounded like he was totaly sucking up to MJ

Lol, yea everyone in my theater laughed at that one :D! Wow, this film really was an amazing experience. I'm so proud of it. I can't wait to go see it again! I also hope the DVD gives us more wonderful footage to drool over..
when he randomly said "hi" on the beat it crane lol,and eating the sucker during the thriller dome project,and when he came from under the spider on thriller,i was like wtf lol
If anyone has footage please show but ppl were laughing when MJ got down on the stage and kicked his legs up in the air lol...
in beat it when hes like "let it burn,dim the lights" and he walks off all pimp like lol, or when kenys telling them to make sure sum1s standing backstage with a flashlight after thriller so mike can see lol
OMG I forgot! MJ was channeling Jimi Hendrix on stage ; the fire!!! :hysterical: :hysterical:

I thought is was funny and cute when MJ was singing "Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu" to Kenny Ortega right before "I Just Can't Stop Loving You". Kenny didn't know how to react and was just standing there and smiling.
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