Madonna and Michael's friendship


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2008
If you haven't watched her tribute/speech yet, you can watch it here

I just wanted to ask what happend between Madonna and Michael - she said that after '91 they fell out of touch. Did they have a disagreement?

I heard that he was scared of her because she kept making moves on him. What do you think?

And what did she mean when she said "I abandoned him" ? Was she referring to the '93 and '05 trials?

I felt a little sorry for her when I first watched her tribute but I'm thankful that she chose to share her encounter with Michael to the rest of the world.
It was said that Madonna was possibly to be involved in In the Closet with Michael. She supposedly thought the concept should be her dressing as a man and Michael as a women??? ( or something to that effect), which I dont think Michael was interested in so I suppose possibly creative differences got in the way.

She wanted to get him out there more, in clubs and stuff apparently.
When she said "I abandoned him", she was probably referring to how they drifted away and contact stopped. She realises he just needed a friend - nothing romantic or anything - just a friend to be there with him.
I hope she doesn't make herself feel too guilty. (Gosh, if Madonna feels this bad, I can't imagine how LMP feels.)

Apparently, Madonna and Mike tried doing something together during Bad or Dangerous, but they probably couldn't agree with each other's ideas.
i have to say Madonna's speech was... perfect. she said it all. and i respect that.
"I abandoned him. WE abandoned him..." she said.

It seemed she was talking about how as things in his life got complicated, as things started to unravel after 1993, and his life and the things he did started becoming more and more strange - the whole thing with the allegations in 93, the marriages, the kids, the Bahir docu, the trial in 05, etc. - all of it just seemed to be this kind of bubble that he had trapped him self in that we couldn't penetrate and that no one could understand, so we kind of mocked and ridiculed him and left Michael to his madness so to speak. (and when I say "we" I mean "the public" so no one gets offended). I think that even though she painted this cute picture of the two of them on their date, I am pretty sure she thought he was a little strange at that time, which might have been why they drifted apart. I'm not saying he WAS strange, but he was certainly an enigma then, and I am pretty sure that was a date that was NOT a love connection, knowing how Madonna was at that time.

What she seems to be saying though is that she kind of wrote him off, went on about her business, watched from the sidelines, the way his life unfolded for all of these just like we all watched, and wondered how he plunged headfirst into a life that ultimately ended up in this tragic way. She is right to a certain extent. It was almost like we, the public, who made him such a spectacle when he was at his peak, just kind of sat back and watched as it all seemed to crash and burn for him. I understood that.
I think what she meant by "I abandoned him. We abandoned him." was that many people in the industry and then the public in general wrote him off because the media kept reporting slanderous and offensive stuff about Michael and no one knew what to believe because he was such an enigma and because he was so private.

When Michael came off of Thriller, everyone wanted to be his friend, to work with him, to associate themselves with him because he was Michael Jackson. But when negative stuff began to overshadow his career, especially the kind of negative stories that were coming out about Michael, not many of his 'friends' stuck with him and gave him their support.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I do believe a lot of people don't think that Michael was guilty of any of those allegations. If people really believed he could have been guilty of such a crime, I really don't think we'd see so much love and tributes being poured out for him now that he's gone.

People didn't want to publicly support Michael because he was too controversial. Maybe privately they felt that he was innocent, taken advantaged of and being used, but these celebrities were thinking about their own careers so they just kept quiet instead of supporting Michael, which he would have appreciated greatly. I think he just wanted to know that people believed him and believed in him. . . that could have gone a long way.

I think A LOT of people (celebrity friends and public in general) feel guilty that they jumped on the 'Bash Michael' bandwagon just because everyone else was doing itn or they kept quiet because they didn't want to talk about him. Madonna was just saying that if people just cared and showed Michael some compassion, then maybe things would have turned out different.

I think Madonna is a person that can understand some of what Michael went through and that's why she wanted to open people's eyes to Michael's situation.

Just my opinion. :)
They weren't friends. At best, they were acquaintances. And there was a rivalry. One commentator said Madonna was the 'artist of the decade' for the 80s (absurd isn't it?) and Michael asked "Did she outsell Thriller?" She also called him a "space alien drag queen."
LOL I can just see/hear him asking that!

"Did she outsell Thriller?!?!" haha.

poor baby. he didn't deserve the treatment he got. for all his fame and fortune, in the end, his most valuable possessions were his children. I'm so glad he had them.
They weren't friends. At best, they were acquaintances. And there was a rivalry. One commentator said Madonna was the 'artist of the decade' for the 80s (absurd isn't it?) and Michael asked "Did she outsell Thriller?" She also called him a "space alien drag queen."

I highly doubt she called him that...They were friends, but just were not great close friends like she said in the speech.
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supposedly, according to some guy that worked with Michael in the late 80"s early 90's in the studio, madonna came one day and visited michael. And "supposedly" they went to his "private" room in the studio in where she threw herself on him and tried to, well, you know, lol and that michael didn't want to. The guy said that the next thing he knew was that madonna was mad and she stomped out of the room and left and that michael came out and told the guy that Madonna scares him. Something along those lines was the story.

But i do have to agree, her speech was amazing. She didn't try to be a hypocrite by saying she was his bff for life etc. She told the truth. her story was extremely touching and it made michael look charming, cute, shy, but above all, the story made michael look human. =)
I wouldn't trust any story about Michael and Madonna unless it comes directly from Madonna's mouth. There is so many false stories it's really hard to tell what is the truth. I am sure she will tell us more stories about her and Michael. One thing we do know, is what she said at the speech was from her heart.
^^^^^ lol thats why i said "supposedly". But judging by her story that is a possibility. Madonna did invite him out, her, and she said it herself that she wanted to get closer to him. And well, up to now it is safe to assume that Lisa was the first women in Michael's this story is possible
Some pics I found of Michael out and about with Madonna:

Taken in 1984





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The first one when they were both 25 is SO EFIINN CUTE! lol they look like two kids =)

Yah, I know. :)

It might have just been the moment the pic was snapped but Michael looked sort of possessive of Madonna with one hand on her shoulder and the other sort of on her leg!

I wonder where this pic was taken at and what was going on. It doesn't look like a pose. It actually looks like they were hanging out and someone took a pic of them.

But Michael looks a little bored! LOL!
They weren't friends. At best, they were acquaintances. And there was a rivalry. One commentator said Madonna was the 'artist of the decade' for the 80s (absurd isn't it?) and Michael asked "Did she outsell Thriller?" She also called him a "space alien drag queen."


elmari, the second picture you posted (I think) is from the time they went out to dinner at the Ivy and she drove.







yea it made me think of those photos whenshe was saying her speech
this first photo seems more rare





Aww thanks for the pictures, guys. I can't believe they went out that night without security?!

And what do you think he's holding in his hand here? Could it have been a gift for her?
doggie bag? :p

LOL! That was what I was thinking! Maybe that was the dessert she was trying to get him to eat because it kind of looks like a pastry box.

I think their whole thing to start going out together was because they thought they were going to collaborate together and this would be good PR to lead to a single. If Madonna had done 'In the Closet'. . . omg, that would have been so hot!

She has said that the whole Oscar date was that she didn't have anyone to go with (ya right!) so she just asked Michael. But look at the stir that it caused! They got their pictures on all the magazines and even got a cover. LOL! I think they were just having fun with the tabloids and paparazzi since it was something out of the blue.
^he was! :wub:

elmari, that makes total sense! that's it, I'm gonna pretend it was chocolate cake he was taking home. I bet he gave it to Bubbles. was Bubbles allowed chocolate?
I heard her say once she wanted the white socks to go!!

hum...boy was she wrong then...i thought i read she wanted to give michael a make over?...that she did not like how he dressed, something to that affect.

if thats true then geez...michael got his iconic style right the first time, whereas madonna had to keep reinventing her style over and over and over again. haha but no, well hope thats not true tho. hmm