Michael Jackson EATING!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anyone have photos of this....

I know it is a strange request but i have never seen that man eat! I know its strange and well lol a tad funny but have you ever seen Michael eat?
Here you go Ginny
choosing from the menu

I'm sure he did eat some of that food


and it shows in these pics

who is the woman?

Thank you again for the photos...... But id like them the be of him eating.
he dated her!? well as long as he was happy good for him.

it is amazing that there are no photos hardly of Michael eating anything. It kind of amazes me! lol
once i saw a video of him eating Sushi in Japan....but i felt kinda sorry for him the camrea was all time in his mouth almost.lol
People are even facinated and curious with MJ eating just cause we are not used to him doing everday normal things, the world doesn't see it. Thats probably the only thing MJ can do that is normal eat, sleep lol everything else in life requires to be out there with the general public and poor MJ has never been able to due to his fame status i really feel for him...
People are even facinated and curious with MJ eating just cause we are not used to him doing everday normal things, the world doesn't see it. Thats probably the only thing MJ can do that is normal eat, sleep lol everything else in life requires to be out there with the general public and poor MJ has never been able to due to his fame status i really feel for him...

i was just curious...
:hysterical: at the last pic!!!

If Michael would see it - I´m sure he feels ashamed of that pic!!! :D
I think nobody would like to be photographed like that. (I mean - he looks like he is full with drugs!!! :doh:)
i wanna see him eat an ice cream cone......

Thanks for posting those pix. I didnt know there was another thread. I looked through all of them before i posted i must have missed yours.
pppppfts!!!!!ssoo sad!! ohh michael..poor you!! i meaan just look at him!! hes so thin and saiicklookin caude of a waaaaaaay to sweapedaway watrloss..! aaaand is it a H*****armband hes got on his one arm?? ,oh gash daat michael is STIL ALIVE aaaand as you know it i was the livelos close MORE then ONCE!so.. i knows the signs..aww por michaeel you should empy dat eviaan botlle all to yourselve aaand ask for one mer to!! aand maybe more!OHH HOW CAN they whos dealing whit him do souch a horrid thing!! how CAN they !!i meaaan CAN anyone sink dat low..then as we asy hewre in norwaay..theye not eeeven whorthy you shoes dirth..( hu! as if !! michael doesent even have A WHOLE PAIR MOF SHOES !!) ohh its so pityy to se him like dat..im soon gonna need abucket!!aaaaand you know..hes alreda getin moe ill of beein FORCED to dat dta nD*** wwoman..its so sad..love from anja a REAL friend in the needs..and ..MORE!!

what the hell are you on about?! I have no clue what you just said.
i wanna see him eat an ice cream cone......

Thanks for posting those pix. I didnt know there was another thread. I looked through all of them before i posted i must have missed yours.

aaaw you're welcome, i'll find some more for you......... i will still have them uploaded from when i did the thread:)
aaaw you're welcome, i'll find some more for you......... i will still have them uploaded from when i did the thread:)

Aw! Thanks so much!

Its just one of those things ya know. See all the other celebs out eating with family and friends but you see michael out but you never see him eat... Thanks for posting again :)
heeeeeeeh?? oh me?! glomms !! now what?! eh i was only menitoning dta michael ill in daat pic but i caant se dat as somethin to blowup over ehh!! gets all mosy in voice aand waants to lleave..anja......

Michaelsirena it isnt that im mad at you, its that half the time when you post we cant understand what you say. seems you are mixing netspeak with bad english... I understand your from another country but you could try a wee bit harder at posting understandable posts...
i did a thread on this before

here's some pictures for you


i remember reading in an article, that he found this pear in a lunch-bag that the hotel where he was staying packed for him when he went filming the History teaser in Budapest :)