Michael Jackson's Nephew, Austin Brown, Performs at SXSW


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Mar 21, 2010
Michael Jackson's Nephew, Austin Brown, Performs at SXSW (Video)

<cite class="byline vcard">The Hollywood Reporter &#8211; <abbr title="2012-03-12T22:32:14Z">1 hour 45 minutes ago</abbr></cite>
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Michael Jackson may be gone, but his family&#8217;s gene pool continues to breed talented artists hungry for stardom.
Jackson&#8217;s nephew Austin Brown, the 26-year-old son of Rebbie Jackson, took the stage at this year&#8217;s SXSW festival in Austin, Texas over the weekend and caught the eye of CNN viewers on Monday, March 12.
Appearing on-air with Brooke Baldwin, Brown addressed his famous bloodline and why he chose to go against his parent&#8217;s wishes and pursue a musical career.
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&#8220;I just left home and did it,&#8221; said Brown of trying his hand at the music industry. &#8220;I always knew my love for music, I always knew it was something I was passionate about.&#8221;
Brown recalled lessons learned from Michael Jackson, but describes aunt Janet Jackson as &#8220;my heart.&#8221;
&#8220;He spent time with me, and all my cousins, to really show us why music was important and where to kind of put the elements to make the right message,&#8221; Brown said of MJ. &#8220;So, really honing in on what type of move that you&#8217;re doing and really what message you want to portray when you&#8217;re singing.&#8221;
Brown&#8217;s sound bears a striking resemblance to that of his late uncle, who died suddenly in June 2009. Watch bits of his performance in the video below.
Of his aunt Janet, Brown added: &#8220;She&#8217;s just a great person and a great person to talk to about anything, and we really had that relationship to where she&#8217;s the one -- no matter what I say to her, she never judges -- and I can talk to her about completely anything.&#8221;
The singer currently has one single posted to his VEVO page, titled &#8220;Menage A Trois.&#8221; On Monday, Brown tweeted that his new song &#8220;City of Angels&#8221; will debut on Tuesday via Vibe Magazine&#8217;s website.

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