The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The hoax site...

i agree, Michael would never do that - for money. he says himself, 'if you want it, you earn it with dignity.' just like he's always been doing, from when he was a young child.

but what if his life was in danger? he has long believed his life was in danger. what if this O2 announcement brought the threats back? or what if going through the concerts could kill him? we've seen how thin he was. or what if there were intelligence reports of a possible O2 bombing during his concerts? exaggeration perhaps, but we don't really know.

but i am looking closely because whatever our opinion is, the fact is that there are weird things, quite a few already mentioned in this thread, which do not necessarily point to a death or a murder conspiracy. it's as if clues were deliberately left behind for us to follow, and then there are people making mistakes in the stories they tell.

"he wouldn't do this to the fans" - i agree. that would be despicable, especially if he's just been laughing his way to the bank after june 25. i don't know Michael except for his public image, but i think i've seen, heard and read enough to safely say he's a very decent and honorable man. i'm adding my woman's intuition here as my basic source for saying that. for him to hoax his death, if he did, had to be for far more serious reasons than we can imagine. and wouldn't having to do that be painful for him and his family as well? if he hoaxed his death, it had to be because he had no other choice. we don't really know his personal circumstances, after all. also, as someone above said, in matters like this, it can't be about the fans anymore.

i have opened up my heart to you all, i know it's a very unpopular opinion, and i may be wrong. if, in the end, incontestable proof comes along that convinces me he's truly passed away, what can i do but accept it? for now, though, i believe we're still sharing the same planet. i only want for him to be all right.

Exactly how I think, if he was for a great cause.
After being processed at hoem strangest on the planet. I mean the media, appear obvious (because of its strangeness was simply to be different to human malice and ignorance. Strange as it is the man most genial and humane that I saw in my life, while I see the evil and selfishness spread everywhere. ;) )
And did the image of a man who refused to own color and if there were little, the first accusation of pedophilia. Later boycott of your CD, when the catalog was seized beattles (correct me if wrong). Then with the salvage of 25% attached, then came a documentary able to distort the whole picture of your amazing man and father that he is. Culminating in a second charge of pedophilia. So this was victorious (the truth always prevails), the neverland ranch up for auction will have the loan and bought days earlier by someone who is connected to who will do negotiation auction. And that becomes his manager and is a negotiation of an absurd series of shows, with performances scheduled at intervals of one day.
In my thoughts, it seems very clear that from the beginning (when he became a legend) was intended to weaken him morally. And then when they realized that he is stronger than that set out for complaints. And he, not showing weakness and overcoming each. Let the 50 shows, just finished with him.

Sorry for the long post and maybe not the subject of the topic. Are some of my thoughts that I really do believe that there is reason enough for him to forge his death. And this does not mean we do not love the fans. On the contrary, to preserve itself is the greatest proof of love that Michael could give us.

There is a little story that says that if you really want to save someone, first take your lifejacket. If you are dead, will not save anyone ...

Sorry for my English also. It´s not my first language.
Re: The hoax site...

Haven't we all wondered why it's always TMZ that breaks any MJ related news? Is it possible that MJ made a deal with them ? Well, MJ does own half of Sony music Publishing. Sony is partnered with Time Warner, who owns AOL AND TMZ.
Just my thoughts...
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Just to let you guys know incase you struggle to find it, I've changed the thread title to keep it on topic as it's not the actual site being discuss anymore. ;)
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I agree that there are some very odd discrepencies and things that do not add up, but I still cannot imagine that his death was faked- apart from anything else the logistics of it and the number of people that would have to be involved is just impossible

If it was a hoax, then either an actual body would have to be supplied in order to convince paramedics, the hospital staff, the coroner, the police, the Forest Lawn undertakers etc or there was never any body at all- in which case ALL of the people that were dealing with the body would have to be paid off??! This just seems very far fetched IMO
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I agree that there are some very odd discrepencies and things that do not add up, but I still cannot imagine that his death was faked- apart from anything else the logistics of it and the number of people that would have to be involved is just impossible

If it was a hoax, then either an actual body would have to be supplied in order to convince paramedics, the hospital staff, the coroner, the police, the Forest Lawn undertakers etc or there was never any body at all- in which case ALL of the people that were dealing with the body would have to be paid off??! This just seems very far fetched IMO

Yeah I too doubt it sometimes but I also believe that nothing's impossible here.

I also agree that alot of people would have been involved and paid hush money...but here are the discrepencies involved with all of the possible people involved,that leads many to question.

Paramedics- It has been proven by many experts that the procedure carried out by the paramedic who responded to MJ's 911 call was completely against protocol (i.e., Hanging up before ambulance arrived)
-Also audio of the 911 call where you can hear another person in the background actually telling the paramedic operator what questions to ask.
Link containing audio at 2:16-17

-Didn't the paramedics actually spend something like 30-45 minutes inside of the house trying to resuscitate Michael, who suffered from cardiac arrest? To the contrary, When Brittany Murphy died of cardiac arrest, 911 was called immidiately and not only that , the paramedics took her body and left immediately w/o wasting as much time as they did with Michael (30-45 mins before heading to hospital with MJ).

Why was there a difference in procedure for Michael, who was presumably dead or gone (reports indicated signs of lividity on his body) much longer than Brittany Murphy was???

Hospital Staff- To this day, there has been NO official statements made by any hospital staff in relation to Michael's death. Jermaine came out and announced the death.

When Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole, and Brittany Murphy died it wasn't their family members who announced the death, it was either a Doctor or a hospital official. Michael's case was the first celebrity case I have seen, where a Doctor or an official didn't announce the death to the public.

The only statement that came out of UCLA concerning Michael's death was made available on their website and it reads:
Statement on the death of Michael Jackson at UCLA Medical Center

By UCLA Newsroom June 25, 2009 Category: Campus News, Health Sciences
The family of Michael Jackson made this brief statement available on June 25 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center:

The legendary King of Pop, Michael Jackson, passed away on Thursday, June 25, 2009, at 2:26 p.m. It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home. However, the cause of his death is unknown until results of the autopsy are known.

His personal physician, who was with him at the time, attempted to resuscitate Jackson, as did paramedics who transported him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Upon arriving at the hospital at approximately 1:14 p.m., a team of doctors, including emergency physicians and cardiologists, attempted to resuscitate him for a period of more than one hour but were unsuccessful.

Jackson’s family requests that the media respect their privacy during this tragic period of time.

Video: Jermaine Jackson reading statement and Michael Jackson's personal physician.

For more news, visit the UCLA Newsroom.

-This statement isn't even from UCLA, before the statement begins, it says that the statement is from the Jackson family (Bolded portion of statement), not UCLA. Why? Why can't UCLA just have made a seperate official statement themselves, then or at least later on???

-As if matters couldn't get any worse...A Fire Alarm went off in the moment that Michael arrives at UCLA, conveniently prompting many to evacuate that very building.

When Michael Jackson is involved in something we can be sure that anyone is ready to sell their story...and you mean to tell me that out of everyone that was in that Hospital that day (staff, patients, patients' relatives, whoever would be in a hospital, etc.,), NO ONE came out and sold a single story as to what they saw at the Hospital when MICHAEL JACKSON was there, dead or dying???

-Coroners- The head Coroner decides to resign during the time of Michael's death.
Something that stuck out to me just recently. When Brittany Murphy LA coroner was on Nancy Grace doing a normal phone interview answering all kinds of question w/o hesitance.
With Michael however...DOES anyone remember that press conference the LA Coroner's kept on delaying and pushing back for like 3-4 was delayed so much that news media outlets started pondering as to wether we'd get to see a press conference at all that day?
When they finally decided to show up, you'd think they have anything special to say but No, they delayed all this time just to make a simple statement and dodge important questions.

And this is just like .01% of the inconsistencies/discrepencies found in this "Death" investigation.

My gut feelings are based on facts and right now the facts are pointing to what may seem "far-fetched"...its not pointing to the stories that we have been fed by the media and others since June 25.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Is it possible mike was seeing dr Klein to change his appearance after faking his death? So he walk around without being noticed???? I'm clutcthing at straws I know.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

But if you look at TII film these are materials mostly from the last two days before Michael's death. And Michael looking Michael (apart from the horrible thinness and supression). So I am really not sure whether that is the case with Klein.
Re: The hoax site...

ur right. They are hiding the truth. We all know MJ was KILLED but his fans don’t give damn about it and yet those fans are always busy bashing mj's family and i hate that.

To be honest with you some fans are even calling katherine jackson a gold digger. It upsets me a lot. After all she gave birth to him. How dare they?!

I just think it's wrong that you say his fans.. u could probably say some fans, i agree there, but don't say his fans.. Cause we do give a damn, I do..
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

These are some questions to anyone that believes MJ to still be alive-

* Where do you think he is now?
* Whos with him?
* How is he seeing any of his family- either now or ever?
* How many people know that hes alive?
* When exactly do you believe that he disappeared- after his last rehearsal? Or when?
* Do you think there was a body of an imposter in the ambulance & hospital & examined by coroner & prepared by undertakers OR do you believe there was never a body at all?
* What is he going to do in the future? Regards when he has family events- kids graduating, getting married, grandchildren, family funerals etc etc- is he either going to keep away from all these major events or turn up in various disguises?
* If this fake death is just about escaping the pressure etc -instead of announcing the 02 shows & increasing his profile & then 'dying' why didnt he just go & live somewhere remote with his kids and have the peace & quiet he wanted?
* Where does Dr. Murray figure in all this?
* Do the LAPD know? If so how feasible is it that they would just be paid off and go along with it?

I just think its logistically impossible when you really think about it.
The sheer number of people knowing & the risk they wouldnt sell their story- can you imagine how much $$$$$ the story of MJ being alive would sell for?!!
But I am open minded enough & also curious as to what the people that think hes still alive think & if they have thought of answers to the above questions
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

I am going to say this...eventhough I don"t know wheather I belive it myself....
This is a unique case in history...again.
When I remember 2005 trial and those conspiracys against that time BIG, BIG money was involved just to put MJ in prison.Deals were ready to be signed.....books about MJ in jail...actually a whole reality show about MJ in prison. I read that in Aphrodite"s book. Can you imagine how big that would be ??? It could have been a constant river of money...untill this day.
If Michael decided to do something like his own favour, of finally clear his name, to show them all that he truly is a master of show....knowing that his fans would cry but eventually will see the truth.
It"s a long-shot but maybe. He suffered from the media and the tabloids all of his life. They tried to make this wonderfull, caring and loving person a monster and they allmost sucseeded. Only true fans belived in him.
Maybe that is the case today. I wish it is.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

These are some questions to anyone that believes MJ to still be alive-

I'll preface this by saying that I don't actually think he's still alive. But, I'll "answer" the questions as just fantasy, ok?

* Where do you think he is now?

I'd say (and just fantasy. . .really) that he "is" in a remote village in Ireland. Staying in a heavily walled and guarded private estate, as a recluse. He liked Ireland?

* Whos with him?

Just a small staff, hired locally. Including body-guards.

* How is he seeing any of his family- either now or ever?

He'd communicate with his children by phone, or SKYPE. If he felt his life was in danger and that's why he "faked" his death, he would have hired private investigators to uncover any sort of plot against him. . . .so that he could emerge again, in safety.

* How many people know that hes alive?

His mother and children. Those investigating threats against him. Murray would have to know, too. Paid off? Hospital personnel? I guess Karen Faye would have to know? That is a LOT of people, I guess?

* When exactly do you believe that he disappeared- after his last rehearsal? Or when?

In the early hours of June 25. From his house. Wearing a disguise, in an SUV with tinted windows. Then, to a private jet. Still wearing the disguise.

* Do you think there was a body of an imposter in the ambulance & hospital & examined by coroner & prepared by undertakers OR do you believe there was never a body at all?

If there was no body, were the paramedics paid-off? Were they actors? I doubt that anyone could find a dead body that looked amazingly like Michael. I do find it odd that the hospital never issued a formal statement. No medical personnel have ever said a word about it. There has been no autopsy report ever issued. There was no open casket.

* What is he going to do in the future? Regards when he has family events- kids graduating, getting married, grandchildren, family funerals etc etc- is he either going to keep away from all these major events or turn up in various disguises?

He would be trying to resolve the threats against him, so he could return in safety.

* If this fake death is just about escaping the pressure etc -instead of announcing the 02 shows & increasing his profile & then 'dying' why didnt he just go & live somewhere remote with his kids and have the peace & quiet he wanted?

Because he discovered the murder plot after he'd already signed on for the concerts?

* Where does Dr. Murray figure in all this?

Murray was in financial trouble. Paid off?

* Do the LAPD know? If so how feasible is it that they would just be paid off and go along with it?

They'd kinda have to be? Would be investigating a murder plot against Michael?

I just think its logistically impossible when you really think about it. The sheer number of people knowing & the risk they wouldnt sell their story- can you imagine how much $$$$$ the story of MJ being alive would sell for?!! But I am open minded enough & also curious as to what the people that think hes still alive think & if they have thought of answers to the above questions

It does seem logistically impossible. But on the other hand, so FEW people are revealing anything about his death. Murray gave brief statements, but also said, "I was at the wrong place at the wrong time." What the feck does THAT mean?

As I said, I don't think Michael is still alive. This is just fantasy, and trying to think through your questions.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

^ thanks for humouring me lol :)

I dont buy it AT ALL that the only way to escape a murder plot is to fake his own death though

For the time, the cost, the overall massive effort including staging a huge memorial, cancelling 50 shows and a potential world tour & risking people selling their story etc etc the list of huge potential issues is never ending it would have been a hell of a lot easier to hire security personell to guard him 24/7- no?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

^ thanks for humouring me lol :)

I dont buy it AT ALL that the only way to escape a murder plot is to fake his own death though

For the time, the cost, the overall massive effort including staging a huge memorial, cancelling 50 shows and a potential world tour & risking people selling their story etc etc the list of huge potential issues is never ending it would have been a hell of a lot easier to hire security personell to guard him 24/7- no?

No problem (humouring you).

I think as the questions (and answers) reveal, the sheer numbers of people who would have to be involved would make this scenario very unlikely. Sure, he could slip out of the country, but the ambulance took him (or someone? Some deceased person who looked exactly like Michael?) to the hospital. From there, there would be doctors, nurses, the family, various, "duplicate" managers (DiLeo and Tohme). And wasn't Randy Phillips there? Then, the death announcement on CNN and all major news channels? Wouldn't that be fraud? Yeah, it was Jermaine who announced the death, and not the hospital. But the medical personnel ALL paid off? Unlikely. And then the coroner's office paid-off, with that brief tox report they issued? And Karen Faye, who said she did his makeup for the funeral? (She seems to have a little trouble keeping her mouth shut, and I doubt she'd be able to sit on a hoax like that.)

Don't know that he could have hired Security to keep him safe, though. Some theories state that Security WAS the problem, and were keeping him in, rather than primarily keeping others out. How would he possibly have known who to trust?
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

For the exact same reasons Victoria gives,I never believed the hoax theories.The more people share a secret, the less safe it is.

The impact on Michael's profile would be enormous if this was ever revealed.
I do feel sorry for hoax believers,though. Some of them still believe in a huge comeback or something and I wonder how hard it will be for them to accept the truth at some point.
It's a very sad state of denial.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

^ thanks for humouring me lol :)

I dont buy it AT ALL that the only way to escape a murder plot is to fake his own death though

For the time, the cost, the overall massive effort including staging a huge memorial, cancelling 50 shows and a potential world tour & risking people selling their story etc etc the list of huge potential issues is never ending it would have been a hell of a lot easier to hire security personell to guard him 24/7- no?
Everyone who's known Michael knows that Michael's been able to keep a substantial part of his life PRIVATE.
As much as people come out and sell him out on certain things (that happen to be false anyway)...the important stuff you'd like to know is never revealed. I've been a Michael Jackson fan for a majority of my life. I've also researched Michael alot. Many people have and to this day...Many things in Michael's life has remained a BIG MYSTERY. All we know about certain things are pure speculation.

Sure we have a bit of information that gets leaked from time to time but they are usually a relatively small piece of the Jigsaw puzzle.

Look, I have long ago accepted that Michael's gone. Before I just thought he was gone in death but the possibility that he may be alive somewhere in this world never to be seen again is something I haven't closed the door on entirely, just yet.

If you study Michael's life, you know you should be ready for the most UNEXPECTED occurence at anytime.

And look if you're not comfy with the existence of the Hoax theory then thats fine...just stop discouraging people from investigating.
The only speculation is that all of these inconsistencies come together and equal a hoax...but the inconsistencies remain factual. What's your problem with that?

This is a theory based forum section and for some people to come in this thread and say " Oh Michael would never do this, he'd hurt the fans, family, the whole world" "you're crazy" "you're in denial" like sooo irritating. No One's forcing anything down your throat! And I'm sorry if I'm beginning to sound like an old record but yeah I hate having to come in here and see the saaaaaaame comments telling me I'm crazy because I'm pointing out inconsistencies.

We can have a discussion and dispute what's true and what's that ambulance video...someone actually came in here and took their time to point out "see the way you see it is because of such and such but it isn't truly that way because of this and that."
I reaally appreciated that because just as "Dangerous Incorporated" stated "Another Mystery is History". This person actually contributed to the investigation and discussion
but otherwise seriously coming in here and saying things that I've heard a thousand times doesn't change anything for me until you are ready to debunk an inconsistency that points to the Hoax.

If this thread was inappropriate and pointless I'm pretty sure Mods and Admin would have closed it down already.
But I just might not come into this thread and share what I find anymore because of this balogney I have to deal with in this thread.

Sorry for the rant, I'm out for a while.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Everyone who's known Michael knows that Michael's been able to keep a substantial part of his life PRIVATE.
As much as people come out and sell him out on certain things (that happen to be false anyway)...the important stuff you'd like to know is never revealed. I've been a Michael Jackson fan for a majority of my life. I've also researched Michael alot. Many people have and to this day...Many things in Michael's life has remained a BIG MYSTERY. All we know about certain things are pure speculation.

Sure we have a bit of information that gets leaked from time to time but they are usually a relatively small piece of the Jigsaw puzzle.

Look, I have long ago accepted that Michael's gone. Before I just thought he was gone in death but the possibility that he may be alive somewhere in this world never to be seen again is something I haven't closed the door on entirely, just yet.

If you study Michael's life, you know you should be ready for the most UNEXPECTED occurence at anytime.

And look if you're not comfy with the existence of the Hoax theory then thats fine...just stop discouraging people from investigating.
The only speculation is that all of these inconsistencies come together and equal a hoax...but the inconsistencies remain factual. What's your problem with that?

This is a theory based forum section and for some people to come in this thread and say " Oh Michael would never do this, he'd hurt the fans, family, the whole world" "you're crazy" "you're in denial" like sooo irritating. No One's forcing anything down your throat! And I'm sorry if I'm beginning to sound like an old record but yeah I hate having to come in here and see the saaaaaaame comments telling me I'm crazy because I'm pointing out inconsistencies.

We can have a discussion and dispute what's true and what's that ambulance video...someone actually came in here and took their time to point out "see the way you see it is because of such and such but it isn't truly that way because of this and that."
I reaally appreciated that because just as "Dangerous Incorporated" stated "Another Mystery is History". This person actually contributed to the investigation and discussion
but otherwise seriously coming in here and saying things that I've heard a thousand times doesn't change anything for me until you are ready to debunk an inconsistency that points to the Hoax.

If this thread was inappropriate and pointless I'm pretty sure Mods and Admin would have closed it down already.
But I just might not come into this thread and share what I find anymore because of this balogney I have to deal with in this thread.

Sorry for the rant, I'm out for a while.

Thanks for your honest opinion. I think when you come here and see people saying the same thing and you feel a bit uncomfortable with their opinions, just try to ignore them.

I do not believe in hoax, but I am interested very much in these inconsistencies, I knew the thing with the photo, tho videos of the ambulance, etc. though not in detail.

i will always come her to this thread to check whether something new is on.
And i respect those fans, who believe - they also do some good work in investigating.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Im not saying I do or dont believe in the hoax theory. I believe there is interesting information on both sides of the fence.

With that said I present this:

A member by the name of Helen posted this link on the LarryKing Blog:

A photo of the crypt was distributed by the park to the press back in the 1950's, when the Holly Terrace first opened

So the photo below was taken in the 1950's.

Now let's look at the photo Karen Faye supposedly took of Michaels tomb

Now I present to you the question,Real or Photoshopped?

Next we have

Alive or Dead?

The Chicago Tribune posted this poll on their website

Check out the current results!

Now I ask you, Alive or Dead?

I bring you a Tweet made by our very own Kenny Ortega!

Michael's memorial nominated for an award?
Isn't a memorial time to pay respects?

Isn't it supposed to be a sad reflective time, not a production nominated for an award?

Look at what's listed on his IMDB page under his Filmography section:

Creative Director?

Real or Production?

Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Also if you look at performers for the Memorial...Michael was listed as a performer for "Will you be there"...controversial because the lyrics in the ending part of "Will you be there" changed and was different from the original recording (In my anguish and my pain (Original recording's verse); In my anguish and my pains (The MJ Memorial's verse)

Alot of Michael's songs were played at the Memorial yet it only lists that he performed "Will you be there".

Michael Jackson Memorial (2009) (TV) (performer: "Will You Be There")
... aka Michael Jackson Memorial Service (USA: alternative title)

IMBD link:
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Everyone who's known Michael knows that Michael's been able to keep a substantial part of his life PRIVATE.
As much as people come out and sell him out on certain things (that happen to be false anyway)...the important stuff you'd like to know is never revealed. I've been a Michael Jackson fan for a majority of my life. I've also researched Michael alot. Many people have and to this day...Many things in Michael's life has remained a BIG MYSTERY. All we know about certain things are pure speculation.

Sure we have a bit of information that gets leaked from time to time but they are usually a relatively small piece of the Jigsaw puzzle.

Look, I have long ago accepted that Michael's gone. Before I just thought he was gone in death but the possibility that he may be alive somewhere in this world never to be seen again is something I haven't closed the door on entirely, just yet.

If you study Michael's life, you know you should be ready for the most UNEXPECTED occurence at anytime.

And look if you're not comfy with the existence of the Hoax theory then thats fine...just stop discouraging people from investigating.
The only speculation is that all of these inconsistencies come together and equal a hoax...but the inconsistencies remain factual. What's your problem with that?

This is a theory based forum section and for some people to come in this thread and say " Oh Michael would never do this, he'd hurt the fans, family, the whole world" "you're crazy" "you're in denial" like sooo irritating. No One's forcing anything down your throat! And I'm sorry if I'm beginning to sound like an old record but yeah I hate having to come in here and see the saaaaaaame comments telling me I'm crazy because I'm pointing out inconsistencies.

We can have a discussion and dispute what's true and what's that ambulance video...someone actually came in here and took their time to point out "see the way you see it is because of such and such but it isn't truly that way because of this and that."
I reaally appreciated that because just as "Dangerous Incorporated" stated "Another Mystery is History". This person actually contributed to the investigation and discussion
but otherwise seriously coming in here and saying things that I've heard a thousand times doesn't change anything for me until you are ready to debunk an inconsistency that points to the Hoax.

If this thread was inappropriate and pointless I'm pretty sure Mods and Admin would have closed it down already.
But I just might not come into this thread and share what I find anymore because of this balogney I have to deal with in this thread.

Sorry for the rant, I'm out for a while.

all I can say to the folks who believe in the hoax theory are entitled to your I am mine....I know it is NOT easy to admit that Michael is is VERY painful to have to except it.....I WISH I could believe in the hoax theory...but.for me my mind HAS to except the reality of the situation. I mean no disrespect to anyone in this thread....So if the hoax theory is what helps you sleep at night...then so be it.
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

all I can say to the folks who believe in the hoax theory are entitled to your I am mine....I know it is NOT easy to admit that Michael is is VERY painful to have to except it.....I WISH I could believe in the hoax theory...but.for me my mind HAS to except the reality of the situation. I mean no disrespect to anyone in this thread....So if the hoax theory is what helps you sleep at night...then so be it.
Yessssss say it..... I'm crazyyy for the 1000th time lol...this is why I wasn't going to come back into this thread.:smilerolleyes:

Obviously you missed the point of my post you quoted-_-
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Yessssss say it..... I'm crazyyy for the 1000th time lol...this is why I wasn't going to come back into this thread.:smilerolleyes:

Obviously you missed the point of my post you quoted-_- are not just believe what you believe...and like I said if that is what helps you then that is are entitled to that..:)
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Helps me?! Help me with what?! I've already accepted that Michael's gone. And there's nothing that can help that.

and NO, my heart isn't set on the hoax theory, believe it or not I'm more set on believing that Michael's death was a conspired murder.

But Go on laugh as much as you want, we're all in the same boat at the end of the day...its not like the LAPD is answering any questions regarding the death investigation for the time being.

but yeah, this is a pathetic washed out discussion, moving on. am not laughing at you I think like you do that Michael's death was a murder also....I would never laugh at you..:)
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

2 things in this video I found out was interesting.

The Memorial Book has an image changed in it to another new picture of MJ behind a camera (with Frank in the background!)

And the other is if you play the song THIS IS IT backwards, the last words MJ says is THIS IS IT. Funny being the first words and last yet the song originally was called 'I Never Heard':
Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Look, I have long ago accepted that Michael's gone. Before I just thought he was gone in death but the possibility that he may be alive somewhere in this world never to be seen again is something I haven't closed the door on entirely, just yet.

If you study Michael's life, you know you should be ready for the most UNEXPECTED occurence at anytime.

And look if you're not comfy with the existence of the Hoax theory then thats fine...just stop discouraging people from investigating.
The only speculation is that all of these inconsistencies come together and equal a hoax...but the inconsistencies remain factual. What's your problem with that?

This is a theory based forum section and for some people to come in this thread and say " Oh Michael would never do this, he'd hurt the fans, family, the whole world" "you're crazy" "you're in denial" like sooo irritating. No One's forcing anything down your throat! And I'm sorry if I'm beginning to sound like an old record but yeah I hate having to come in here and see the saaaaaaame comments telling me I'm crazy because I'm pointing out inconsistencies.

We can have a discussion and dispute what's true and what's that ambulance video...someone actually came in here and took their time to point out "see the way you see it is because of such and such but it isn't truly that way because of this and that."
I reaally appreciated that because just as "Dangerous Incorporated" stated "Another Mystery is History". This person actually contributed to the investigation and discussion
but otherwise seriously coming in here and saying things that I've heard a thousand times doesn't change anything for me until you are ready to debunk an inconsistency that points to the Hoax.

If this thread was inappropriate and pointless I'm pretty sure Mods and Admin would have closed it down already.
But I just might not come into this thread and share what I find anymore because of this balogney I have to deal with in this thread.

Sorry for the rant, I'm out for a while.

:clapping: I agree.

I can't believe people are ignoring the obvious inconsistances and suspicious things, maybe they should go back and read this thread, because there is some good info here.

The part in bold, that is why at the end of my long post a week or so ago I said I always try to find rational explanations and invited people to give me rational explanations for what I'd posted.

Also if you look at performers for the Memorial...Michael was listed as a performer for "Will you be there"...controversial because the lyrics in the ending part of "Will you be there" changed and was different from the original recording (In my anguish and my pain (Original recording's verse); In my anguish and my pains (The MJ Memorial's verse)

Alot of Michael's songs were played at the Memorial yet it only lists that he performed "Will you be there".

Michael Jackson Memorial (2009) (TV) (performer: "Will You Be There")
... aka Michael Jackson Memorial Service (USA: alternative title)

IMBD link:

I knew about the mistake.. but now with that listing, it is even weirder.

For the record Karen's pic is not photoshopped, she visited there with other people there are pics of them outside. Why would it be 'shopped anyway, that doesn't 'help' the hoax theory?

Right, just so people know, I for one, and I know most others here are NOT saying that we think 100% that Michael is alive. There is no need to 'feel sorry' for us because we have accepted Michael is gone. We are just pointing out inconsistances and strange suspicious things. I was against even entertaining the idea of a hoax at first, but recently I began actually looking at the information, some I don't agree with, but some I can see is factual.

Michael was either murdered, or he knew and escaped it. There are things which are suspicious and point directly to a hoax, and yes it is quite crazy, but those things are their and are factual, we aren't making them up.

There is stuff happening with the Will though.. so there we go, but whats this about the Will being revoked though??

Anyway, we don't go into other threads and say people are crazy for thinking Michael was murdered by the government etc.

Well, like MJJ7777 I may not share anymore because I don't want to be made fun of.
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Re: The Hoax 'Theory'

Well, like MJJ7777 I may not share anymore because I don't want to be made fun of.

Please, try not to feel offended and if people are rude, just try to ignore them.
But if you observe or learb about some new inconcisienceies, please keep posting here, ok?

From my side, I can only tell, I will never ridicule these observations.