Madonna or MJ? Who Was a Better Visonary and Pioneer?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
WHo was a better visionary and pioneer in the music video, live performances, and everything else.
it's kind of pointless to ask this at an MJ message board, because your automatically going to get incredibly biased responses.

I don't enough to comment on who's a better song writer. MJ is a good songwriter but he's not one of the best.

on vocals, dancing, pioneering, and live performances it's kind of pointless to compare the two. michael jackson is like to those categories what Michael Jordan was to basketball.

especially in the pioneering department. MJ changed the video artform from cringeworthy to watchable, with many of his videos being downright masterpieces.
it's kind of pointless to ask this at an MJ message board, because your automatically going to get incredibly biased responses.

I don't enough to comment on who's a better song writer. MJ is a good songwriter but he's not one of the best.

on vocals, dancing, pioneering, and live performances it's kind of pointless to compare the two. michael jackson is like to those categories what Michael Jordan was to basketball.

especially in the pioneering department. MJ changed the video artform from cringeworthy to watchable, with many of his videos being downright masterpieces.

But many claim marge is a better innovator in them music video. ( I disagree, I believe MJ is), but as the literary legend Norman Mailer himself noted, Madonna's best videos define and reach the zenith of videos as an art form. I mean she has some very innovative music videos.
WHo was a better visionary and pioneer in the music video, live performances, and everything else.

Not to sound bias in anyway...

Without any doubt...absolutely NO comparison

:angel:Mr.Jackson all the way..!
What is it with all of the "why ask on a MJ forum" questions? This is pretty cut and dry and you don't have to be the personification of objectivity to see that Michael Jackson is much more respected for his music and dance than Madonna could ever be.
wow this was the dumbest thread ive ever clicked on,this has 2be a joke
lol madonna did have that brass bra corset thingie
lol dont you think she started a revolution? instead of burn'em she brassed'em :wild:
Michael Jackson vs Madonna, should it be Michael Jackson vs Prince as in Genius vs Geinus, as Madonna isn't a genius and Michael is.

Madonna released her first single at the end of 1983 and because a big name in 1984. By them Michael had set the a new template in music, video and singing, dancing and touring. Madonna never added anything innovative in music, plus Michael was the first and ultimate MTV star.

Madonna jumps on trends, she doesn't create them. Yeah Michael didn't invent the Moonwalk, but he used the move out of the street dancing it was part of and gave it a style and magic it never had and he was doing the Robot dance a decade before it was popular all over the world. Madonna has never been ahead of her time, just of her time.
Michael Jackson. No one compares. No one in the same breath. After him, Elvis. The Beatles.
Lol, why ask this on an MJ forum? Most people here are gonna say MJ of course. I think you'd be better off asking people who are not as biased.
Why do people insist on doing MJ vs Prince, MJ vs Mads, MJ vs Elvis, MJ vs Bealtes threads? Obviously were gonna be biased here! :scratch:
Why do people insist on doing MJ vs Prince, MJ vs Mads, MJ vs Elvis, MJ vs Bealtes threads? Obviously were gonna be biased here! :scratch:

Not to sound arrogant here, but this is an MJ board, right? So I agree with Dangerous Inc's post.

Michael, Madonna, Prince, Beatles, etc., they all have their loyal followers and believe their choice is the truth/best.

Personally, I think each person/group I mentioned has a remarkable history, period. I post on MJJC because Michael is someone that interests me above the others, but I cannot ever deny the other artists mentioned relativity in music.

But many claim marge is a better innovator in them music video. ( I disagree, I believe MJ is), but as the literary legend Norman Mailer himself noted, Madonna's best videos define and reach the zenith of videos as an art form. I mean she has some very innovative music videos.

I don't even know who marge is, so this marge person can't be that much of a pioneer.

If Marge is another name for Madonna, I'd have to say that statement simply is not true. She is not widely credited which changing music videos as an art form. Basically everybody in the industry agrees that Michael changed videos forever.

ver videos wouldn't even had existed if not for the way MJ changed the industry.

I will admit her videos were innovative
i don't see her with the biggest selling album of all time, OR with the world record for most grammys won on one night OR with the biggest video of all time. oh, thats right. because that was MICHAEL JACKSON! :)
answer is easy in terms of 'pioneering'; like someone else pointed out, it's just simple mathmetics -- madonna 1st released a song by the end of 83. in contrast michael was already around for 15 yrs, starred in the quintessential 'teen idol' group that's spawned countless but less successful imitators, ushered in ground-breaking videos w/ can you feel it, and created pop culture history with his performance at motown 25 -- all before most people even heard of madonna.

in no way am i putting down madonna, but it's just a strange question to ask who is the bigger pioneer when one has a 15 yr head-start. you may want to examine the success from 1983 to present day for a more accurate comparison. and success is a relative term anyway. i'd just leave it as two talented artists who impacted music/videos/fashion, sold lots of records, sold out lots of concerts, re-invented their looks, and hopefully will live happily ever after.
MJ. cus he pioneered the most threads that make him the most compared to artist, in history, so that other artists can be used as tools for people to come in here and tear down MJ and his fans to feel better about theyselves.(no, it hasn't happened in this latest one, yet, but give it time)

that kind of jealousy is the biggest earmark of the greatest pioneer.
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