Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

maximum 5 people care about anthony king in this world. look at the view numbers of all his videos since he backstabbed michael LOL LOL LOL

Please lets not give him any more attention

IF (for whatever reason) you want to visit his youtube channel, PLEASE use an adblocker so he doesnt get a penny!

It's a Channel 4 production. Dan Reed is a tabloid journalist now. This will have barely a fraction of the reach LN did. Or interest, for that matter, considering he's calling it a day before anyone reaches a court room.
The CEO of channel 4 does not like michael, Alex Mahon they are in cahoots with reed
well soneone wrote it on twitter
Yes, I know.

I just posted this on the WR/JS trial thread. It is good news but it's not settled yet. All it means is that 2026 has not been rejected by WR/JS. The decision lies with the judge and that can't happen until the pre-trial meeting on June 5th.


"Breaking: According to the joint report filed by both sides, it looks like they have agreed to a 2026 trial date. This is great news."

from Twitter:
"so is this confirmed yet cause it says „plaintiffs did not object” but I suppose they still could / does the judge have to approve this?"

"Yes a judge does have to approve. That court date is June 5."
from Twitter:
"so is this confirmed yet cause it says „plaintiffs did not object” but I suppose they still could / does the judge have to approve this?"

"Yes a judge does have to approve. That court date is June 5."
ahh ok