The Fish That Was Thirsty-Dancing the dream


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Fish That Was Thirsty

One night a baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream. "I want you to go forth with a message to all the fish in the sea," God said.

"What should I tell them?" the little fish asked.

"Just tell them you're thirsty," God replied. "And see what they do." Then without another word, He disappeared.

The next morning the little fish woke up and remembered his dream. "What a strange thing God wants me to do," he thought to himself. But as soon as he saw a large tuna swimming by, the little fish piped up, "Excuse me, but I'm thirsty."

"Then you must be a fool," then tuna said. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.

The little fish did feel rather foolish, but he had his orders. The next fish he saw was a grinning shark. Keeping a safe distance, the little fish called out, "Excuse me, sir, but I'm thirsty."

"Then you must be crazy," the shark replied. Noticing a rather hungry look in the shark's eye, the little fish swam away quickly.

All day he met cod and mackerels and swordfish and groupers, but every time he made his short speech, they turned their backs and would have nothing to do with him. Feeling hopelessly confused, the little fish sought out the wisest creature in the sea, who happened to be an old blue whale with three harpoon scars on his side.

"Excuse me, but I'm thirsty!" the little fish shouted, wondering if the old whale could even see him, he was such a tiny speck. But the wise one stopped in his tracks. "You've seen God, haven't you?" he said.

"How did you know?"

"Because I was thirsty once, too." The old whale laughed.

The little fish looked very surprised. "Please tell me what this message from God means," he implored.

"It means that we are looking for Him in the wrong places," the old whale explained. "We look high and low for God, but somehow He's not there. So we blame Him and tell ourselves that He must have forgotten us. Or else we decide that He left a long time ago, if He was ever around."

"How strange," the little fish said, "to miss what is everywhere."

"Very strange," the old whale agreed. "Doesn't it remind you of fish who say they're thirsty?"

Sometimes we don´t see things that are around us,we are to busy looking for other things.
We can take for granted that some people will always be there for us for example in she´s out of my life where he was living with one woman but he had sex with another woman.He discovered he loved the first woman but he lost her.
This is one of my favourite stories from Dancing the Dream :)
It's been my favorite too from the moment I first read it :). Thank you for sharing it MIST.
Thank you Mist :flowers:
I love that poem too. I ready for my sister when we went to fansfest and Immortal as a bed time story :)
God is all around you. God reveals himself to us in many ways. we dont have to go seeking outside our invironment to find him. He is everywhere. I like how michael would use such simple stories to reveal his spirituality and profound truth.

MIST;3623661 said:
Sometimes we don´t see things that are around us,we are to busy looking for other things. We can take for granted that some people will always be there for us for example in she´s out of my life where he was living with one woman but he had sex with another woman. He discovered he loved the first woman but he lost her.

Hmm are you sure you are talking about the right song? I guess every one interprets different. SOOML I didnt see any mention or refernce to any sex or sex with another woman or having a relationship with 2 woman. Of course music is open to the interpration of the listener and if thats your interpration im not disrespecting it.

From the lyrics I interpret it is about standing on the fence not making a commiitment and taking ones love for granted, Not being willing or able to show or express love as one should and Treating love as a posesion. Then mourning the loss of that love becuase of it. This is one of my favorite songs. It was written by Tom Bayler after a break up of a 2yr relationship.

And here is Michael interpretation :wub:
According to Michael in the book Moonwalk, The song reminds me that the barriers separating myself from others are seemingly easy to overcome, yet they cause me to miss out on what I really desire. I cried from the sudden effect of the words because "I had been letting so much build up inside me Particularly it reminded me of this feeling of being "so rich in some experiences while being poor in moments of true joy" I worried about this feeling showing up on the song, but also felt "if it touched people's heartstrings, knowing that would make me feel less lonely."
Hmm are you sure you are talking about the right song? I guess every one interprets different. SOOML I didnt see any mention or refernce to any sex or sex with another woman or having a relationship with 2 woman. Of course music is open to the interpration of the listener and if thats your interpration im not disrespecting it.

From the lyrics I interpret it is about standing on the fence not making a commiitment and taking ones love for granted, Not being willing or able to show or express love as one should and Treating love as a posesion. Then mourning the loss of that love becuase of it. This is one of my favorite songs. It was written by Tom Bayler after a break up of a 2yr relationship.

I expressed myself wrong.
It was the songwriter I thought of.
At least I read they broke up when she found out he had/had had another woman.
The fish asked for water in the sea , it asked for something it already had.
He had love but took it for granted, didn´t see it and was looking for it in other places
You can live your life without realizing that what you're looking for is right in front of you.