Ludacris samples "Someone Put Your Hand Out" on his new album


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was so surprised to hear this on the radio today. It's not new for artists to sample MJ songs, but I've never heard an MJ song that was sampled that wasn't from one of his albums. I wasn't aware anyone outside of hardcore MJ fans knew the song "Someone Put Your Hand Out." The song is called "One More Drink" from Ludacris' upcoming album.
Oh wow! That's interesting.... Too bad they took a lovely melody from a really beautiful song and made it into crap. Well fun silly crap for some people, I suppose, but it's not really to my liking. "If I take one more drink I'm gonna end up f*cking you"? Really? Like *seriously*? :blink: :doh: Man, I'm so glad I don't listen to the radio nowadays. Most songs that sample MJ I like too. Shoot, I don't know what to make of Ludacris. I wish he'd bust his acting chops more and not so much the music, as ridiculous & catchy as it might be some time. And T-Pain really doesn't get any love from me. Thanks for posting though.
I hear his song sometimes on the radio on the bus.. and yes, the lil' melody part in the background reminded me of Mike's song! But I was not so sure at first.. but it kept bugging me that he did use it.. so I guess it is after all. :lol: Pretty cool, though.
not a sample, just straight out jacking the composition lol although Someone Put Your Hand Out doesn't exactly have complicated/unique chord progression.
Ok, well he didn't really sample Someone Put Your Hand Out. Yes the same chord progressions were used at the end of the particular phrase, but it's really not too much the same. I don't really think Ludacris had intentions of taking a progression from Someone Put Your Hand Out either.

Honestly, to me, this just sounds like a funny coincidence.

BUT....I do not deny that the melody is catchy and does sound like SPYHO only on the second half of that continuous melody line.

Nice song.......crazy lyrics.......but nice song.
you put it better
like you say it's probably just a coincidence since the progression is so 'generic'. is that an overused word around here? lol

though i wouldn't put it past them 'borrowing' the idea after somehow hearing SPYHO. and they'd most likely get away with it without approval.
I would like to say its a coincidence, but then I thought "Well that would be a hell of a coincidence". So I don't know, but thanks for sharing this none the less.
I love how most hip-hop/rap artists listen to great tracks and a multitude of artists. It's too bad they can't pass their tastes on to the consumers of their music. Try to listen to "SPYHO" and people will give you the awkward eye.
wow maybe someone discovered the song because of the box set...
I love how most hip-hop/rap artists listen to great tracks and a multitude of artists. It's too bad they can't pass their tastes on to the consumers of their music. Try to listen to "SPYHO" and people will give you the awkward eye.

If they react funny to a song like that, then that's on them then. They only know snap, crunk and Southern-based hip-hop to be the best music, lol.
wow maybe someone discovered the song because of the box set...
could be. When I first heard this on the radio, I thought they were playing SPYHO and I couldn't believe that MJ song would be played on the air. Too good to be true!
I love how most hip-hop/rap artists listen to great tracks and a multitude of artists. It's too bad they can't pass their tastes on to the consumers of their music. Try to listen to "SPYHO" and people will give you the awkward eye.

They've got issues if they think you're weird for listening to "Someone Put Your Hand Out". It's a beautiful song.
Yeah, I know. It's not really me personally I was speaking of... just in general. Imagine a sixteen year old kid at school who decided to play that in his car while he's driving with his friends. They'd all give him sh*t for it, yet probably every artist in their collection: the T-Pains, the Ludas, the T.I.s, the Kanyes... listen to great music like that. Hip-Hop and Rap artists usually have very diverse and great tastes in music.

I'm interested to see the liners of this new album to see if Someone Put Your Hand Out is credited.
Until you pointed it out I hadn't noticed it, and i have both songs on my iPod, 1GB shuffle, so they play next to eachother all the time, lol. Still, I think this tune is heavy, nice Trackmasters track lol.
Good gracious. :doh: Now why he wanna go and do that, huh?
I like Luda but he and T-Pain just destroyed a perfectly good song with that mess!
Hardly. No one even knows it. If you were to play the two next to each other to some stranger they wouldn't hear it straight away.
I was so surprised to hear this on the radio today. It's not new for artists to sample MJ songs, but I've never heard an MJ song that was sampled that wasn't from one of his albums. I wasn't aware anyone outside of hardcore MJ fans knew the song "Someone Put Your Hand Out." The song is called "One More Drink" from Ludacris' upcoming album.

lol...i keep being surprised at how many people think that hardcore MJ fans don't make up enough to be considered the general many think that the general public don't listen to, like, and know MJ music other than Thriller, considering that everywhere MJ goes, people mob him..and there got to be some non fan pockets in some of those locations..right?
i mean, lol...some on here and elsewhere will compare MJ's fame to that of the Pope(including the media, during MJ's trial) and forget they did it in another post.
but long as it gets on the radio and MJ is paid..i'm cool with it. lol:clapping:
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Oh how original, another rapper sampling a (Michael Jackson) song.
man i ain't sa ying IF he did, mj let him.

just like when fans were complaining about wbss and tgim on thriller 25 blame mj if u don't like the new songs...he agreed
LMAO... oh.

But the way some here were going on, they were acting as if he really did. :lol:

I actually liked it when some Southern rapper sampled "Lady In My Life" for a song. And of course Camp Lo.
LMAO... oh.

But the way some here were going on, they were acting as if he really did. :lol:

I actually liked it when some Southern rapper sampled "Lady In My Life" for a song. And of course Camp Lo.

camp lo did? I thought it was a Janet Jackson song....anyway I joined this site that points out samples in music ...and it took a while but they approved the mj/luda sample...and they do a lot of fact checking so maybe he did Jackson-Someone Put Your Hand Out/
.anyway I joined this site that points out samples in music ...and it took a while but they approved the mj/luda sample...and they do a lot of fact checking so maybe he did Jackson-Someone Put Your Hand Out/

damn if a dedicated website doesn't know what sampling is then they need to check their priorities lol

you can say they borrowed the chord progression, but really it's not that complex of a tune. sorry Mike.