Why wasn't Leave Me Alone on the original Bad album

No one has ever come up with a good reason explaining why Just Good Friends is such a "bad song".
It was on the Bad album. It was to entice people to buy the CD.
Great strategy because it meant a) people who could bought the CD or a CD player increasing the sale of both and b) people who couldn't then went out and bought Leave me alone as a single when they saw the music video in Moonwalker.
No one has ever come up with a good reason explaining why Just Good Friends is such a "bad song".
Maybe they're Mike only fans and do not want him to do duets. Some here say The Girl Is Mine is the worst song on Thriller. Same with Mick Jagger on State Of Shock, Patti Austin on It's The Falling In Love or the songs with rappers on them like She Drives Me Wild. Others have said they wish Jermaine was not on Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin' & Torture or they wish Mike did the lead on Wondering Who instead of Jackie. I've also seen comments here saying that they're glad that Mike did not collaborate with Madonna, Prince, & will.i.am.
It should have been on all versions of the album

If they wanted a bonus track then it should have just been another part of me, make that CD exclusive kek
We need to make a thread on why Spaceship has the music taste of a picky 5 year old whose father won't make him eat vegetables