Alabama 1960


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wrote this story when I was a teen, and rewrote it into a new notebook. (The original notebook I wrote it in looks like it's been through a tornado) :doh:

Spoilers. Some parts are unrealistic, but bear with it. And you will see the words “Heart and innocence" a lot during this story. :wub:

Part 1(Could go on to Part 150!(J/K!) :bluewink:

Alabama 1960

Ryan Harris really liked blacks, but he was separated by law to them.

"Boy, I wish I could interact with them," he said to himself.

Trandy Willis, his best friend said, "Talkin' about those black again, are ya?"

"Yes, I am," Ryan replied.

"You gonna get in a lot of trouble if you keep that up," Trandy replied

."So what? What about the law? They're human beings, just like us."

"Little Rebels, aren't we? " Trandy said teasingly.

"I'm not a rebel. I just think the law is unfair," Ryan said with a little exasperation.

They were at a party and the blacks were there too. The blacks were on one side and the Whites were on the other side.

"That's it," Ryan said, starting to walk over to the blacks. When he reached them, he said hi and smiled at them.

I look like a total friendly geek, he thought to himself. They fleetingly said hi and looked uncomfortable. They acted like they had said "hi" in secret.

"Come on guys. You don't have to be uncomfortable around me," Ryan said.

They started shifting. Oh great, I made them nervous, Ryan thought.

"I wanna get to know you," Ryan continued.

They didn't answer. Oh well, Ryan thought, turning to leave.

"I want us to talk," a voice said from the blacks. Ryan turned around. “Who said that?” He asked, his heart beating double-time.

“I did.” A girl came forward from the blacks. She’s very pretty, Ryan thought.

She had light milk chocolate skin, a cute tiny nose and these beautiful brown eyes. Her hair was half curly and half wavy. She was wearing a short floral dress that showed her slender legs.

Ryan was very attracted to this young woman.

“Ryan, stop staring at that girl,” Trandy whispered to Ryan.

“Am I that obvious?”

“It’s written all over you.”

“But, she’s so beautiful,” Ryan protested.

“She’s black.”

“Do I care?” Ryan retorted.

“No, but the law cares.”

“Um, hi,” The girl said to Trandy.

“Hi,” he said shortly.

“Let’s have a party!” Ryan said loudly to break up the tension.

Everybody danced to a few fast songs. Then a slow, soft song came on. It was called, “Melody of Moonlight,” by a popular band. Ryan found himself pulling the mysterious girl into his arms and dancing with her. She and he rocked to the beat of the slow song. When she looked up at him, he saw mysterious gentleness and soft innocence in them.

When the song was over, they let each other go. “I will remember this dance,” she said to him.

“I will too.” He said. “I have to know your name.”

“It’s Tracy Andrews. What’s yours?”

“Ryan Harris. Do you still wanna talk?”

“Sure,” she said.

They went to a couch in the living room.

“What do you wanna talk about?” She asked.

“Anything.” Ryan said. “Can you keep a secret?” She said yes. “I,” he started with his voice low and conspirational, think that this black and white separation sucks. It should be terminated. I also think that you are very beautiful.” She blushed.

‘OK., my turn,” she said. “When you came up and said hi to us, we were uncomfortable. We were like, ‘Why is a white talking to us?’ Most whites when they see us don’t wanna have anything to do with us.”

“I am not like that,” Ryan said. “ I totally am OK with blacks. What school do you go to?”

“Pennsyla School.” She answered. “Oh that All Girls, All-Black school,” Ryan said.

“Where do you go to school?” She asked.

“I go to school at George Oaks School.”

“Oh, that all-White school,” she said teasingly.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Ryan asked. All of a sudden, she looked sad. “No, I don’t,” she answered in a soft, low voice.

“What’s the matter?” He asked, putting an arm around her. “I want one. But it’s so hard to in an all girl’s school.”

“I could be your boyfriend.” He said.

“But you’re white.” She said.

“We could go out in secrecy. No one would have to know. Except us.”

“I don’t know.” She said. “I just met you.”

He took her hand and held it in his hand. His heart swallowed when he saw how small her hand was to his larger hand. His hand swallowed her hand.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” She asked. “No, I don’t.”

“Why don’t you?”

“because most of the girls I meet my heart tells me she’s not the one for me, but I feel connected to you. I don’t know why.”

She smiled. His heart lit up when she smiled. Her smile was not tricking, manipulating, conning or deceiving. It was just a smile full of gentle innocence, genuine and happiness. He released her smile.

“You have an amazing smile,” he said.

“Thank you,” she said, and the smile got wider, added with blushing.

She is an absolute beauty, Ryan thought. “Tracy, let’s get something to eat,” Ryan said. “Ok,” she said, getting up. They went to the kitchen. There were bowls of chocolates, chips, and other “junk food.”

Ryan took a square of chocolate and slowly put it in his mouth. He savored it instead of chewing furiously like some other people did. He let it roll over his tongue and all over in his mouth. Ryan was a pure chocolate lover. “Mmm,” he said aloud. It was so good.
Part 2

“Ryan, Ryan,” Tracy said. “Hmm”? He answered with the chocolate still in his mouth. He swallowed it.

“You’re acting as if you’re in love with the chocolate.”

After this night is over, will we ever see each other again? Ryan thought thoughtfully and wistfully. Suddenly, he had an idea.

“Tracy, can I have your number?” He asked. “Why?” She replied.

“What if I never communicate with you again?”

“Okay. Here it is. Write this down,” she agreed.

He got a piece of paper and a pen.

“It’s 999-6319.” He wrote it down. “Thank you”, he said.

“I want your number too,” she said shyly.

“Sure, do the same thing I just did.” She did. “It’s 831-1008.” She wrote it down. “Thank you.” She said. “You’re welcome,” he answered. “You didn’t say ‘you’re welcome’ to me,” he pointed out lightly. “You’re welcome,” she said. She put the number in her purse.

Ryan had brown-reddish hair, raspberry brown eyes, and cream-colored skin. He was slightly muscular and had a few blemishes. He was wearing a flannel-plaid shirt with blue pants.

Tracy ate candies and some popcorn. Ryan had his mouth wide open. It was so intriguing to see her eat.

“Hey Tracy, let’s feed each other,” he suggested.

“No,” she said, shaking her head furiously.

“What’s the matter?” He asked concerned.

“I can’t.”

“Are you afraid that I’ll do something wrong to you?”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then what is it?” He pressed. She bent her head down. “Look at me,” Ryan said softly but forcefully, putting his hand under her chin and tilting her face up, forcing her to look into his eyes.

What he saw there made him gasp. She was crying. As he saw the tears coming out of her eyes, his heart just squeezed. There was pain in his heart caused by her tears.

“You’re crying,” Ryan said. I sound like a total idiot! Of course she knows she’s crying, he scolded himself.

“Ryan, I can’t because I’m scared of another relationship like the one I had before,” she confessed.

“What did he do to you?”

“He, she began and cried harder, He hurt me. He broke my heart.”

“Ryan was beginning to feel his blood and his anger rise. Whoever did this to her deserved a good one.

“Can you tell me in specific what he did?” He asked gently, wiping away her tears with gentle strokes.

“He called me names, saying I was a nothing, stupid girl. He kissed and hugged about every pretty girl he met, and told me I wasn’t good enough for him,” she said, her voice quavering.

“He didn’t know what he had,” he said, his voice filled with passion and furious anger.

“So how did the relationship end?” He asked sympathetically.

“He dumped me saying he couldn’t handle being a boyfriend to a nobody, dumb person.”

“He was a fool and a creep. He didn’t deserve you,” Ryan said upset.

“I was so naïve. I just let him do that to me.”

“You didn’t know,” Ryan said sympathetically.

Ryan ate a little of everything. He felt his heart pound from Tracy’s words.

“Ryan,” she began. He turned around. Ryan thought that her voice was sweet and soft like a child’s.

“Yes, Tracy?” He answered. “Do you like me?” She asked. “Yes, I do,” he answered.

Ryan had to taste paradise. He had to taste if she was as sweet as she seemed.

“Tracy, can I kiss you?”

“No, you may not.”

“Please. I am not him. She knew who he meant.

Her lips looked soft. He wondered how they would feel when they were kissed.

“I just have to taste her. I have to see if she tastes like paradise,” he said aloud. When he saw her expression, he figured he had spoken aloud.

“Sorry for that,” he said blushing.

“It’s okay.”

“So can I? Kiss you?”

“I have to think about that,” she said.

“Take all the time you need,” Ryan said.

“My ex boyfriend was never so sweet, so caring, so sensitive.”

“Told you I’m not like him.”

She reached up and caressed his cheek. “Thank you for not being like him.”

“You’re welcome.”

His face felt good. Who knew such tiny fingers could feel so relaxing?

“I don’t know why, but your fingers relax me.” Ryan said.

She smiled that smile again, the one that could light up a heart, disarm about everyone, and cheer up about everyone.

She continued stroking him in that gentle way and smiling at him in that irresistible way that he had to fight to not kiss her right then and there.

Finally, she stopped stroking him. Ryan felt devastated and disappointed that she’d stopped.

“Why’d you stop?” Ryan asked confused.

She didn’t answer; she just kept smiling at him. The smile was now mysteriously seductive.

She gestured for him to follow her. He was perplexed. Why did she want him to follow her? He wondered. But he decided to go anyway. He followed her. She led him to a room in the other side of the house. They went inside and he closed the door.

She turned around and opened her arms to him.

“Hold me.” She said. He stepped into her arms and held her.

Her skin was soft and Ryan found himself rubbing her shoulders, loving how smooth and soft they were beneath his hands.

“You feels so soft,” he murmured. “Let me lock the door.”

She nodded and he went to lock the door.

"Now can I kiss you?” Is this the right time?” He asked when he came back to her.

“No, you may not, and now is not the right time.”

“When is the right time?”

“You said, ‘Take all the time you need, "she reminded him.

“But look at you, all soft and sweet and tender and you expect me not to want to kiss you?” Ryan blurted without thinking and then gasped. He really shouldn’t have blurted that out.

“Oh, my goodness,” he said. “I really shouldn’t have said that.”

“It’s okay. Ryan, have you ever had a “bad” relationship?”

Should I tell her about Linda?
The girl who broke my heart? He wondered. Sure, I trust her enough, he decided.

“Well, I was in the 9th grade. I met a beautiful girl named Linda Howard. She was a dream come true. She was smart, nice, sophisticated, beautiful, and she wanted me, and average guy. We went out for a couple of months when I found out she had another boyfriend.”

“How’d you find out?” Tracy asked.

“I found out because I found her in the arms of another man. They were kissing and embracing as if they were meant for each other.”

“What did you do?” Tracy asked.

“I confronted her the next day and told her she could stay with her lover, her boyfriend and broke up with her. She cried and told me that she didn’t want him and that she only wanted me. My heart was so full of pain that I was about unsympathetic to her words or tears.”

“You poor thing, “Tracy said sympathetically.

“So tell me about your ex boyfriend.” Ryan said. Try not to cry,” he joked.

She smiled a little.

“Ronald was a sophisticated, worldly guy. He was a self-assured, self-confident guy. He was sort of sweet in the beginning. He gave me flowers, called me nice names, was so attentive, kind, and faithful to me.”

“So how did it start getting rotten?” Ryan asked.

“He started calling me Stupid, No-Brain, The Scum, A Girl With No Hope, and other horrible names.” Her voice wavered as she said this. Oh no, my heart wouldn’t be able to take it if she cried again, He thought worriedly.

She continued, her voice stronger. "Then he started controlling me. He began watching me everywhere I went and phoned me 30 times a day.”

“That’s terrible,” Ryan said sympathetically.

“What’s worse is that I found out that he had been cheating on me for a while. He had numerous “flings.”

“What did you do when you found out about it?” Ryan asked.

“I still stayed with him, hoping we could work it out.”

“It didn’t work,” Ryan guessed matter-of-factly.

“No, it didn’t. One night, he just broke it up with me. I cried and cried. Do you think I’m a dumb naïve?” When he looked down at her, he could see that Tracy was a hurting woman. He felt his temperature rise for Ronald. How could a man do this to a woman like Tracy? Soft, sweet, trusting, innocent.

“No, I don’t think you’re a dumb naïve.” He answered. She looked relived. “You just made a mistake.” He continued.

“Tracy, I still would like to be your boyfriend, be there to protect you from all the big, bad, Ronalds out there,” he said, trying to make her laugh.

She didn’t. In fact, she looked troubled.

“Tracy, is something wrong?” He asked concerned.

All of a sudden, she unlocked the door and ran out of it and ran out of the house.
Part 3

She ran away fast. Ryan was right behind her. Finally, she had to stop to let some cars pass. As soon as Ryan thought he could finally get her, the cars passed and she was off and running again. So was Ryan. He was getting out of breath and getting tired, but he had to keep on going and that is what he did. They ran for almost a quarter of a mile when Trace stumbled, then fell. Ryan was about to catch her, but she got up and started running fast again, and so was Ryan.

She ran to an abandoned house and ran in. He did too. She ran upstairs to a room and Ryan followed her. The house was in good shape for an abandoned house. The bedroom upstairs had a bed, dresser, mirror, some chests, and two chairs. She sat down on the bed. “Safe,” she said to herself. "He won’t follow me here. Boy that was a good run. The things you do to escape a boy who’s offering you a relationship.”

Suddenly, she looked at the doorway and saw Ryan. She was shocked. She tried to run past him, but he put up his arms and blocked the doorway.

“No, you’re not going to run away again. You got me running enough already,” he said lightly.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I followed you from the moment you left the party. Apparently, you don’t ever look back while running away or close house doors when you enter them. But on the actual subject, why did you run away like that?”

“You ran all the way here from the party just for me?” She asked in amazement.

“Yes, I did. Now answer my question. Why did you leave me like that?”

“I left because I was scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“I was scared of another relationship. You said you wanted to be my boyfriend and I just met you.”

“You didn’t have to run all the way here,” he said in a soft, understanding voice.

“I always run here when I have problems. This has been my secret place, my hideout.”

“It’s abandoned,” Ryan said matter-of-factly.

“That’s what’s so great about it. No one can bother me when I’m here.”

“Tracy, remember when you fell?” She nodded and said, “Yes.”

“I was right behind you.”

“You were?”

“I told you that I followed you from the moment you left the party, remember? I was worried about you. Ever hear the expression, “Love at first sight?”

Her eyes opened wide with fear.

“I’m just kidding, Tracy, about love at first sight, he said truthfully, but lightly. Then his tone changed. “But, we’re all alone in an abandoned house,” he said slyly.

“What do you mean?” Tracy asked.

“I mean, whatever we do, no one has to know,” he continued slyly.

“I don’t like the way you’re talking,” she said uncomfortably.

He laughed. “Such an innocent girl.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” She asked, giving him a confused look.

“I mean, you’re a good girl, not like some of these loose, wild girls nowadays.”

“Thank you, I guess,” she said flustered.

“Do you wanna go back to the party?” He asked.

“No, I wanna stay a little longer before I go back with you.”

“Okay,” he answered. “You’re not going to run off again, are you?” He asked half-teasingly, half-seriously.

“No, I’m not.”

They both sat on the bed. They held hands again.

“You’re just plain beautiful,” he said admiringly. “You don’t wear any makeup. It’s just your natural beauty I see,” he said, gently stroking her face with his free hand, looking at her gently.

“Thank you,” she said. “You’re welcome,” he answered. He stroked her face for a few more minutes and then stopped.

“How many girlfriends have you had?” She asked him. “Only one, Linda.” He answered. “In all of my 17 years,” he said lightly. “How about you?”

“One, Ronald, in all of my 16 years,” she said with a slight smile. Her hand felt good in his hand.

“Do you think they’ll be worried about us?” Tracy asked.

“Oh my gosh, they probably are. Let’s go back.”

They left. Ryan reached for her hand again and she let him take it. They walked back holding hands, Ryan feeling a warm glow when he saw Tracy smile that beautiful smile again.

When they reached the house, Ryan told Tracy to go through the back of the house in five minutes while he went through the front. She agreed.

Ryan went inside and Tracy followed five minutes later.

Trandy said, “Ryan, were you? You’ve been gone for almost two hours.”

“I went for a run and a walk.”

“Sure you did,” Trandy said skeptically.

The party was in full swing and the whites and the blacks were dancing together. Ryan joined in the fun and Tracy joined in too.

“Time to cut the cake.” Trandy said.

“It’s nobody’s birthday,” Ryan said perplexed.

“It’s just for fun,” Trandy replied. The cake was cut and everybody got some of the cake.

The party’s almost over, Ryan thought sadly after eating the cake. Tracy, beautiful Tracy.

“Ryan, what’s wrong?” Trandy asked. “Nothing’s wrong,“Ryan replied.

“Don’t lie to me. I can see it in your face.”

Ryan put on a big, false smile to fool Trandy, but Trandy was not convinced. Trandy was his best friend, after all.

“Ryan,” he said sternly. Ryan’s “smile” faded.

“O.K. I met a girl at this party and in a few minutes I have to leave. Don’t know if I’m ever gonna see her again.”

“If you two are really meant to be together, you’ll see her again.”

"Sure Trandy.”

“Say, would this girl be the same black girl you were drooling over earlier?” Trandy asked him pointedly.

Ryan gave him a sheepish look. Trandy said, “Yup. So that’s where you were earlier, wasn’t it. Run and a walk, my foot,” he scoffed.

Ryan sheepishly said, “Yes, but we did go for a run and a walk.”

Trandy said, “Just be careful with that girl, Ryan. I don’t want to see you get into trouble.”

Ryan said honestly, “Thank you for your concern.”

“You’re welcome.”

The party was over in a few minutes and Ryan gave Tracy a big, warm hug goodbye and everybody got their stuff.

Ryan had to go home. On his walk home, his heart was sad. Ryan wanted Tracy to be his girlfriend but a guy named Ronald kept being in the way.
I am sorry, but ryan comes off as a stalker in this story... following tracy around, and then telling Tracy that he loved her, and he JUST met her not even an hour ago.... Creepy ass bitch Ryan is....:O
Part 4

Two days later, Ryan decided to give Tracy a call. He dialed her number and Tracy answered.

“Hello?” she answered. What a sweet voice she has, Ryan thought.

“Hello,” he answered in a deep gruff voice. “Is Tracy Andrews available?”

“Yes, this is she.”

“Someone wants to be her boyfriend by the name R.H.”

“R.H?” She started giggling. “This is Ryan.”

“How did you know?” He asked in his normal voice.

“You’re the only R.H.” I’ve been acquainted with who would want to go out with me.”

“Tracy, I was sad two days ago because I had to leave you. I wanna see you again.”

“When and where? This law separates Blacks and Whites.”

“There is a little town that is open and doesn’t care about that rule.”

“You mean Landry Town?”

“Yes. We can have a date there at the Sha Place Restaurant.

“Isn’t that place a little expensive?” She pointed out.

“Nothing’s too expensive for you, Tracy. I am loaded with money,” he said lightly. Hey Tracy, can you get there yourself?”

“Yes, I can take a bus there.”

“Fine. I’m thinking tonight, around 8 O’ Clock.

“Sure Ryan,” Tracy said happily. “Bye Ryan.”

“Bye Tracy,” he said. He hung up.

Ryan was excited; he had a date with Tracy.

That night, with a wallet filled with cash, Ryan walked in the Sha Place and waited for Tracy to show up.

Fifteen minutes later, she showed up.

The waiter gave them the menus and Tracy ordered lobster, fries, and a Coke and Ryan ordered crab cakes, lobster, cheese sticks, and a Coke.

While they waited for their food, Ryan said, “Remember the time we ran and ended up in that abandoned house?”

“Yes,” Tracy answered.

“I would have done more than hold your hand and touch your face if you hadn’t brought up the subject of the party.”

“What would you have done?” She asked.

“I would have caressed your face more, tell you soft words, get to know you better.”

Their food arrived and Ryan said, “I’ll give you some of my mozzarella sticks and crab cakes if you want some.”

Tracy said yes. Ryan gave her two of each. Tracy said thanks and they ate their delicious dinners.

Ryan paid the check, left a tip, and they left.

Ryan asked, “Do you want to continue our date or go home?”

Ryan desperately hoped she would choose “continue”.


Ryan gasped. She chose home. But Ryan said, “Your wish is my command.” They were at his car now. “Okay, get into the car.”

“You’re going to drive me home?” She asked incredulous.

“You don’t trust me?” Ryan asked a little hurt.

“I was just going to catch the bus back home,” she answered sheepishly. “I don’t know if you should drive me home.”

“Oh, your folks would be upset if a white guy dropped you off, huh?” he said, painfully knowing the truth.

“Yeah,” she said, looking down.

“You know what I’ll do? I’ll drive you halfway and you can walk some.


They got into his car. While Ryan was driving, they passed a Toy Store.

“Let’s go in,” she said, her eyes pleading.

Don’t do that, Ryan mentally begged. Don’t look at me like that. The way she was looking at him would have persuaded him to buy 5 million shares of stocks.

“Pleeeease?” She asked her eyes the same way.

“Okay,” Ryan said. He parked the car.

They went in. There were lots of dolls, toy cars, Lego Blocks, and other toys. There were Teddy Bears. Lots of Teddy Bears. He waited for the perfect time to buy her one. “Ryan, I need to go to the bathroom,” Tracy said. Perfect timing. “Sure,” Ryan told her.

She left and Ryan rushed to pay for the Teddy bear. When she came back, the Teddy Bear was safely hidden in a bag.

“Ryan, what’s in there?” She asked, pointing to the bag.

“Um, nothing,” he answered. They looked around some more, and then went back to his car.

“Where to drop you off?” he asked. “Um, drop me off at 154th street,” she said. “Okay,” he agreed.

He drove to 154th street. He parked on a road. He gave her the bag.

“This is for you,” he said.

“Thank you. For the date and this,” she said happily. Goodnight Ryan.”

“You’re welcome and goodnight.” She left.

When he drove back home and parked, he thought about how sweet she was. He thought about how wary she was of a relationship.

He showered, put his nightclothes on, and went to bed.

When he awoke, it was time to get ready for school. So he got ready and when he arrived at school, Trandy greeted him.

“So, feeling any better about the girl?” Trandy asked him.

“Yes, I am, very much.”

“Wow, three days ago, you were looking devastated.

Ryan smiled a big happy grin, grinning happily from ear to ear.

“Ryan, you look like a total lovey dope.”

“Thank you Trandy, “he said happily.

It was time to go to class. Ryan hoped that Tracy liked the Teddy Bear. She hadn’t even looked inside of the bag, she had just said, ‘Thank you.”

In class, Ryan thought Tracy was really something. Something special, soft, and sweet all wrapped into one.

Ryan had to think of one bad thing about Tracy. Tracy couldn’t be as goody angel as she seemed. There had to be something wrong with her.

Nobody was perfect.

But he couldn’t imagine one thing bad about her.

“Ryan, wake up!” the teacher, Mr. Woles said.

Ryan wasn’t sleeping; he was thinking of a sweet angel. But he snapped to attention and continued on the work.

When class was over, Ryan had a sudden image of he and Tracy kissing. In his image he had her in his arms while they kissed. Her lips were soft and sweet just as he imagined they would be. Ryan smiled a happy, guilty smile at the fantasy.

The bell rung to signal three minutes left. He rushed to class.

When that class was over, it was time for lunch. While he was eating, he thought about the girl who got him running half a mile. It was a good workout, anyway.

When the day was over, he went home and called Tracy.

“Hello?” She answered on the third ring.

“Hello Sweetheart Baby,” Ryan answered.

“Hi. Ryan how was your day?” Tracy asked.

“It was fine. How was your day?” Ryan asked her.

“It was good.” She answered.

“You know Tracy, I thought of you all day today.” Ryan said.

“You did?” She sounded shocked.

“Yes. Wanna go out today?” Ryan asked.

“No.”Tracy said.

No? Ryan thought.

“I’m really busy tonight.” She said.

“Okay Tracy,” he said disappointed. Suddenly, his voice changed from disappointment to tenderness. “When I become your boyfriend,” he started.

“When?” She questioned.

“If,” he corrected himself, “I’ll protect you, hold you in my arms, kiss you, and tell you how much I care. I want you to be my girlfriend.” Ryan said.

“I just met you. I can’t." Tracy said.

“This is because of Ronald, isn’t it?” He said angrily.

She gasped. Ryan didn’t blame her. He did sound mean.

“I’m just so angry at Ronald for doing that to you,” he said, in a not much better tone.

“Goodbye,” she said, sounding sad and hung up.

Ryan could feel his heart crying. She had hung up on him.

At 7 O’ Clock that night, Ryan decided to call her again.

When he did, she answered on the fourth ring.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Hi, Tracy,” Ryan said.

“What do you want?” She answered in a cold voice.

“I want to talk to you.” Ryan said.

“Well, I have nothing to say to you.” Tracy said coldly.

“Tracy, talk to me. Don’t do this to me.,” Ryan said, his voice cracking. He was surprised to hear his voice crack.

“I’m upset at the way your voice sounded earlier,” she said in a warmer voice.

“I was upset too,” Ryan said. I was upset at Ronald for degrading you like that.”

“Ryan.” Her voice sounded like pleasurable shock. “No one’s ever spoken to me like that. I mean, no boy."

“Still busy?” Ryan asked.

“I am, but I’ll call you latter. Goodbye.” Tracy said.

“Goodbye.” Ryan said. They hung up.

At 9: 05, Tracy called.

“Tracy, hi,” he said, recognizing her voice right away as always.

“Ryan, what would you do if I got a boyfriend who wasn’t you?” She asked, a little anxious.

I’d be hotly jealous, he thought.

“I’d be jealous, but let you go your own way. I wouldn’t try to force you to give him up for me.” Ryan said.

“Thanks. Just for that answer, you deserve a big surprise tomorrow. Meet me at North Park after school at 3 :00.” Tracy said.

“Ok. Wow,” Ryan gushed.

They hung up after saying goodbye.
Part 5

The next day, Ryan thought about Tracy and the surprise all through his classes.

Finally, the school ended. He rushed over to north Park and saw Tracy sitting on a bench.

She was wearing a short dress again with her curly hair held in an elastic band.

She stood up when she saw him.

Ryan was beginning to feel dizzy and euphoria.

“Hold me,” she said.

This was his surprise? To hold her? Ryan was perplexed. This was not a good surprise. He had held her before.

He obediently wrapped her in his arms. She gave a little sigh, which warmed Ryan all the way down to his toes. How could one girl affect him so much? “Here’s your surprise,” she said.

What is it? Ryan excitedly thought.

“What is it?” Ryan said aloud.

“Kiss me.” She looked up into Ryan’s face. ‘Are you sure, Tracy? You want me to kiss you?” Ryan thought he sounded idiotic.

“Yes, Ryan,” she said. Ryan was shocked, but in a pleasurable way.

“Please?” She begged, with her eyes almost the same way they’d been the night of the dinner/Toy Store date. No one would be able to resist those eyes. Then she smiled a shy, little smile that was so beautiful.

“Are you ready?” He asked. She put her arms around him and said, “Yes, I’m ready.”

He bent down to those warm, soft lips he had only dreamed of and closed his eyes as his lips touched here.

He put his left hand on one shoulder and his right hand in her hair. He rubbed both hair and shoulder gently while letting his tongue play with her lips.

Damn, she was so soft. He didn’t care who was watching. He knew if a police passed by, they might both get into trouble for embracing and kissing.

She opened her mouth and his tongue went in. Their tongues caressed each other. She put her hand on his chest. He broke the kiss.

“Oh my goodness!” He shouted, and then gasped. No one, not even Linda, had put his hand on his chest. “What’s the matter?” Tracy asked, looking up at him with concerned eyes, her hand still on his chest.

“You…. you…. touch….. touched my chest,” he said breathlessly.

“Was that wrong?” she asked in a tiny voice, like a little girl.

“No, it is right.” He put his hand on her hand, the one which covered his heart and held it there.

“It’s just that no one has ever touched me there. Except myself." Ryan said.
“Oh,” she said.

“Can I kiss you again?” he asked. He removed their hands.

This is a dream come true, he thought.

He kissed her again, a soft kiss like before.

He was new with this stuff with Tracy; he didn’t want to rush it.

Her lips were sweet and she tasted like paradise just as he had thought.

She put her soft hands on his neck and he shuddered from her touch.

He really never knew kissing her would feel this intense.

She could turn him into blob. He would always tremble when he heard the name Tracy.

They broke the kiss.

I felt you shudder,” she began softly, “When I put my hands on your neck.” They sat down on the bench.

“I shuddered because of the feel going through me when you touched me.” Ryan answered.

“Tell me your secrets,” she said, taking his hand and stroking it.

“Okay, you wanna know my secrets?” Ryan asked.

She nodded, a look of pure curiosity in her eyes.

“Well, I am lead by my heart, not by my mind. I do whatever my heart tells me to do, except sometimes like when I wanted to kiss you that first night.” Ryan said.

“Second secret: I love chocolates. I have a bunch of them in my room. Hershey’s, Baby Ruth, Kisses, M&Ms, Milky way, Snickers. You name it, I got it." Ryan said.

“Third secret: Sort of like the first, but you don’t want to know,” he said with a blush and a shy look in his eyes.

“Yes, I do. I wanna know what makes you blush and look shy.” tracy prompted.

“Okay, here it goes. You really, really, want to know?”

“Yes, I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Please tell me,”

“Okay, here it is for real this time. I am very romantic. I am like one of the most romantic boys in school. I like romantic books, romantic songs, T.V. shows, and movies.”

“I never knew a boy like that,” she said softly.

“Well, now you do,” he said. “What time is it?”

She checked her watch. “it’s 3 :15.”

“Oh no! I should start getting back now!” Ryan exclaimed.

He looked at those soft lips again, trying to resist the urge to kiss her again, but finding it hard to.

“Okay bye,” he said reluctantly.

“Bye,” she said.

He left and went home. He found himself touching his lips, reliving the feel of her lips on his, smiling.

At 4’ o clock, Tracy called.

Ryan answered. “Hi,” Ryan said.

“Hi,” Tracy said.

“Enjoy today?” he asked teasingly.

“Yes, I did.”

Ryan had an idea to score with Tracy. He would send her flowers at Pennsyla School incognito.

“Wanna go out tonight?” he asked.

“Maybe at 7:09?” She suggested.

“Sure. I’ll pick you up.”

“No. Remember you’re White?”

“Oh, we’re back to that again,” he said angrily.

“Please understand. I would get into trouble if you showed up.”

Ryan understood a little. “Okay, I understand. Meet me at the park again at 7:20.”

“Sure,” she said. They hung up the phone.
I Really like the title '' Alabama 1960 '' good one, and the story is quite intresting,i really like it! the only thing is this ryan guy, he seems a bit to obessesed with her, kinda creepy if you ask me. Still i really like it, keep em comming
I Really like the title '' Alabama 1960 '' good one, and the story is quite intresting,i really like it! the only thing is this ryan guy, he seems a bit to obessesed with her, kinda creepy if you ask me. Still i really like it, keep em comming

Thank you. for your kind words :) I guess Ryan does come off as an obsessed psycho stalker when it comes to Tracy. He implied that he loved her and he had just met her the same day! :shocked: Following her to an abandoned house after she ran away from him was really stalkerish. He asked her to be his girlfriend shortly before she ran away, and he has the nerve to wonder why her ass bolted away from him! :lol:
Part 6

Later, she met him at the park again. As he looked at her, he thought about how much he wanted her to be his girlfriend. He had wanted to be his girlfriend since he met her at the party. Thyey sat on the same bench thyat they had sat at earlier.

They sat in coimfortable silence, holding hands, enjoying the night sky and each other's company. Ryan put his arm around her.

Tracy put her head on Ryan's shoulder and said, "It's such a beautiful night, and the stars are so pretty."

"Yes, they are." Ryan said, happily content. "Tracy," he growled ina husky voice, "You and my heart connect."

Tracy looked a little alarmed. "Ryan, what's wrong with your voice? it's suddenly different."

"Um," He said, trying to make his voice normal. It didn't work to well. Was this what happened to his voice when he really liked someone? He was scared. This had never happened with Linda.

"Maybe I should leave," she said, removing his arm from herself and letting go of his hand. She begun to get up.

"No stay! Don't go!" Ryan begged, huskily. "If my voice bothers you, I won't talk," Ryan promised.

"Okay," she agreed, sitting back down, looking at him uncertainly, but like she would give him another chance.

They sat in comfortable silence again doing what they were doing for about 20 more minutes.

Tracy said, "It's 8:40!"

Ryan shrieked, "it's 8:40?! He forgot his "promise" and said, "I've got to go home, bye!" She said "bye" too and he begun to walk out of the park.

As he was leaving the park, he heard Tracy scream. Then she said, "Please Ronald. Leave me alone." He turned around and saw a husky looking dark milk chocolate guy who looked around his age with a short brown afro. He had on a blue jersey and blue jeans. Ronald came to Tracy and kissed her roughly.

"That's it! I knew I'd always get you back! You belong to me Tracy!" She was crying and Ronald put one hand on her hair and the other around her waist. He begun to drag her. She was sobbing and trying to fight him.

"You see, I can still control you, you little idiot imbecile! You're coming home with me!" ronald said, nastily.

"Ryan, help me!" She screamed loudly.

"Ronald stopped dragging Tracy. "Who's Ryan, you no good worm!" He spat out spitefully.

"He's my new "friend," she said, looking down.

"You w.hore!" He yelled angrily. He kicked her in the stomach and pushed her down. He begun to walk on her, furiously yelling, " You go to any boy you meet!"

Ryan couldn't let Ronald hurt Tracy any longer. He hated Ronald with a passion. Then ronald picked up Tracy and head slammed her into the grass. She lied there, limply.

Ryan was seeing red and his hatred for Ronald almost made him gag. He was consumed by fury and blind hatred. Tracy could land in the ER!

He ran back in and lunged at ronald, giving him a savage punch in the nose. Ronald kicked him in the stomach and Ryan felt the pain, but he had to fight for Tracy. Ryan punched Ronald all over his face in a furious manner. He got a glimpse of tracy's lifeless body again, and his heart swallowed. That sight made him even angrier. With a loud growl, he tackled Ronald to the ground and begun to strangle him.

Ronald managed to wrestle his way free and kicked Ryan in his shins. Ryan yelped in pain and Ronald punched Ryan in the lips, making him bleed. Ryan wrestled Ronald to the ground again and gave him blows to his stomach and back. They exchanged hard hitting blows to each other when a police car came and a cop came out.

He saw Tracy's limp body on the floor and called ambulance into his radio. Then he stopped the fight by arresting Ryan and Ronald. Ambulance came in six minutes and the paramedics put Tracy on a stretcher and put her in. The cop "threw" Ryan and Ronald into the patrol car. Forgive me, Tracy, Ryan thought. He blamed part of Tracy's attack on himself. He felt if he had come earlier to help, maybe she wouldn't have been hurt as much. The cop drove for about 10 minutes and then parked intoa police station. He booked them and gave them mug shots and then put them in separate jail cells.

Ryan wanted to cry. look at where he was and look at where Tracy was. How was he going to tell his parents he had been arrested and jailed? What would Trandy think of the arrest and the jailing? Ryan ironically smiloed when he thought of Trandy saying he didn't want to see him in trouble because of Tracy. Trandy would be so disppointed. Ryan worriedly sat down on the hard bed.

What was he going to do? He worriedly thought. How would he get though the night?

Ryan and Ronald were put in neighboring cells. Ronald said to Ryan, "I really shouldn't have done that to Tracy. She's a real good girl."

Ryan said, "Then why did you do it to her?"

"I don't know why, but I was angry that we weren't together anymore. And when she told me she had a new boyfriend, I couldn't take it. I lost my temper and beat her up." Ronald said.

Ryan pointed out, "But you started treating her roughly even before you knew about me."

"I know. I tried to get her back the wrong way. By controllling her again. She didn't deserve that." Ronald said, regfretfully.

"Why'd you start controlling her in the first place?" Ryan asked.

"I began taking her for granted. I began taking advantage of her. She's such a nice girl, and I just began to kind of use her." Ronald said.

Ryan said vehemently, "I would NEVER treat Tracy like the way she described you and what I saw."

"She's a good girl. Treat her right and take good care of her," Ronald said, softly.

"I will," Ryan said.

The cop let Ryan call his parents and his parents said they would pick him up. The cop took him back to the cell.

Ronald said to Ryan lightly, "You're a really good fighter."

Ryan also said lightly, "So are you."

In 20 minutes, his Mom and Dad came to pick him up.

They both looked distraught when they looked at Ryan.

"What did you do Ryan?" His mother asked in disbelief.

Ryan hung his head low and the cop answered, "He was in a fight with another boy, the boy in the next cell. I also found a girl who looked lifeless on the ground. I had an ambulance pick her up and I arrested these two. You can take him home now."

"Come on," his father said, sounding hurt and angry.

The cop unlocked his cell door and Ryan got out. As he was leaving the police station, he turned around and saw Ronald calling his parents on the pay phone. He wryly smiled at Ronald. "Bye, Ronald," he said. "Bye, Ryan," Ronald said.

Ryan and his parents left. When they got to his Dad's car, his Dad angrily hollored, "How could you do this? How could you get yourself arrested?"

Ryan felt pretty low. He said, "I got arrested because I fought someone who was beating up a defenseless girl. You saw him. He was HUGE. He could have killed the girl."

"So you decided to start fighting him?" His dad retorted angrily.

"Dad, I had to. He's huge and she's pretty petite," Ryan defended himself.

His Mom said, "Guys, can we talk about this tomorrow? It's late, and I'm sure all three of us need our sleep."

"Sure honey," his Dad agreed. They continued the rest of the drive home in silence.

When they got home, his Dad said, "Go to bed, Ryan," in a deathly cold voice.

Ryan agreed.

As he got ready for bed, his Dad came in his room and got out his backpack. He opened the backpack up and rummaged through it.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Ryan asked, bothered and his throat dry. What if he found Tracy's number?

"I'm looking to see if you've been hiding anything from us," his dad said, softly, but bitingly.

He pulled out Tracy's number. "Whose number is this?" He demanded.

Ryan gulped. "It's my friend Tracy," he said softly.

"Let me give her a call right now," his father said, decisively.

"No! Don't!" Ryan warned him, but his father made his way to the phone. he called Tracy's number.

"Hmm. No one is answering," he said, thoughtfully.

Ryan said, "That's because Tracy is in the hospital."

"So, that's the girl who you fought for?" his Dad said. it was a statement, not a question.

"Yes," Ryan said.

"Why did you?" His Dad asked.

"Dad, I like tracy. I feel connected to her. I couldn't let Roanld beat her to death. So I had to do something," Ryan defended himself.

"I don't want you seeing this girl anymore. She'll only give you trouble," Ryan's Dad said, firmly.

"That's the same thing Trandy said to me," Ryan said softly.

"Huh? Trandy? Why would Trandy have anything to do with you and Tracy? Why did he say that?" Ryan's dad asked, perplexed.

Ryan lowered his head. "Because she's Black," he announced, bracing himself for a verbal fight from his Dad.

"What do you mean she's a Black girl?" His father spat out angrily. "Do you know what Black people can get you into? trouble."

"I don't care. You and Trandy tell me that I will get into trouble over Tracy, and I couldn't care less," Ryan said, defiantly.

"I forbid you to ever see this girl again," Dad said.

"Dad, I love her, and you shouldn't try to block our love," he said, barely thinking, then he soon realized that he said he loved her. Could he really fall in love that fast?

"Oh, so you "love" her, do you? Just the way you "loved" Linda Howard too, huh?" Dad said, with a smirk.

"Dad, don't even compare tracy to Linda. Linda stomped on my heart. tracy wouldn't do that to me. She's honest and innocent," Ryan said, defending Tracy.

"At least Linda was White," his Dad retorted.

Ryan saw red as he looked at his Dad. He almost choked on his anger towards his Dad. "Oh, the problem with Tracy is that she's Black, huh? If Tracy were White, you'd be happy for me, huh?" Ryan retorted. Ryan had to grit his teeth to hold back his anger.

"Ryan, stop making me sound like a prejudiced member of the KKK," Dad said, offended.

"No, calling you a member of the KKK would be an insult to the ku Klux klan," Ryan said, bitingly.

His dad sucked in his cheeks angrily. "Ryan, shut up. You know nothing about getting involved with Black," Dad said, softly angrily.

Ryan wanted to scream, but held back his anger and answered his Dad in an obvious controlled tone, 'You know this stupid segregation law is not swell.m it's not the Bee's Knees, nor is it the Cat's Meow. It is a way the man is keeping us in line."

His Dad gave Ryan a disappointed, frustrated look, and then left ryan's room.

Ryan went to bed sadly upset over the argument and went to sleep still musing.

Part 7

He had a dream that Tracy and he were holding hands in an open field, smiling at each other. Tracy was wearing a White flowing dress and he was wearing blue jeans and a red shirt. Ryan said, "I love you, Tracy," and bent down and gave her a tender kiss on the mouth.

"I love you too, Ryan," she said when they stopped kissing.

Just then, a SWhite police car came by. A cop in a Blue uniform came out of the car. He was six feet tall with Brown hair, Brown eyes, and Olive skin. He walked over to them.

"Do you know it's against the law for you two to date?" he asked them sternly.

Ryan said, "I know, but I don't care. I love her."

Tracy said, "And I love him too." she out her arm around his arm now.

"You know, I'm going to have to arrest you two," the cop said, taking out two pairs of handcuffs.

"Go ahead, arrest us," Ryan said, removing his arm from tracy's arm and putting his hands out in surrender. "But, just know that you're just arresting two people for being in love."

Tracy gave up her hands in surrender too. "Who cares if we go to jail?" she said with a smirk.

The cop arrested both of them and put them in the patrol car. In the backseat, Ryan said, "You know we're not going to the same jail, don't you?" he looked deeply into her eyes, searchingly.

"I know," Tracy said, sadly.

"Here's something to remember me by." Ryan said. he inched over to Tracy and gave her a deep kiss on the mouth. "Please remember me."

"I will," Rracy promised. "Remember me too."

"I will," Ryan said, as the cop took him to the jail he would be staying at.

"Goodbye," Tracy said, as the cop took him out of the car.

"Goodbye," ryan said. The cop took him inside, and in a few minutes, he came back out, sans Ryan.

Ryan was put behind bars and wondered about Tracy. Just then, he heard a sweet sound. He woke up, and heard, "Love Me tender" by Elvis, that was playing on the radio. He wondered about the dream and Tracy. He smiled bittersweetly as the song played. He knew what he had to do. He had to see Tracy. He couldn't stand the thought of not knowing how she was doing..

He looked at the clock. 6:00 A.M. He got up, ate breakfast, showered, and got dressed.

His Mom and Dad saw him. "Ryan, hi. What are you doing ready so early?" His Mom asked.

"I'm going to school early to work on my homework in the library," he said.

His Dad said, "Bye," in a flat tone. Ryan said, "Bye," in a disgusted tone.

His Mom said, "Guys, you haven't made up yet?"

"Your son thinks i'm worse than the KKK." His dad spat out to her.

"Ryan, you didn't!" She exclaimed in a shocked tone.

"I did." He said.

"Bye, Ryan," she said, lovingly.

"Bye," Ryan said, lovingly.

Ryan got into his car and drove to the nearest hospital. ryan went in, and asked the receptionist if Tracy Andrews had been admitted, and the receptionist said, "Yes," and told him the room number she was staying in. 309.

Ryan thanked her and went to Room 309. He saw Tracy lying in bed. She looked a little bruised, but mostly fine.

"Hi, Tracy," he told her softly.

"Hi, Ryan," she said, softly, but happily with a slight smile.

"You know, I was arrested for you. I was locked up for a while," he said, holding her hand.

"Thanks, Ryan," she said.

"You're welcome," he replied.

"You know, Ronald wasn't a pleasure to fight with," Ryan said ironnically. "But, he did say nice things about you. Like how you were innocent and nice. He said you were a good girl and basically that he was sorry for taking you for granted and taking advantage of hyou. But, i already knew that you were innocent, nice, and good." He gently touched her chin as he said the last line.

"Hey, Ryan. I'll be out of here in a couple of days. you want to amke a date?" Tracy asked him.

"Sure," he said. "I'll vist you every day until you are released from the hospital," he promised.

"Thanks," Tracy said.

"So, how's hospital life treating you?" Ryan asked.

"It's fine, but the food could be better."

Ryan chuckled and said, "The food on our date was much better, wasn't it?"

Tracy smiled and said, "Yes."

"Listen Tracy. I have to go to school now before I'm late. I'll see you later."

"Bye, Ryan." She looked sad.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

"I want you to stay with me," she said in a meelancholy voice.

"You want me to skip school?" Ryan asked, incredolous.

She looked down, looking sheepish.

She looked so cute to him right now. "You know, I could get into a lot of trouble for playing Hooky from school, don't you?" He asked, softly.

"Yeah, I know. I don't want you to get into trouble," Tracy said.

"I'll see you right after school. i'll rushe here after the final bell." He promised.

"Okay," she said.

He left the hospital and rushed to school.
I wish you would fix your spelling errors. It would make the story a lot easier to read.
It would also help to have an introduction to the story in your OP, so that we know if it's something we want to pursue. The title is a good one, it certainly is interesting.
Back as a teen, my male romantic leads were so obsessive! ;) There was Sandy Johnns, who was obsessed with his girlfriend Karen Niley. He loved her, but she didn't love him. She liked him romantically, however, and Sandy said he accepted that she only liked him romantically, but later in the story,when Karen gets romantically stalked by a stranger, and askes Sandy, "Why won't he leave me alone?" Sandy replies, "Because he can't find a girl to love and know that she loves him too." LOL. Bitter that Sandy is. ;)
I like the fact that you want to write creative stories about ordinary lives, it seems. That's really quite laudable, and I think you should submit your work to You would get better insight/critiques from fellow writers there than you would from us here. We love your stories, don't get me wrong, but you ought to expand your horizons and post them in as many places as you can, especially places with people who can give you important/useful feedback, such as the website I gave you. You may also want to consider

I post my artwork and prose in both.