Aww arXter, I'm flattered! I'm glad my endless detailed analysis of Michael's dancing hasn't been a total waste of time, haha.
But yeah, you are right. I've never seen anyone move like Michael. You nailed it when you said his movement is beautiful. He's gorgeous when he dances, the cleanness of his lines, combined with the speed and accuracy of his executuion, just makes him the most asthetically pleasing dancer ever. I always say when I'm wathcing him dance, I always say out loud, "Man, he's beautiful." lol.
And great quote from Bruce. I know Michael is a big admirer of Bruce Lee. And he had the same thing going in terms of the fluidity of his movement, the speed and the accuracy, getting all of his energy in to a single movement. That's exactly like Michael, just a different type of movement. Martial arts vs. dancing.
But I know you've see when Michael incorporates kata in to his dancing and it looks freakin' amazing. Like in "Beat It" on the Bucharest show. He's so clean and quick. I'm sure you've also heard about Michael being given a black belt for his form in karate. It wasn't official because he didn't complete the test by fighting several guys at once, but he supposedly really is of that expertise level when it comes to form.