Allegations of fraud aginst Michael`s Ex-Manager Dieter Wiesner


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It`s from a German newspaper. I hope you can understand it with the translation

Investigation of Michael Jackson's former manager Dieter Wiesner, 00.html
Allegations of fraud
Investigation of Michael Jackson's ex-manager

He is said to have betrayed Michael Jackson and some German businessmen for several million euros: the Frankfurt prosecutor to SPIEGEL information against the former manager of the singer, Dieter Wiesner. He denies the allegations.
Hamburg - For years he was Michael Jackson's business partner and later his manager and consultant - now identified with the Frankfurt state prosecutor Dieter Wiesner. They were accused of fraud. Wiesner said to have cheated German businessmen and the late pop star himself several million euros.

It is about licensing rights acquired by the now insolvent company from Frankfurt MJ Net Entertainment in 2000 by Michael Jackson. Wiesner made these rights in 2005 claimed in a lawsuit against the musician, who had once dismissed him. Two years later, Jackson said in a hitherto unknown to the public "confidential settlement agreement and both sides of the exemption" willing to pay his ex-manager Wiesner $ 3,480,000.

Now, a former shareholder, the two former executives of MJ Net, and Wiesner Jürgen Bachus, appears for fraud: you had used the rights of MJ Net unlawful. Wiesner denies. Bachus had filed in March 2010 at Jackson's estate managers a debt of five million dollars.

Jackson and Wiesner, who was then made for merchandising companies such as Lufthansa, Mercedes, Red Bull, had met 1994th Wiesner he wanted to sell a new idea: the "MJ Mystery Drink", an energy drink with peach flavor. The contact has been close over the years, Wiesner 2002, Jackson's manager. As the career of the "King of Pop" had come to a standstill and that the unpaid bills piled up, the fight began about money.
Now, a former shareholder, the two former executives of MJ Net, and Wiesner Jürgen Bachus, appears for fraud: you had used the rights of MJ Net unlawful. Wiesner denies. Bachus had filed in March 2010 at Jackson's estate managers a debt of five million dollars.
The rest of the article is about the Murray-trial
It's a known fact that Wiesner stole and betrayed Michael of several millions, imho he's the one to be blamed for early 2000s years.
Hed been accused of fraud and other stuff in germany before so no tried to warn mj years back when he came on the scene
: Here we go! :fear:

Yes! And it must have an end with Wiesner!
And he STILL works against Michael, against the Estate.

If ONE knows about Wheelings and dealings in the past and in the present of Wiesner, it is Mr. Branca.

Wiesner has made that Michael take away the merchandising at that time from Sony.... and he has Michael rushed against Sony.

Wiesner has Michael against Branca intrigued... and Michael at that time Wiesner has believed.

Wiesner has driven net MJ entertainment against the wall and thereby the old MJ logo got lost.

et cetera....

Wiesner has been the worst of all adders who were one day in Michael's nearness.

The history is endless..... and she goes till the present.
Hed been accused of fraud and other stuff in germany before so no tried to warn mj years back when he came on the scene

yeah I remember that.. It's unfortunate that MJ didn't listen. That whole time period MJ was surrounded by crooks and leeches and no one came to his rescue. It's just sad..
yeah I remember that.. It's unfortunate that MJ didn't listen. That whole time period MJ was surrounded by crooks and leeches and no one came to his rescue. It's just sad..

Would you stop with that nonsense? It is 1) tiring to read the same damned thing from you; 2) trying to blame others for MJ's initial decision of hiring some of these people. MJ wasn't a child... He said it himself: I am the captain of my ship.

Some making him out to be an un-responsible child who needed every decision second-guessed or an incompetent. He wasn't. He was an adult.

Back on topic: Are these charges recent? If he is found guilty, will the estate get the money back? Poor MJ, over and over again, he trusted the wrong people, they all took advantage of him.

I wonder if his inability to be a good judge of character has anything to do with his sad relationship with his father. There must be a psychological reason for this.

i often wonder why MJ trusted these people. we know he wasn't dum, sure he was little naive but still i don't get why he let ALL the wrong people in.......
Mj tried to see the good in everyone.that was his prob.and yeah change the record either blame him for everything or post the same stuff over an over again like above.dont u get tired posting the same comment time after time cause reading it sure does
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But after being betrayed over and over again and getting caught up so many times with terrible people, shouldn't he have learned a lesson? His terrible judge of character is why he's not here today unfortunately. I miss Mike terribly..
WIESNER was one of the main reasons why BRANCA left Michael as his lawyer and representative of Sony/ATV (even though there were rumours that MJ fired Branca, its was Branca who resigned... and when Wiesner was out, Branca returned!)
But after being betrayed over and over again and getting caught up so many times with terrible people, shouldn't he have learned a lesson? His terrible judge of character is why he's not here today unfortunately. I miss Mike terribly..

Because Michael never lost his childlike innocence. He's childlike, not childish. Like many said before, he saw the good in people. It's his character. It might be his problem, but his trusting and loving character is what made him so special and magical.
Posted by Charles Thomson

Dieter Wiesner: 'I caught Martin Bashir sneaking through Michael Jackson's luggage.'

Back in October I interviewed Dieter Wiesner, who served as Michael Jackson's manager between 1997 and 2003. At the time, I was writing an article about the making of Michael Jackson's last ever music video 'One More Chance' and had arranged an interview with Dieter because he was not only on the video set during filming but also integral to the planning of Jackson's wider comeback - which was scuppered mid-way through the video shoot by Tom Sneddon's raid on Neverland Ranch.

During my interview with Dieter he discussed topics that I'd never heard him discuss before, such as the moving story of how he had to break the news of Sneddon's raid to Jackson in his Las Vegas hotel room. But the most shocking claim was one about British TV journalist Martin Bashir, whose famous show 'Living With Michael Jackson' is considered by many to have renewed Tom Sneddon's interest in the popstar and instigated the allegations which would result in the 2005 trial that almost killed Jackson.

While discussing Martin Bashir, Dieter Wiesner claimed that during a 2002 visit to Berlin he observed Martin Bashir sneaking into Jackson's hotel suite and rummaging through his luggage. He also claimed that Bashir was running around, chasing Jackson's children with a camera while the popstar was elsewhere, despite agreeing not to film the children for the documentary.

Here is an audio excerpt from my interview with Dieter Wiesner in which he makes the shocking allegations:

I first revealed Dieter's claims in a live three-hour interview on Blog Talk Radio. I am now in the process of uploading edited highlights of that interview to my YouTube channel, to which fans can subscribe if they want to receive updates when further clips go online.

The first three segments of this interview are now online. In these clips I discuss little known information about Martin Bashir's documentary which came to light during Jackson's 2005 trial.

But after being betrayed over and over again and getting caught up so many times with terrible people, shouldn't he have learned a lesson? His terrible judge of character is why he's not here today unfortunately. I miss Mike terribly..

Because Michael never lost his childlike innocence. He's childlike, not childish. Like many said before, he saw the good in people. It's his character. It might be his problem, but his trusting and loving character is what made him so special and magical.
i do believe his childlike innocence was is straight. i have seen/heard of people that are spiritual/religious but honestly Michael is among the few who really practiced that all trough his life. and i do think that was a big part of what made him so innocent, childlike and loving. it wasn't HIS problem that he was trusting, but as i see it the problem was/is that the world around him can't be trusted. JMO
i often wonder why MJ trusted these people. we know he wasn't dum, sure he was little naive but still i don't get why he let ALL the wrong people in.......

I think it was a difficult decission to chosse what people he can trust. There was a sister which alleges him of child molestation, a brohter who wrote a song with allegations to him, a father who`s first thing was to make money with Michael. Yes I think his mother loved him but she also looks to the advantages for the whole family and pressures him to make deals/concerts for the family.
There are peopel around him like Wiesner who damages the good people like Branca so that he thougt Branca betrayed him. It was really difficult fpr Michael to see who are the good and who ard the bad people.
Wiesner had realy no competion to be a manager of a superstar like Michael Jackson and he is one of the people who betrayed Michael.
Moonwalker.Fan;3357568 said:
Posted by Charles Thomson:
....I interviewed Dieter Wiesner, who served as Michael Jackson's manager between 1997 and 2003....

Dieter Wisner was "manager" from January 2003 until End of December 2003!

Just, besides, and off topic:

Who is Charles Thomson?
Here is a side self-written by Thomson:
There he writes:
„In the weeks and months after Jackson's sudden death Charles continued to work for The Sun, providing stories, pictures and background information. His work included facilitating an interview with Jackson's former manager Dieter Wiesner, providing information about the star's entourage and obtaining pictures and videos of his concert rehearsals." “

And then thus the result looked later in the SUN:

and this is only one single of many SUN articles from this time in which Charles Thomson there the big researcher was in the matter of Michael Jackson with the SUN.

It is not important whether fans Michael had warned about Wiesner.
It is not here also about whether Michael childlike was or not.

Determined against Wiesner is because of deception in connection with MJ Net Entertainment.
Mneme;3357813 said:
Who is Charles Thomson?
Here is a side self-written by Thomson:
There he writes:
„In the weeks and months after Jackson's sudden death Charles continued to work for The Sun, providing stories, pictures and background information. His work included facilitating an interview with Jackson's former manager Dieter Wiesner, providing information about the star's entourage and obtaining pictures and videos of his concert rehearsals." “

And then thus the result looked later in the SUN:

This story ist from GARY O’SHEA and ALLAN HALL and not from Charles Thomson. Yes we know he wrotes for the sun a little time and they don`t use his facts for a correct story. He should had knew that. But he is no longer by the sun and we all know the good article of this very young man. And Thomson is not a assistent of Dieter Wiesner. So let us stay by the theme Dieter Wiesner.
Originally Posted by love is magical
Because Michael never lost his childlike innocence. He's childlike, not childish. Like many said before, he saw the good in people. It's his character. It might be his problem, but his trusting and loving character is what made him so special and magical.
i do believe his childlike innocence was is straight. i have seen/heard of people that are spiritual/religious but honestly Michael is among the few who really practiced that all trough his life. and i do think that was a big part of what made him so innocent, childlike and loving. it wasn't HIS problem that he was trusting, but as i see it the problem was/is that the world around him can't be trusted. JMO
i do believe his childlike innocence was is straight. i have seen/heard of people that are spiritual/religious but honestly Michael is among the few who really practiced that all trough his life. and i do think that was a big part of what made him so innocent, childlike and loving. it wasn't HIS problem that he was trusting, but as i see it the problem was/is that the world around him can't be trusted. JMO

This is what made him so special.
Who cares about thompson hes as fake as they come. Spent years slagging off mj off on kop hes on a fake crusade to defend mj cause its the in thing to do
I think it was a difficult decission to chosse what people he can trust. There was a sister which alleges him of child molestation, a brohter who wrote a song with allegations to him, a father who`s first thing was to make money with Michael. Yes I think his mother loved him but she also looks to the advantages for the whole family and pressures him to make deals/concerts for the family.
There are peopel around him like Wiesner who damages the good people like Branca so that he thougt Branca betrayed him. It was really difficult fpr Michael to see who are the good and who ard the bad people.
Wiesner had realy no competion to be a manager of a superstar like Michael Jackson and he is one of the people who betrayed Michael.
this is very true. sadly it is evident that he could trust no one, except maybe Liz Taylor
Who cares about thompson hes as fake as they come. Spent years slagging off mj off on kop hes on a fake crusade to defend mj cause its the in thing to do

as far as i know he has only been defending Michael. he was among few who pointed out that FBI files proved once more how baseless the allegations were.
Who cares about thompson hes as fake as they come. Spent years slagging off mj off on kop hes on a fake crusade to defend mj cause its the in thing to do

Really? What did Charles Thompson said about Mike? I thought that he believed in his innocence and things like that. I mean, in every article that he has written, he always defends MJ.
as far as i know he has only been defending Michael. he was among few who pointed out that FBI files proved once more how baseless the allegations were.

yeah now he maybe but but he slagged mj off big time in all the years he posted on kop board.
OT - I love that statement in your siggy, kasi. It is the plain, simple truth!
Ok let forgive CT for his pass and accept what he is doing now, he is only 23 or 24 years old.
so what every he may have done was when he was a stupid lad know he is a man he dont do those thing anymore,
And the topic is not about CT it's about wiesner and his mismanagement of my,
As someone point out wiesner was the one who wanted Mj to investaget Brancra, when push come to shove we all see who really has MJ back and who the snakes were.
Mj listen to the wrong voice most of the time I imagine it was hard for him at time but at the end of the day we have to hold MJ accountable for his life choices he was the captain of his ship and it was up to him to set the course they would sale.
I love him all of him and use his life as a lesson to be learn by me and other,
I hope we learn some of the hard lesson Mj live through, sugar coating thing only delay the sour tase that is under the sweet.
I want to see a trend where all the people who defrauded Michael are brought up before a judge!!! That would make me very happy indeed.