Better overall Career Janet Jackson or Madonna?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
Inspired by the Mariah/Mary thread, I thought I'd make one for these two lovely ladies.

So Janet and Madonna established themselves as powerful solo entertainers around the same time, and have been in this industry as SOLO artist for about the same time as well. They both have their obvious differences and styles of music, but they both contributed greatly to the continued establishment of POP music as an important and respectable genre. I like both (though, admitley, I am not a HUGE fan of neither) so this is NOT a "whos better" thing. It's strictly about who you think has managed their career OVERALL better and (if you want to go there) who music historians will say made the bigger impact.


It's obvious who's far more successful but Janet made a far bigger impact as an artist and performer
Even if I personally like Janet more, I'd say Madonna has the most impact.

She is still very much respected and everybody knows who Madonna is and can sing one of her song. Janet, compared to Madonna, is almost underground music even if well known..

For many people, Janet is just Mike's sister and is doing quite the same.

But I like Janet better :)
Madonna has had way more impact than Janet, sorry but you have to be delusional not to see it


It's obvious who's far more successful but Janet made a far bigger impact as an artist and performer
That's not the question I was asking because many people wrongly base success SOLEY on sales and if we only went on that, then yes Madonna has had the better career. I'm asking who, between the two do you think has had the beter overall career in terms of critically successful albums and movies, staying power and revelence, influence, etc...
yeah even though i'm not a fan of madonna but much respect for all the accomplishments she had, she does have a bigger impact than in music, isn't she the best selling female artist of all time? but anyway janet's a wonderful performer great dance music and ballads

i kind of agree with the person who said janet's music is kind of underground compared to madonna everybody my age doesn't know one janet song but they know at one of madonna's
That's not the question I was asking because many people wrongly base success SOLEY on sales and if we only went on that, then yes Madonna has had the better career. I'm asking who, between the two do you think has had the beter overall career in terms of critically successful albums and movies, staying power and revelence, influence, etc...

Oh! If that's the case then....

Staying power? Obviously, both.
Relevance? Both.
Critically successful albums? Hold up..... I'll get back to you on that.
Influence? Janet. I'm speaking strictly on terms of her overall style in music and image wise also as a performer. If it wasn't for Janet there wouldn't be a Britney Spears, Christina Aguilara, Ciara, Mya, Aaliyah, etc. and etc. Janet has influenced a variety of artists. Predominantly, in the Pop and R&B genres. Even overseas, many J-Pop (Japan Pop) female artists are heavily influened by Janet. To name a few- BoA, Namie Amuro and Hitomi Shimatani. I would say Madonna had a greater influence on pop culture in general. Her style in the 80's was a movement for teen rebellion and she's a brand.
i would say they are tied. everybody hates the term 'sales', but if u don't make money, they call u a bum and tell u to get a life. money is the only thing that doesn't have an opinion, or a bias. and it says you are successful. and, i think the two of them can't be known for sure, which one sold more. they both did well enough.
Inspired by the Mariah/Mary thread, I thought I'd make one for these two lovely ladies.

So Janet and Madonna established themselves as powerful solo entertainers around the same time, and have been in this industry as SOLO artist for about the same time as well. They both have their obvious differences and styles of music, but they both contributed greatly to the continued establishment of POP music as an important and respectable genre. I like both (though, admitley, I am not a HUGE fan of neither) so this is NOT a "whos better" thing. It's strictly about who you think has managed their career OVERALL better and (if you want to go there) who music historians will say made the bigger impact.

Madonna. By 'managed career overall better' and 'music impact,' she's stayed in the spotlight and relevant longer (haven't Janet's last few albums tanked?), and has cultivated a larger fan base (Madonna's tours generate tons of $, huge turnout, and she can tour forever and sellout). I'm using relevancy and fan following as the measure of success for 'managed career,' and you know what, I'll also use sales, since someone who manages his career well will have big sales.

Now I'm not saying Janet is irrelevant, just that I think Madonna is more of a presence, which goes back to her constant career management/image makeovers. Madonna will have more of a legacy as a pusher of boundaries. People still talk about her iconic 1984 MTV Awards performance, and kissing Britney Spears, the Sex book, and creating iconic style trends that are returning to vogue today.

Musically, Madonna's hits are also staples of pop classics, whereas after maybe Rhythm Nation and Control, I don't think anything stacks up against songs like Like a Virgin, Material Girl, Like a Prayer, Borderline, etc. Basically what I'm saying is if the Library of Congress collected classic songs to best represent the 80s and 90s, I think they'd pick more Madonna songs than Janet.

As for movies, Madonna's career has been kind of a greatest hits of flops, while Janet was in what, Poetic Justice and The Klumps? Not exactly Halle Berry either, so I think they cancel each other out.

I don't see it as much as a comparison. I think history, whether judging it this way is wrong or right, will always look at Janet as Michael's talented little sister.
Madonna. By 'managed career overall better' and 'music impact,' she's stayed in the spotlight and relevant longer (haven't Janet's last few albums tanked?), and has cultivated a larger fan base (Madonna's tours generate tons of $, huge turnout, and she can tour forever and sellout). I'm using relevancy and fan following as the measure of success for 'managed career,' and you know what, I'll also use sales, since someone who manages his career well will have big sales.

Thats really the only thing that makes her better. Sales, awards, image etc... mind you none of those things has nothing to do with music. If we were to put Madonna in proper perspective then I would say she really hasnt done anything for music as far as impact or groundbreaking and quite frankly she is overrated. She has manage to stay relevent because of her IMAGE and staying with the times. There is nothing spetacular about her music even her so called "classics"

Now I'm not saying Janet is irrelevant, just that I think Madonna is more of a presence, which goes back to her constant career management/image makeovers. Madonna will have more of a legacy as a pusher of boundaries. People still talk about her iconic 1984 MTV Awards performance, and kissing Britney Spears, the Sex book, and creating iconic style trends that are returning to vogue today.

I agree BUT once again none of that has anything to do with music. Even though Janets last 4 albums have had no relevancy. Velvet robe, Janet, Rhythm Nation and Control are classic pop albums especially control and RN. I personally feel these 4 albums are much better and have made a much bigger impact on pop than anything Madonna has ever camed out with. Before Janet consumed with mainstream tricks, once upon a time she exactly had quality music and she focused on controversial issues such as battered women, drugs, education, empowerment, violence, (homosexuality in proper perspective) unlike Madonna who used that as a IMAGE. She has also made a much bigger impact on dance and performances unlike Madonna. Janet can really dance and even though she didnt really push dance in the media she was an exceptional dancer. The whole Rhythm Nation era and bringing military dance in the media that was something not done at the time.

Musically, Madonna's hits are also staples of pop classics, whereas after maybe Rhythm Nation and Control, I don't think anything stacks up against songs like Like a Virgin, Material Girl, Like a Prayer, Borderline, etc. Basically what I'm saying is if the Library of Congress collected classic songs to best represent the 80s and 90s, I think they'd pick more Madonna songs than Janet.

Maybe Madonna has continued to have more "hits" but those hits are not classics are not relevant. None of her music has been relevant since the 80's. Madonna sales an image and is controversy. She has toned down from that but basically that is how she managed her career and managed to stay relevant. She is a smart business woman but no where near a genius musically.

As for movies, Madonna's career has been kind of a greatest hits of flops, while Janet was in what, Poetic Justice and The Klumps? Not exactly Halle Berry either, so I think they cancel each other out.

I don't see it as much as a comparison. I think history, whether judging it this way is wrong or right, will always look at Janet as Michael's talented little sister.

As far as acting skills, not how successful a "movie has been" just on acting skills, Janet is a much better actress. Your right that she will always be known as Michaels little sister she cant help that. Michaels success is unreachable and she will never match that but she has deserved her own title because she is a star in her own right.

But its scary how Madonna has this much impact on Pop or as PEOPLE say. Madonna doesnt write any of her music, she doesnt play instruments, she doesnt produce any of her material or arrange anything so her impact and success is based on image not on what she has done "musically" and I guess the same can be said about Janet as of "lately".
Even though Janet is my main pick overall, if you wanna talk about who's managed their career better, Madonna would be my pick in that aspect., point basic. I believe Janet's a much better singer, dancer, actress, and such, but Madonna's career will probably always overlook Janet's.
I'm not gonna say who has had the better career because it's painfully obvious and I appreciate both of them for what they do (I'm a fan of both, but clearly more so of Madonna). I'm also not going to waste my time pointing out all the many errors in your post because it's clear who you favor and that's perfectly cool so to each their own, but... I will call out this humorous portion of your post. Also, I want to say this... worldwide hits, sales, and sold out tours are indeed relevancy. How much more relevant can you get? LOL!

But its scary how Madonna has this much impact on Pop or as PEOPLE say. Madonna doesnt write any of her music, she doesnt play instruments, she doesnt produce any of her material or arrange anything so her impact and success is based on image not on what she has done "musically" and I guess the same can be said about Janet as of "lately".

Madonna does write and produce her music and play instruments (guitar and drums). Before Madonna was a solo act she was in a band. For the critically acclaimed and career revitalizing album, Ray of Light (1998), she picked the guitar up again and took lessons to improve her skills. In turn, Madonna later used those new refined guitar playing skills on future albums like American Life and in touring performances (which according to you I guess none of this really happened since she's been irrelevant since the 80's, lol... same kinda ish the haters said about MJ)..

People really shouldn't make such bold statements when they clearly don't know what they're talking about on the given subject matter.

Again, it's cool to like who you like, but at least be informed.

P.S. Cute extra fun fact: Madonna played the cow bell on "Holiday"... not that it takes substantial talent. Just a fun fact.
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Janet is my favourite Artist of all time (along with Mike) but Madonna is the most influential female pop star of the last 25 years.
Who cares?

At the end of the day, these two women will go down in history.

It's carved in stone. :happy:
Janet is better on every aspect and she's sister of Michael Jackson ;D (that was a joke) Janet's spectacualar performer, beautiful, the whole package.

old Madonna on the other hand is white, mediocre yes, but mediocre good and WHITE, im white too, in my country Argentina, there is a lot racism, A LOT, Janet is not an icon here while Madonna is like a saint, stupid but true, in my country there are many italian decendant as well, Madonna is italian descendant too (im not, Im german descendant), but as ignorant as this may sound it does affect (but this country is fcked up, and has a lot to do with this ignorance im talking about....)

I didnt knew Janet, i knew her after Michael, she is wonderful, between females she is great, her performances, her figure, she is soooo beautiful, like i said, she is awesome, i was watching her the other day, i couldnt believe how beautiful she is, and how lovely and sweet her voice is, but also she is fierce, and i think she has a bit of Michael on her, she needs to use it...

Whats up with the thing on Madonnas cheeks :bugeyed, MY GOD :bugeyed :swoon:
id have to say madonna interms of overall world wide success. janets always struggled to an extent in europe bar some big hits. especially over the last decade.madonnas all about image and P.R so has a bigger spotlight than janet and has kept that up to keep her in the limelight even if the music hasnt done that much interms of success
Definitely Madonna

Her name, music & image will outlast Janet's - especially globally.

And personally speaking, i listen to Madonna's records and i am a bigger fan of hers than Janet's.

But both have their place in music history but Madonna's place is bigger.
Although Janet is far more talented than Madonna, it's Madonna who's more influential I guess, she will leave the bigger legacy behind, no doubts about it.
Btw. the argumentation that Janet is better cuz she is Michael's sister doesn't mean sh**, Latoya, Jermaine and Randy are his siblings too, what did the MJ connection do to them? Nothing. Everyone of Michael's siblings failed to make name for themselves with the exception of Janet of course.
I don't even really like her but Madonna for sure. I don't see how Janet can even be compared! I'm in the UK so perhaps its different in other countries... but if you asked anyone here this question I think you would struggle to find people who say Janet. Madonna has been making hit music from the 80s til 2010.. she is relevant now. Janet I like her, shes a good dancer but sorry no.
I don't even really like her but Madonna for sure. I don't see how Janet can even be compared! I'm in the UK so perhaps its different in other countries... but if you asked anyone here this question I think you would struggle to find people who say Janet. Madonna has been making hit music from the 80s til 2010.. she is relevant now. Janet I like her, shes a good dancer but sorry no.
Very true, I don't care for Madonna either but in Europe people have forgotten Janet Jackson over a decade ago. It's bitter but the truth. I have to add that Madonna is hyped up though, but that woman knows PR.
Even though Janet is my main pick overall, if you wanna talk about who's managed their career better, Madonna would be my pick in that aspect., point basic. I believe Janet's a much better singer, dancer, actress, and such, but Madonna's career will probably always overlook Janet's.

I agree with you, though I really prefer Janet.
I don't even really like her but Madonna for sure. I don't see how Janet can even be compared! I'm in the UK so perhaps its different in other countries... but if you asked anyone here this question I think you would struggle to find people who say Janet. Madonna has been making hit music from the 80s til 2010.. she is relevant now. Janet I like her, shes a good dancer but sorry no.

Ah! Well, there you go!
Madonna does write and produce her music and play instruments (guitar and drums). Before Madonna was a solo act she was in a band. For the critically acclaimed and career revitalizing album, Ray of Light (1998), she picked the guitar up again and took lessons to improve her skills. In turn, Madonna later used those new refined guitar playing skills on future albums like American Life and in touring performances (which according to you I guess none of this really happened since she's been irrelevant since the 80's, lol... same kinda ish the haters said about MJ)..

What songs has she written? And what songs have she written that is considered "classic material" What music has she produce and composed by HERSElF? ... lol none.. Madonna is more successful than Janet thats obvious. But putting Madonna influence on Music and impact in proper perspective she hasnt really done anything. She has sold an image more than anything. Madonna is not a "musician" and quite frankling playing the cowbell or messing around with a guitar a couple of times doesnt make you one. She doesnt play ALL her instruments in all her songs like an artist like Stevie Wonder does for example. Because he IS a Musician and he has full creative input in all his music unlike Madonna. I'm not hating on Madonna just saying my opinion like YOU did and just because Im saying something you dont like doesnt make me one. I already said the truth which everyone up in here has said, Madonna is more successful which IS true but that doesnt mean her music is good and that she is a musical genius period.

People really shouldn't make such bold statements when they clearly don't know what they're talking about on the given subject matter.

Again, it's cool to like who you like, but at least be informed.

P.S. Cute extra fun fact: Madonna played the cow bell on "Holiday"... not that it takes substantial talent. Just a fun fact.

I'm not making bold statements... Im sticking with facts and the fact of the matter is Madonna success AS FAR as sales, awards, and global popularity has nothing really to do with her music. Her music is far from classic material and impacting the music industry and she is not a musical genius or special talent. She is a very mediocre artist that has manage to stay relevant because of her image and adapting with the times. Thats SMART but doesnt make u a genius lol
madonna plays guitar :D hahahah my dog does it the same way :yes:, but well yes she tries.... :lol: :D :rofl: :rofl:

JAN is better, all im gonna say :yes: :yes: Love you JANET, you are the best, and YOUNGER :cheeky:
What songs has she written? And what songs have she written that is considered "classic material" What music has she produce and composed by HERSElF? ... lol none.. Madonna is more successful than Janet thats obvious. But putting Madonna influence on Music and impact in proper perspective she hasnt really done anything. She has sold an image more than anything. Madonna is not a "musician" and quite frankling playing the cowbell or messing around with a guitar a couple of times doesnt make you one. She doesnt play ALL her instruments in all her songs like an artist like Stevie Wonder does for example. Because he IS a Musician and he has full creative input in all his music unlike Madonna. I'm not hating on Madonna just saying my opinion like YOU did and just because Im saying something you dont like doesnt make me one. I already said the truth which everyone up in here has said, Madonna is more successful which IS true but that doesnt mean her music is good and that she is a musical genius period.

Actually, Madonna has written a few of her songs by herself. They're all on her self-titled debut. To name a couple, "Lucky Star" and "Everybody". TBH, the songs she wrote by herself are very elementary lyrically and even the productions is very dated. Compared to Janet's "Black Cat" which she wrote and produced by herself. Also "Ask for More" and "That's the Way Love Goes". The songs she wrote by herself are crap.
Actually, Madonna has written a few of her songs by herself. They're all on her self-titled debut. To name a couple, "Lucky Star" and "Everybody". TBH, the songs she wrote by herself are very elementary lyrically and even the productions is very dated. Compared to Janet's "Black Cat" which she wrote and produced by herself. Also "Ask for More" and "That's the Way Love Goes". The songs she wrote by herself are crap.

Right, thats what I meant. I meant what songs has she written that are considered CLASSIC. Even though she may have written some songs they are not held as classics and trust me lol I will be the first to say Janet is a mediocre songwriter. But alot of the songs she wrote herself such as Black Cat and numerous songs from Rhythm Nation and Control have been better than anything Madonna has written or released.
Madonna does write all of her lyrics, except for a few songs and remakes. I don't think she has much to do with the musical parts which is usually someone else like Stephen Bray or Patrick Leonard. I know about the band she was in 'The Breakfast Club'. She played drums for them before she got a record deal. The Breakfast Club later put out their own album and had a minor hit Right On Track around 1986. I listened to the 45 the other day.