Special Prayer/Visualization on April 29 (and daily)


Proud Member
Mar 25, 2009
#PowerPrayer4MJ ~ Special focus at 9amPT/5pmUK Mon-Sat

I know this isn't everyone's thing, but for the more spiritually-inclined :8-25-03pray:, majorloveprayer.org and the Call for Love FB group have joined together to send love and light into the courthouse (read below - to hopefully bring about the best possible outcome based on truth and love) and everyone's invited to join them daily and it's planned to try to do this daily M-Sat during the trial. :angel:FYI, we did this during the CM trial too. If you're interested, please read and share where you can. Thanks! :trytobeangel

MLP post: http://www.majorloveprayer.org/2013/04/special-prayervisualization-during.html
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...7948012741.146632.205187412741&type=1&theater


? Special Prayer/Visualization ~ beginningApril 29 ?

Monday thru Saturday
9am PT - noon ET - 5pm UK - 18:00 CET

Dear #MJFam ~ We are joining together around the world today, as opening statements begin this morning in Los Angeles, to infuse some much needed LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH into the situation! Can you please join us and help spread the word? Thank you!

Every day, we will be visualizing the courthouse at 111 North Hill Street in L.A. and filling every single room inside with INTENSE WHITE LIGHT. This light will dissolve all negativity, fear or worry. See it leaving the entire building glowing with the light from above ~ a beautiful shimmering LIGHT that emanates pure LOVE. Within this LIGHT, only LOVE and TRUTH can be spoken, felt or heard. All things proceed with COMPASSION and the guidance of HIGHER WISDOM. All decisions made within the light will be for the highest good. We let go of our own expectations, anger, fear and pain and let ourselves KNOW that the best possible outcome for Michael's legacy will occur (given the circumstances). We ask that HIGHER GUIDANCE fills the hearts of the attorneys, the judge, the jury, all involved, including the MEDIA who are covering the trial. EVERYONE involved, no matter how remotely, is touched by this brilliant white light and is thus guided and motivated to work toward the highest good in the situation. We pray that this brightens up any dark places of greed, revenge, deception or falsehood and that it allows God/Source/Spirit to work LOVE'S MAGIC! We know this will be so and are grateful that things will work out better than we'd previously hoped for.

[Addition May 8th: In light of recent events, we feel it's drastically important to VISUALIZE MICHAEL and HIS NAME (i.e. his LEGACY, his name and reputation in this world) in this INTENSE LIGHT as well, clearing all untruths and negativity directed toward him. Please do so for some moments and then go on to the blessing of WHITE FEATHERS (see next paragraph).]

As we hold this vision of light, we now notice thousands of fluffy WHITE FEATHERS that are softly floating down from above. The feathers come to rest surrounding those you wish to PROTECT and COMFORT... whoever YOU would like to send them to... like Paris, Prince and Blanket, like Michael's mother Katherine, our global family of loving MJ fans who are in fear or pain about this trial, and also Michael's name and legacy in this world and his beautiful heart in the next. Each feather completely protects and comforts everyone it touches, like being enclosed within an angel's wings, so vividly visualize them floating to everyone you feel needs them. You can include your friends, family and anyone else you wish. *Who they go to is up to you! When you are done, take another moment to reflect on the LOVE you feel and THANK everyone who has helped today and who is assisting us with their LOVE. Know that what we create in our minds becomes real in this world, and THE LOVE WE GIVE IS NEVER IN VAIN.

Thank you, lovelies! We'll continue this DAILY, Monday through Friday, during the trial. If you can't join at the group prayer time, please do it whenever you can ~ it will make a difference! : )

Major Love Prayer ~ www.majorloveprayer.org
Call for Love on FB ~ www.facebook.com/groups/callforlove/
Twitter #PowerPrayer4MJ

P.S. Some thoughts about this trial and our love ... If you remember, we did this together with many others at the start of the CM trial in 2011. Although this isn't quite the same situation, we are in similar circumstances. Many of us are already hurting from the stress of all of this... as it brings grief and pain back to the surface, not to mention recent tabloid stories and the fear of Michael's name being dragged through the mud all over again. Opinions are strong about who should prevail in the trial, or if this case should have ever been brought up at all. As a community we all worried about the effect on Michael's legacy and we are concerned about his children. While we have no direct control over the outcome of the trial or what it said therein, there are some things we can do. We can be selective about our news sources and maintain awareness that the coverage is often slanted (and consider carefully what links we share online, knowing many WILL click on them). We can educate ourselves and others with FACTS whenever the opportunity arises. And we can stick TOGETHER for support and maintain our FOCUS ON LOVE and the POSITIVE THINGS we are doing in Michael's name, for his legacy and future generations. Everything in life is an opportunity to decide on HOW we will respond, so let's do it WITH L.O.V.E., even as we walk through the fire. United we are stronger than anything that could happen. And we are ? UNITED FOR MICHAEL! ?

~ Bless you and LOVE, BeGodsGlow and the MLP team
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I know this isn't everyone's thing, but for the more spiritually-inclined :8-25-03pray:, majorloveprayer.org and the Call for Love FB group have joined together to send love and light into the courthouse (read below - to hopefully bring about the best possible outcome based on truth and love) and everyone's invited to join them at 9am PT today and it's planned to try to do this daily M-F during the trial. :angel:FYI, we did this during the CM trial too. If you're interested, please read and share where you can. Thanks! :trytobeangel

MLP post: http://www.majorloveprayer.org/2013/04/special-prayervisualization-during.html
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...7948012741.146632.205187412741&type=1&theater


? Special Prayer/Visualization ~ April 29 & EVERY DAY ?
? 9:00am PT - noon ET - 5pm UK - 18:00 CET (time chart) ?

Dear #MJFam ~ We are joining together around the world today, as opening statements begin this morning in Los Angeles, to infuse some much needed LOVE, LIGHT and TRUTH into the situation! Can you please join us and help spread the word? Thank you!

Before court begins today and every day (9am PT - see time chart at http://timeanddate.com/s/2cyg), we will be visualizing the courthouse at 111 North Hill Street in L.A. and filling every single room inside with INTENSE WHITE LIGHT. This light will dissolve all negativity, fear or worry. See it leaving the entire building glowing with the light from above ~ a beautiful shimmering LIGHT that emanates pure LOVE. Within this LIGHT, only LOVE and TRUTH can be spoken, felt or heard. All things proceed with COMPASSION and the guidance of HIGHER WISDOM. All decisions made within the light will be for the highest good. We let go of our own expectations, anger, fear and pain and let ourselves KNOW that the best possible outcome for Michael's legacy will occur (given the circumstances). We ask that HIGHER GUIDANCE fills the hearts of the attorneys, the judge, the jury, all involved, including the MEDIA who are covering the trial. EVERYONE involved, no matter how remotely, is touched by this brilliant white light and is thus guided and motivated to work toward the highest good in the situation. We pray that this brightens up any dark places of greed, revenge, deception or falsehood and that it allows God/Source/Spirit to work LOVE'S MAGIC! We know this will be so and are grateful that things will work out better than we'd previously hoped for.

As we hold this vision of light, we now notice thousands of fluffy WHITE FEATHERS that are softly floating down from above. The feathers come to rest surrounding those you wish to PROTECT and COMFORT... whoever YOU would like to send them to... like Paris, Prince and Blanket, like Michael's mother Katherine, our global family of loving MJ fans who are in fear or pain about this trial, and also Michael's name and legacy in this world and his beautiful heart in the next. Each feather completely protects and comforts everyone it touches, like being enclosed within an angel's wings, so vividly visualize them floating to everyone you feel needs them. You can include your friends, family and anyone else you wish. *Who they go to is up to you! When you are done, take another moment to reflect on the LOVE you feel and THANK everyone who has helped today and who is assisting us with their LOVE. Know that what we create in our minds becomes real in this world, and THE LOVE WE GIVE IS NEVER IN VAIN.

Thank you, lovelies! We'll continue this DAILY, Monday through Friday, during the trial. We'll aim for the same time (start of the court day is said to be 9 to 9:30am PT), but anytime you could do it will make a difference : )

Major Love Prayer ~ www.majorloveprayer.org
Call for Love on FB ~ www.facebook.com/groups/callforlove/

P.S. Some thoughts about this trial and our love ... If you remember, we did this together with many others at the start of the CM trial in 2011. Although this isn't quite the same situation, we are in similar circumstances. Many of us are already hurting from the stress of all of this... as it brings grief and pain back to the surface, not to mention recent tabloid stories and the fear of Michael's name being dragged through the mud all over again. Opinions are strong about who should prevail in the trial, or if this case should have ever been brought up at all. As a community we all worried about the effect on Michael's legacy and we are concerned about his children. While we have no direct control over the outcome of the trial or what it said therein, there are some things we can do. We can be selective about our news sources and maintain awareness that the coverage is often slanted (and consider carefully what links we share online, knowing many WILL click on them). We can educate ourselves and others with FACTS whenever the opportunity arises. And we can stick TOGETHER for support and maintain our FOCUS ON LOVE and the POSITIVE THINGS we are doing in Michael's name, for his legacy and future generations. Everything in life is an opportunity to decide on HOW we will respond, so let's do it WITH L.O.V.E., even as we walk through the fire. United we are stronger than anything that could happen. And we are ? UNITED FOR MICHAEL! ?

~ Bless you and LOVE, BeGodsGlow and the MLP team

Thank you, this is exactly what I was referring to in the other thread. I Will be there!!!! Love and light
Pslam 62:12
Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy; for You render to each one according to his work.

Psalm 142:1
I cry out to the Lord with my voice; with my voice to the Lord I make my supplication.

Pslam 143:1
Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplication! In your faithfulness answer me, and in Your righteousness.

Father God, I give you Praise and Honor, as I humbly pray that You take the wheel. Your will be done on earth and in heaven. Amen and Amen!
Thank you. I myself started fasting on Sunday, so that during this time I could pray more intensely for Michael. I have said several short specific prays today and will continue for the duration of the trial, because there is a lot of evil around this trial, but then money is the root of all evil.
I pray for my mother who is ill, for myself and all of my problems and also for this situation with Michael. I pray for my mother's complete healing, for my problems solved and I pray that everyone who speaks against Michael in a hurtful way, pray that hidden agendas will be revealed and his name cleared and no longer sullied and that his enemies reap the evil seeds they have sown. I ask for forgiveness of any sins I have so my prayer will be heard. In Jesus name, amen.
Pslam 33:20-23
Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because WE HAVE TRUSTED IN HIS HOLY NAME. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.

Father God, there is so much comfort and peace in knowing that you are my refuge AND STRENGTH. A very present help to me in times of difficulty. Because I know these things are true, I will (try) not to fear. Thank you for being with me Dear Father. I lift my eyes to you with Grace and Honor. Amen and Amen!
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"We all must UNITE to turn darkness to light, and the LOVE in our hearts will shine ? ? ? Thank you for being there for Michael and for love, you guys! You're wonderful :) Let's keep that courthouse bathed in the light! See you again tomorrow, Army of Love! ? ? ? ~ majorloveprayer"
^^ Mjbunny this quote: We all must UNITE to turn darkness to light, and the LOVE in our hearts will shine is very appropriate for this time. Thank you very much.
More important now than ever to keep this up daily, I know I'll be sending Love and Light to the courthouse daily so the Truth can come out. It's so very much needed. Thank you MJbunny for making us more aware of this necessity!
More important now than ever to keep this up daily, I know I'll be sending Love and Light to the courthouse daily so the Truth can come out. It's so very much needed. Thank you MJbunny for making us more aware of this necessity!
Oh, you're welcome, dear. :angel: Yes, I agree, we really, really must keep this up, especially now... with the additional situation of Robson. These are from the majorloveprayer Facebook page recently:

...in light of what's going right now, WE'RE ASKING THAT YOU SPECIFICALLY HOLD MICHAEL and HIS CHILDREN in the beautiful, intense, healing WHITE LIGHT and surround them in so many protective feathers that it's like a thousand angels' wings! First, fill the courthouse with LOVE & LIGHT (see info at photo) and then bring MICHAEL into this light and know that as you do you are also bringing HIS WORLDLY LEGACY (his name, reputation, all he left here for future generations) into this powerfully protective shining LIGHT that cleanses, heals and works COMPLETELY for the HIGHEST GOOD.
We really must remember to do this every day, together, as ONE ~ the LOVE, the LIGHT of TRUTH, the angel feathers of protection... for the highest good, for all that's right ... Each time we do this it is stronger... the vision stays clearer... our oneness shines... the LIGHT stays in place... it is so! For Michael, his legacy, his children, the world. THANK YOU for joining us! Please do so again tomorrow and EVERY day, if possible together at 9am PT (noon ET / 5pm in the UK / 23:00 CET http://timeanddate.com/s/2cyg)

Daily Prayer Visualization: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...7948012741.146632.205187412741&type=1&theater

Lovely Ones! Exciting news! Major Love Prayer has JOINED FORCES with another prayer group for Michael on Twitter to do a combined #PowerPrayer4MJ! There will be a slight alteration of our schedule on 3 days per week, but it will be even bigger with our whole MJFam working together as ONE! :))) The daily prayers will now be as follows:

UPDATE: We've gone back to original 9amPT M-S
Monday thru Saturday
9am PT - noon ET - 5pm UK - 18:00 CET

Everything else is the same ... just keep on using our visualization and keep the LOVE and the LIGHT flowing, alive and transmuting negativity into TRUTH! Thank you so much!

Blessings & Major Love,
the MLP Team
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Commit to pray AND INTERCEED -

The battle's strong and great's the need;

And this ONE truth can't be ignored:

Our ONLY help comes from the Lord. - Sper

Amen and Amen!
We have continued these daily prayers (#PowerPrayer4MJ on Twitter) every Monday through Saturday since April. You can get updates via MLP on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MajorLovePrayer) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/MajorLovePrayer) ...

And today, since it's the 25th, it's time for the global Major Love Prayer! Please join us if you can! :D

✦ Attention: This THURSDAY is July 25th!!!✦
♥♥♥ We're sending out a MAJOR LOVE! ♥♥♥
2:00pm L.A.
• 5:00pm NYC
• 6:00pm Rio de Janeiro
• 21:00 Reykjavik
• 22:00 (10pm) London
• 23:00 CET
• 00:00 Bucharest
• 01:00 Moscow
• 02:30 Mumbai
• 04:00 Bangkok
• 05:00 Hong Kong
• 06:00 Seoul/Tokyo
• 07:00 Melbourne
• 09:00 Auckland
Time charts & instructions in 19 languages

All you need to do is focus on LOVE at prayer time ... and hold it in your heart with GRATITUDE... reach out with it and connect with all of us... imagine holding our hands ... then visualize the LOVE energy expanding, expanding, encompassing the WHOLE WORLD and all living things. Hold that vision of Earth glowing in LOVE... hold the feeling for several minutes, as long as you can! Imagine that EVERY HEART IS TOUCHED. See people with glowing hearts on every continent. This is how we begin to HEAL THE WORLD from the inside out, one heart at a time! This is our mission!

Every month since 2009 our global "MJfam" has come together at the same moment on every continent to focus on LOVE, connecting our hearts with it, and then sending it out across the planet in a huge wave of healing energy that envelopes the Earth and all living things in MAJOR LOVE. We've been doing the daily "PowerPrayers4MJ"... now THIS, the 25th, is our day to direct all our LOVE out to the WORLD and to the children... to everyone. So please join us THIS THURSDAY at exactly 2:00pm PT (22:00 London time) and let's help HEAL THE WORLD with LOVE in honor of Michael Jackson! ♥♥♥ Thank you, lovelies! ~ the MLP Team

MJJC Thread about monthly MajorLovePrayer:
Back to the old schedule! LOL ~ It was agreed upon that the split 9amPT/11amPT schedule was confusing, so #PowerPrayer4MJ has gone back to 9amPT only... Monday thru Saturday http://timeanddate.com/s/2ec9. :heart:


#PowerPrayer4MJ is back to 9amPT (no more split schedule)
Sunday, August 11, 2013
?SCHEDULE CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT! ? Lovelies~ ?#?PowerPrayer4MJ? is leaving behind the confusing split time schedule and will happen at the SAME TIME DAILY ~ 9:00am PT ~ Monday thru Saturday! To check the time in your location, see http://timeanddate.com/s/2ec9. This time was preferred by the majority of those who regularly join the daily prayer (we asked on FB & Twitter), and is the original time we began with back in April. We will continue filling the courthouse with LOVE and LIGHT every morning at 9amPT before testimony begins for the remainder of the trial, and calling the same divine healing energy for TRUTH in the media and for the protection of Michael's legacy, children and mother. We hope you can join us here and/or Twitter daily, whenever your schedule allows. Thank you SO much, much love, and have a good weekend! ? ~ the MLP & PP4MJ teams
