David Nordahl Michael Jackson's Friend and Personal Artists Speaks Out


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Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson

An artist has described how he became friends with Michael Jackson after being commissioned to paint the singer in a variety of unusual poses.

Published: 9:10AM GMT 10 Dec 2009


David Nordahl Paintings Of Michael Jackson Photo: BARCROFT

David Nordahl created the works in his Santa Fe, New Mexico studio, depicting Jackson with half naked cherubs, reading stories to enthralled children and even as Michelangelo's David.
One oil painting entitled, "Field of Dreams," sees the 1980's mega-star leading a menagerie of children across a yellow brick road scene.

Refuting any suggestion that these portraits are sinister, Mr Nodahl, 68, insists that the paintings reflect the vivid imagination and sense of humour of Jackson, who died in June, aged 50.

"From 1988 to 2005, I completed thousands of drawings and roughly a dozen epic paintings for Michael," said Mr Nodahl.
"The most expensive commission that Michael offered me for a painting was around £90,000 and despite rumours to the contrary he always paid me on time.

"It is fair to say that over the last twenty years me and Michael became friends and it was a pleasure to portray him in such a manner."

Mr Nodahl said he first heard from the singer in a midnight phone call 22 years ago.
"The voice who I answered the phone to said 'This is Michael Jackson'," said Mr Nodahl.
"I thought, yeah, right, pull the other one, but I quickly realised that it was in fact Michael Jackson, the most famous man on Earth."
Jackoson told Mr Nodahl that he had noticed one of his paintings on the wall of director Steven Spielberg's office and wanted him to paint a series for him.

"He wanted firstly to know if I could teach him to draw and paint, but I told him that my schedule was too busy.
"However, his assistant arranged for me to travel to Denver when Michael was on his BAD world tour.
"I couldn't believe the world that Michael introduced me to when I travelled to meet him at the Denver Embassy Hotel.
"He booked me into a full suite for six days and we spent that time taking in the sights of the mountain city.
"We even went to the Tutankhamen exhibition when it was in the town."
Nordahl, who shared the bond of a difficult childhood with the pop-superstar, developed his friendship with Jackson over the next twenty years.
"I helped him with planning his Neverland Ranch and marvelled at his relatively Spartan lifestyle," said David.
"He would always wear cheap clothes that couldn't have come from anywhere but a second hand store.
"His shoes would be torn and frayed and his t-shirts always grubby.
"All he did was work."

Despite the subject matter of Jackson's portraits, Mr Nodahl feels that the commissions were almost a dig at his critics.
"Look, Michael loved children,"
said Mr Nodahl.
"He was innocent of all charges in 2005 and if you knew the man you would only have seen a shy, naive and kind soul.
"He was broken by the accusations and never recovered.
"These paintings are a way of seeing how Michael would like to have seen himself."
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Great article, very very nice. Good to finally hear some positivity on Michael paying for things he buys. And i thought the bit about cheap clothes was funny. He basically only wore very expensive suits to awards shows or anything like that. If you think about it, the man is right. On many occasions Michael would wear very normal shirts and pants and things like that. Exactly the reason why his children never walk around in insane pricey clothing, but just normal stuff. I dig that.

And really, this coming from a man about another man (MJ) ..the most normal outfits always suited him the best in my opinion, he always looked the coolest in that.
One of the smartest thing Michael Jackson ever did was to hire
David Nordahl and commission him to create art work that will serve as a true record of the beauty and enlightment
that Michael Jackson brought to the world. :wub:
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Thanks for posting. :flowers:

This painting has always been my fave. It was the ONE piece of art I kept hoping wasn't part of the auction which almost took place this year (Julien's). Everytime one of those catalogs was released I dreaded finding this painting in it. I think this captures Michael spirit and his innocent love for children/childhood the most.

The "Field of Dreams" one is in the same vein (think that one was set for auction...not sure now) but I always thought the nighttime scene was the sweeter/richer of the two.
oh my god, i love those paintings. they are so beautiful :wub:
and i saw the one of michael being knighted in real life. wow!!
Thanx for sharing. Those paintings are precious. Yes, that one was always one of my fav, would love to have it on my wall, when I look at it I sense escapism, serenity, magic... Ohh, I miss him so much... :-(
They have some of David Nordhal's works at the exhibition and they are simply stunning. It comforts me to know Michael had some wonderful friends in his life who weren't first in the queue to sell him out. Michael was a beautiful soul and David Nordhal knew that-you can simply tell that by looking at his art.
I want me Opus...

I love the one with Michael Jr. Too cute!

I cannot wait to get my hands on that book. I will go through it in an hour...and start over again.

I love this one, its so beautiful, the stars and the moon so pretty and now Michael's up there with them, the brightest star of them all.
:cry: I miss him
All the paintings are so beautiful, pure and innocent. I love all of them, the purity of art! I cannot believe the media and people called some of the paintings "weird" or "creepy". What's in their mind? In their eyes, all pure things are "dirts" and weird. Sometimes, I was so disgusted with the world I live.
David Nordahl seems a nice and dignified friend and employee of Michael. I am so happy that there are still many good people around Michael.
"However, his assistant arranged for me to travel to Denver when Michael was on his BAD world tour.
"I couldn't believe the world that Michael introduced me to when I travelled to meet him at the Denver Embassy Hotel.
"He booked me into a full suite for six days and we spent that time taking in the sights of the mountain city.
"We even went to the Tutankhamen exhibition when it was in the town."
Thanks for the article. It's ridiculous the weird stuff people try to make the paintings out to be. What-ever.

And, on a more personal note: :banghead: :bugeyed OMG. I lived about 70 miles from Denver in 1988 and was up there for ONE DAY when Michael was there, for the Bad concert on March 24th. ONE freakin' DAY. Granted, I did end up right next to his limo on the freeway for about 3 minutes, but still.... He was there for SIX DAYS??! :doh: :boohoo: I had just turned 16 and didn't yet have a driver's license. Or my own car. Or someone who'd have been willing to drive me around for days in Denver for MJ. Or the ability to skip school for a week. Or. Or. God! If only we'd had the internet back then or I'd known some other fans! Aghghgh. I wonder if MJ ever came down south an hour's drive to see Pikes Peak or something :( Then I'd at least know we were hella close and I just never knew about it. Sheesh. I know, I know... at least I saw him once. But still... SIX DAYS?! :banghead:

P.S. for nostalgic purposes ... MJ coming to Denver (when he met with David Nordahl), and my ticket stub is in these videos too, lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIcJCIvozeY
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B2sXgp27y4
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Incredible artwork...

Just a shame that these priceless pieces are already being twisted by the media into something "shocking"--Inside Edition, for instance, had a so-called PSYCHOlogist on their show insisting that these were clearly sexual in nature! Come on now...
I think David Nordahl's paintings for Michael are absolutely breathtaking. They are incredible and I hope to one day see the real paintings with my own eyes in a museum for Michael. I would gladly pay to see all of the artwork that was created for Michael during his lifetime.

I agree with mjbunny that it is absolutely disgusting how the media had once again twisted beautiful art into something ugly. It just makes me sad how people think so negatively instead of thinking objectively. People of today are so jaded and pessimistic. No wonder Michael is considered 'weird' to them because he tries to see the beauty and good in everything.
Incredible artwork...

Just a shame that these priceless pieces are already being twisted by the media into something "shocking"--Inside Edition, for instance, had a so-called PSYCHOlogist on their show insisting that these were clearly sexual in nature! Come on now...

That's the reason why I never take talking heads seriously. Half those people on there probably have fake degrees anyway.
Hi Wendy2004. I have to agree with your statement about this painting capturing Michael's spirit and his innocent love for children/childhood. In the event you are not aware (you may be) I wanted to let you know that the Media Advocacy team is going to attempt to address the negative stories that are coming out about these paintings.

As part of the MJJC Legacy Project for Michael, the scope of the Media Advocacy team is to address both negative and positive stories about Michael. We have established a mailing list which members can send their name and email address to legacymjjc@hotmail.com. Upon sending an email to this address, you will be added to the distribution list. When the Media Monitoring team finds stories (or the Email Alerting team, which is the team I'm on) sees a story that we can address, we'll send out an email alert to the people on the list along with the story information and a letter template (which can be tweaked if you wish) which can be used to send out to the media outlet that released the story.

If you have any questions, you can PM myself (windy09), MJJLaugh and Memefan.

Thank you all for this thread. I found this thread actually through my research about the artist who worked with Michael. I was pointed back here..:)

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart..." :angel:

Thanks for posting. :flowers:

This painting has always been my fave. It was the ONE piece of art I kept hoping wasn't part of the auction which almost took place this year (Julien's). Everytime one of those catalogs was released I dreaded finding this painting in it. I think this captures Michael spirit and his innocent love for children/childhood the most.

The "Field of Dreams" one is in the same vein (think that one was set for auction...not sure now) but I always thought the nighttime scene was the sweeter/richer of the two.