So Madonna Was Influenced By Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just came across this old clip of Madonna from the 80's where she admits that Michael is one of her inspirations. I'm not trying to start any arguments here btw because I love both artists, but this proves what i've suspected all along that despite many DENIALS about this from both fanbases, Mike has in fact been an influence on Madonna, at least early in her career. She is/was a big fan, which is why I don't know why some Mike fans are always claming she doesn't like or respect him, when it's clear that she does and always has and i'm sure the feeling is mutual.

I'm still dissapointed about "In The Closet" tho :-(. I really wish these two could have worked together. Can you imagine, two mega stars, The King & Queen of Pop duetting or performing together? That would've been too cool.
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never was a secret. i got a a old Madonna book and she says as a kid she use to want to be mj. her debut album and the song like a virgin are tributes to MJ. i mean if you were a kid in the 70's there was no escaping MJ and not being inspired by him.etc... she always acknowledged him,but the problem lies when she is compared to him musically which is so far off. but you can see and hear MJs influence on her.
Yeah, Madonna was (and is) very influenced by Michael. I can't remember exactly what she said, but in an interview Madonna said that she wanted to be the female version of Michael.
I've always thought vocal wise the only female MJ would be Kathy Sledge, or maybe Denise Pearson a little. When Madonna 1st came out she said her idols were MJ, Marvin Gaye, & David Bowie
David Bowie is also a very big inspiration/idol of Madonna which I think is more evident as far as her flashy style.
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Well Madonna and Prince both grew up listening to MJ. MJ was a superstar long before they were.
I'm still dissapointed about "In The Closet" tho :-(. I really wish these two could have worked together. Can you imagine, two mega stars, The King & Queen of Pop duetting or performing together? That would've been too cool.

Apparently (COMING) OUT OF THE CLOSET was the original title for Michael’s hit, In The Closet, which he wanted to record with Madonna. A demo version, featuring Michael and Madonna, may exist. (FTR) Mike sure liked to blur the lines on his sexuality didnt he? It was Madonna's fault this duet didnt come to fruition as she wanted to changed MJs appearance which he was having none of.
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Madonna wanted to play up the innuendo by the two of them dressing in drag. She knew the kind of publicity it would generate but MJ wasn't down with it.
I just came across this old clip of Madonna from the 80's where she admits that Michael is one of her inspirations. I'm not trying to start any arguments here btw because I love both artists, but this proves what i've suspected all along that despite many DENIALS about this from both fanbases, Mike has in fact been an influence on Madonna, at least early in her career. She is/was a big fan, which is why I don't know why some Mike fans are always claming she doesn't like or respect him, when it's clear that she does and always has and i'm sure the feeling is mutual.

yeah she even said recently she likes mj's music...she said old school mj though...she even got mj's manager after he fired him
Sorry Madonna, Janet is already the female Michael.

And screw Madonna, lol. She makes little sly passes at other artists all the time (including Mike), so she can go somewhere. :D
That was years ago.Madonna has matured. I haven't heard her speak badly of anyone in years.
Sorry Madonna, Janet is already the female Michael.

And screw Madonna, lol. She makes little sly passes at other artists all the time (including Mike), so she can go somewhere. :D

I agree with ya :)

and for whoever posted that madonna wanted her and MJ to dress in drag, that is crazy, i never knew that.. wtf was madonna thinking? haha MJ isn't down with dressing drag, what was wrong with her?
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never was a secret. i got a a old Madonna book and she says as a kid she use to want to be mj. her debut album and the song like a virgin are tributes to MJ. i mean if you were a kid in the 70's there was no escaping MJ and not being inspired by him.etc... she always acknowledged him,but the problem lies when she is compared to him musically which is so far off. but you can see and hear MJs influence on her.

Yeah I know she's never denied that he's been an influence, but i've seen many others (mainly fans of both of these artists) deny it time and time again. I don't think most people think Michael & Madonna are on the same level musically/talent wise though. I'm a fan of both artists (I like Michael more however), but it's clear who's more naturally gifted. However as far as longevity, star status and influence go, Michael & Madonna are definitely comparable in that sense.
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^^^and now shes outgrown him????

just joking........
I'm still dissapointed about "In The Closet" tho :-(. I really wish these two could have worked together. Can you imagine, two mega stars, The King & Queen of Pop duetting or performing together? That would've been too cool.

Same here. I would LOVE IT if they were on stage and sing their old school hits to one another. I have the thoughts in my head. I would share them but I do not feel like it. LOL.

Maddy said on the Rosie O'Donnell show (I would say O'Doughnuts, but I am being nice today for some strange reason) that she wanted MJ to be a drag queen and Mike was not going for that. LOL. I can't say that I blame him. Anyway, just imagine the song - that song would have described what REALLY happened when they spent some time together after or before they went to the Oscars together. :wild: Anyone here who never thought of what could have been is in denial. Come on, I can see MJ accepting and rejecting her passes. LOL. She was rauchy back in the day.

Ok, let me get back on the topic. I do not see how Maddy was influence by Mike. Maybe I should look more into it but to say that I was not shocked when I found out in an article ten years ago (I think) that Maddy was a fan of Mike is a lie. I was very shocked because they are two different artists. I just want to know why that spanish song she did back in 1987 was dedicated to Mike. Mike is not of Spanish decent. Maybe I am off. LOL. Anyway, I love her old stuff and her new stuff - no comment.

In The Closet, which he wanted to record with Madonna. A demo version, featuring Michael and Madonna, may exist. (FTR)

I would not be shocked if it pops up on youtube. I hope it does. *crossing fingers* I remember when that guy who did a blog about the time he worked with MJ stated that Mike was afraid of Maddy or she scared him. Something like that. I can't fully believe that hence that they did something (music, I mean, not you know, but you never know with these two) together. Just throwing that out there.
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Yeah I know she's never denied that he's been an influence, but i've seen many others (mainly fans of both of these artists) deny it time and time again. I don't think most people think Michael & Madonna are on the same level musically/talent wise though. I'm a fan of both artists (I like Michael more however), but it's clear who's more naturally gifted. However as far as longevity, star status and influence go, Michael & Madonna are definitely comparable in that sense.
yeah longevity and whatnot no one can deny that. true point.
Not only Michael but Madonna said she was influenced by David Bowie, Nancy Sinatra (she said her "These Boots Were Made for Walking" inspired her direction), the Supremes (particularly Diana Ross), Mary Wells, Martha Reeves and the entire Motown period of the sixties. I'm sure there's more but back then she was open to reveal who she was influenced by and her early music definitely was a response to it. She was influenced by disco acts too.
she was influenced by quite a few folks but make no mistake MJ was her biggest one and she took freddie demann his former manager with her.
she dedicated a song to MJ? I know that La Isla Bonita was meant for Mike but I read in one of her biographies...Mike didn't like it and the writer didn't like Madonna took the song..I'm still holding out on a celebration with all 3 Prince, MJ,Madonna...I wish they could all be very professional and do something together like a photo shoot..I hate the VMAs but I think that's like the last music award show this year ...maybe something there..maybe....well I girl can day dream right......
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Not too sure if she was I know she started off doing punk rock and then her record company wanted her to do pop.
Wasn't Michael scared of Madonna during the Dangerous era? She came into his studio or something and was like trying to do "things"... :unsure:
However as far as longevity, star status and influence go, Michael & Madonna are definitely comparable in that sense.

Madonna isn't comparable to Michael in both longevity and start status. Though Michael's not as prolific at releasing new albums as Madonna, his chart success goes back to 1969 with The Jackson 5. There isn't any artist of Michael's generation that one can compare the longevity of their careers to. Michael's career as a child star in early 1970's makes his career unique.

As for star status. There is no doubt Madonna is a huge iconic star, but she's not as famous as Michael Jackson. Michael's had a much bigger impact on music than Madonna, his talent is bigger and he has a mystic that she doesn't have. All those things combined makes Michael's fame when he's in the public eye far bigger than Madonna's. I saw Madonna coming out of a London theatre in 2003 when she was doing a play, and the street went in to total madness with grown adults screaming "Madonna" and the paparazzi taking photos. But when Michael's in public, the atmosphere is totally electrifying and far more intense with bigger numbers of people. I'm not just saying this as a Michael Jackson fan, but as a fact. Because Michael has hardly been in the public eye since the History era, people forget how much more famous Michael is than Madonna.

Wasn't Michael scared of Madonna during the Dangerous era? She came into his studio or something and was like trying to do "things"... :unsure:
That's just a rumor. I doubt Michael's scared of Madonna. If anything I guess Madonna would have been intimidated by Michael's talent and astute business sense.

I find that Madonna is mainly influenced by my 3 favorite artists, Michael Jackson, David Bowie and Prince. Practically everything she's done I've seen one of their influences. The head microphone she wore on the 1990 Blond Ambition Tour (Which Michael also wore later on 1992 Dangerous Tour) was first worn by David Bowie on his 1987 Glass Spider Tour (Janet Jackson wore a head microphone in her 1986 Control video), plus her 2002 Drowned World Tour was almost a complete rip off of Bowie's Glass Spider Tour. I've never been too impressed with Madonna, I'm very, so I'll stop now as I could go on for ages.
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she dedicated a song to MJ? I know that La Isla Bonita was meant for Mike but I read in one of her biographies...Mike didn't like it and the writer didn't like Madonna took the song..I'm still holding out on a celebration with all 3 Prince, MJ,Madonna

I didn't know the behind story of that song. Thanks for posting that. However, I agree with you with what you said about Mike, Prince and Madge doing something together. That would be AWESOME!

Benncarr, keep going. I liked what you posted.

Wasn't Michael scared of Madonna during the Dangerous era? She came into his studio or something and was like trying to do "things"...

I have a hard time beliving that. The man who talked about that was just giving his observations. MJ did a song with Madge and I just can't see MJ being afraid of Madonna. I have to agree with bencarr. I think Madge was intimidated by MJ's talent and awesomeness. Madge was wild but MJ seemed to have no issue with that when he went with her to the Oscars.
i would exect vertually all artists of certain eras to be influenced by mj either intentionally or not. hes had to bigger impact over so many years on dance/music videos etc that others will always be influenced as he was the leader of the pack interms of what i said above. music videos,performances etc
I'm still holding out on a celebration with all 3 Prince, MJ,Madonna...I wish they could all be very professional and do something together like a photo shoot......
I like Madonna, but I'd be more interested in something with Mike, Prince, George Michael, & Terence Trent D'arby (aka Sananda). I guess Ms. Ciccone can be put in with them as backgrounds, lol.